Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ingo Rademacher Has Something to Say about Today..

This was on Twitter:

That was the worst editing ever in that last scene today. I give the emotional performance of my life and it gets destroyed in the edit

Now, we fans know that the editing room BUTCHERS everything !!


  1. Really Ingo? That sucks! :( Why did the editing people do that?!!?!

  2. I'm shocked no other actor has spoken up.
    Oh, he's leaving. That's right!

  3. God this makes me feel so bad for him and I haven't even seen the show yet. He worked so hard for them, it's disgusting that his final episodes (most of which just make his character look like a monster) can't even be edited in a way to let us remember what a good actor he is. I am glad he said something.

  4. Any way he could be coming back when Wolf takes over?

  5. Karen,
    Any chance that when Sonny "disappears" he will be off my screen for more than two days?

  6. Ingo is supposedly coming back under Wolf to 'Tie things up"... I don't think that's taken place yet, however.

    Sonny's off for a week I think unless they block taped so much they'll insert stuff. This is when he went on his East Coast tour.

  7. LOVE the look of the new site!!!

  8. Man he's a hot lookin man. Seriously, he is soooo attractive! OK now that I've gotten that off my chest, my heart goes out to him adn the integrity of this character.

  9. New ratings are up and GH is 6th again hitting new lows. I really don't understand not scrapping poor stories and moving on. It's killed the show. I think this show needs massive shake-ups.
    Please bring on Q's and new romance so this show can be watchable again. Monica was fantastic in her scene just a few days ago.

  10. I'm really sorry that happened. well I'm sure it was to make him look bad and others look better-JMO.
    I will miss IR he was an added element that GH sorely needs--someone with brains and not in the mob--not that they are overloaded w/ brains.
    GH is not winning any fans with this kind of s/l

  11. Poor Jax! Poor Ingo! Wonder how they'll tie things up for him when he briefly returns. It is rumored Brenda is PG with Sonny's baby, so that will be nice to throw in Sonny's face some day. At least Brenda leaves with Jax, gotta love that. I hate Sonny, and I'm getting there with Carly too. I did like the comparison with Alexis, Sam & Sonny.

  12. They cut so much good stuff. Just ask the S&Bers who had all the honeymoon episodes & then some cut. TPTB cut 18 scenes of the honeymoon & another dozen or so along the way since.

    The continuity is very choppy... After Jake died, there were scenes cut from Elizabeth, Lucky & Jason.

    There is really nothing redeeming about the show, no matter who writes it.

  13. Not a sonny & brenda fan but those honeymoon scenes would have made many folks happy- that is just robbery!

  14. They also edited out Olivia and Steve scenes. Right Karen? When she was in the hospital after the bus crash.



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