Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Greg Vaughn Gets New Gig on "Good Christian Belles"!

Greg Vaughn (ex-Lucky #3) just tweeted that he has a regular gig on the new show "Good Christian Belles" that will air this 2011/2012 on ABC. He will play Bill Vaughn, ex-hubby of  Leslie Bibbs!! How's that for synergy??

 Follow Greg on Twitter @gregvaughn.


  1. Good for him. I always thought that he was mis-cast as Lucky, but it wasn't the actor's fault. He would have been great in another role. I loved his chemistry with KeMo.

  2. I see they changed the name to Belles and not Bitches
    happy for GV I thought he played what he was given as LS very well --he did the drug addict scenes very well. I agree he had way more chemistry with Kemo than SBu ever will.

  3. He has been absent from my screen for too long. He had one of the best bods on daytime.

  4. Sweet! I hate the old/new Lucky and really miss GV. Plus I feel so bad when I see him in the credit score commercial.

  5. Great...I bet he will be getting paid a lot more than he did on GH

  6. great for greg he deserves it after what gh did to him.

  7. GV was great as a druggie. and had great chemistry with maxie,liz and sam. now we get cry baby jj.

  8. To my mind everybody have to browse on it.



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