Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Soap Fans Rally in NYC To Celebrate OLTL's Anniversary!!

Soap Fans United have planned at Celebration Rally for One Life To Live this Friday outside of the ABC Studios in NYC!!

Hit that link for all the info or:

Soap Fans United OLTL Celebratory Rally                                           
Friday, July 15, 2011                                                                            
10:00am – 4:00pm                                                                              
ABC The View/One Life to Live Studios                                              

320 W 66th Street                                                                              
New York, NY 10023                                                                           

IF any WUBBERS are going, let me know!! We could have a WUBS sign there!!! 


  1. Goodness, there is really much worthwhile information above!

  2. please don't cancel the show it means the world to me . I'm so disappointed I haven't been this bad since my dad passed away . I absolutely refuse to watch the view . give it a fighting chance let people vote . I've grown to love the characters I've never cared for a soap before . If there is any way of saving the show please let me know . this is the biggest mistake ever . the only reason why I'm happy for monday because I know the soap is on and now monday goes back to being s***** monday no more looking forward to the week . this is no bueno sad day I can't stop crying for the soap I keep praying there is a way to save the show . I love you one life to live



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