Friday, July 22, 2011

New Scoops Up and FCW Stuff

That's right..Alberta met BABY JOSSLYN!! 
Follow all of Alberta's Fan Club weekend encounters on her FACEBOOK Fan Page! 

MANY new SCOOPS are up on the WUBS NET!!  Helena/Lulu--Nikolas and Feta! LOL. Lucky's going druggie and Jax comes back to Port Charles for 'closure'. MANY newbies coming. Sunday Surgery Blog will have a round up of all the goodies for you. 

Photo from LexiAinsworth Online hit link to see more!

Some tidbits from the FCW: NLG says that Alexis and Diane will go on an Adventure together. It involves a bar, a fender-bender and hijinks. Also the news came out that Sam's daddy may be found after all! Imagine that. Vanessa Marcil showed up as a surprise guest at Nancy's event last night. How fun is that? 

Many more fan club events to come!! I hope anyone who is there will let us know and maybe give some scoop/photos. We are all baking out here and are a tad jealous. 

INTERESTING: When I posted the JaSam "save the date" yesterday, it was Sept. 26th. Well, The GH page on Facebook changed it to the 23rd!! (that's the last day AMC airs, ensuring a bigger pull). So mark that on your calendars instead. Of course, you know it will run into the next week as well. 

INCOMING: This is from the IL so take it with a shot of tequila, but it was so interesting, I had to pass it along!!!: Rumor has it Frons wants Alicia Minshew as the Woman in White. (Kendyl on AMC)


  1. Does anyone remember the other Lady in white I think Her name was Angel that lived in the house that Alexis lives in now she didn't last long but interacted alot with Jax in the mid 2000's not sure exactly what year she was hope this isn't another redo. AB

  2. YES, Angel Sorel and I'm going to write about her in the Sunday BLOG!!

  3. I think minshew is very attractive and talented but I always get a bad feeling when I here that Frons has someone in mind. Anyone he choses always ends up taking over the show regardless of history, plot point etc. His involvement always leads to imbalance. How I wish that for this last year of GH, they could honor it by having balanced interesting storylines.

  4. dear Lord. Please just have Liz meet someone new! Pretty please! Her interaction with Jason and Lucky anymore is just too much. Why shouldn't she just get to start over and get her own happy ending?!

  5. In my opinion one and all should browse on this.



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...