Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wubs Net Interviews: DaJuan Johnson New Guy in Port Charles!!

Meet Port Charles' newest business man, Asher Caldwell! Although he's tangled up in the Zacchara family, it's great to see some action at the ELQ offices. Not only that, he's interacting with Tracy Q-- what more could we want??!

Wubs: I don't know much about you, so let's start at the beginning! Where did you grow up?
DJ: I grew up in Miami, FL. (Born in Chicago) but, my schooling was done in Miami.

Wubs: What made you want to get into acting?
DJ: Some people’s gift is to heal as a doctor. I believe mine is to heal (including laughter) through my craft. I know, I know...such a chessy answer, but it’s my truth.

Wubs: I see you've been in TV...and was on the Private Practice and 24 a few times. What's your history for TV acting?
DJ: Working on those two shows was great. I got to work with some of the greats in television. And I love watching things blow-up — so 24 was extra special for me.

Wubs: You've also been in some movies, and are listed as the composer for one. What was that like
 DJ: Ha. I have NO idea why I’m listed as a composer on that film. I’ve tried extremely hard to get that off imdb, but it’s proving harder to get that off than getting out of a gym membership — and we know that’s hard! But, I love working in film. I love the process that goes a long with it.

Wubs: How did you come about your audition or hear about GH? Had you ever watched the show?
DJ: Absolutely, I’ve watched the show. it’s funny, I use to say Soaps are one of the reasons why I got into acting. During the summers, while I was in high school, I use to watch the whole 3 hours block (amc, oltl, & gh). Booking this show was a dream come true! Seriously.

Wubs: Can you tell us a bit about "Asher Caldwell"?? We heard today he's a Harvard Grad with Martha's Vineyard ties. Maybe  you're buddies with the Kennedys!
DJ: I don’t know too much about Asher as of yet...just that he’s really skilled at what he does and LOVES his job at ELQ!

Wubs: Any idea where your character is heading??
DJ: I have no idea where Asher’s heading — I just know I love playing him and feel honored to bring him to life. Who wouldn’t want to wear Dolce & Armani suits and have such swagger.

Wubs: How were your first few days on set?
DJ: Like any “new” situation it was a little nerve wracking, but believe me when I say EVERYONE...I mean EVERYONE was awesome. So, nice. So, sweet. So, helpful. I can see why people want to stay in PC for a long time. Me included.

Wubs: We know now that Asher is involved with Anthony Zacchara, were you surprised to be working with Bruce Weitz?? (he seems a little fun-scary! LOL)
DJ: Surprised in a good way – Yes! It was a great twist that I think was set up extremely well. It’s hard to be scared of Bruce since he’s such a great giving guy. I’m so pumped to see where it’s all going...

Wubs: Rumor has it your character will be all involved with the upcoming hospital drug storyline...any truth to this or can't you spill?
DJ: Wow, that’s a good one. And I wish I could tell you more on it, but I’ve learned suspense is key in daytime dramas. I mean how cool was it when you found out I was working with Anthony?

Wubs; You know one of my favorite people, Chrissie Fit...I heard you ran into her on the set. Did you know she worked on GH? I'm hoping for some Asher/Mercedes scenes!! (A girl can dream, right?)
DJ: Love me some Chrissie. She’s pretty cool. We actually knew each other beforehand, but I think I forgot that she was on GH. Until she tweeted something about it. Running into her on set was pure luck. As for a little Asher/Mercedes action??? Well, from your lips to the power that be’s ears! She’s beautiful and a great actress.

Wubs: You are also active on twitter! Have you found it a good way to connect with fans? Do you tweet during the show?
DJ: I enjoy twitter a lot. It’s taken on a whole new form for me since I debuted on GH. And yes, it’s a GREAT way to connect with fans. And let me tell you, they tell you what’s on their mind. (ha!) The first couple of shows I’ve tweeted during the east coast airing and it’s been great. Can’t say that I always will, but I’ll always try to respond back if time allows.

Wubs: Any other projects you are working on you'd like fans to know about?
DJ: Just shot an AT&T commercial that should be airing any day now! And I’m writing a web-series with my talented writing partner. Looking forward to production beginning on that in early fall. Don’t worry...I’ll TWEET ya when it’s ready!!!

Thanks so much for your time!! 

You can follow DaJuan on twitter: @dajuanjohnson facebook: and visit his webpage: DaJuan Johnson.


  1. Great interview! He seems like such a genuinely nice person! Thanks for taking the time for the interview!

  2. great more new characters. gh keep killing off the vets. we won't care when gh is cancelled.

  3. I know, but I do like DaJuan mainly because he totally interacts with the fans AND he's in ELQ!! He wears a SUIT! LOL
    There a LOT more newbies coming, so get ready.

  4. Maybe he could hook up with that would be fun. A little cougar action!!!

  5. Karen-- do you honestly think bringing on more newbies will help? I would rather have jax and nicholas. the last 3 years we have gotten olivia, shivon,abbey, ethan,dante and others that I cannot think of and could care less about. I feel like gh has a revolving door.

  6. While I am a little tired of all the newbies DaJuan seems like a nice guy. Plus it's nice to see an African American actor front and center in a storyline on GH. I hope there's a way to keep him around after the Anthony/ELQ storyline plays out!


  7. While I am a little tired of all the newbies DaJuan seems like a nice guy. Plus it's nice to see an African American actor front and center in a storyline on GH. I hope there's a way to keep him around after the Anthony/ELQ storyline plays out!


  8. *double post*-sorry


  9. Awesome interview! Of course Im biased, DJ is one of my good friends from High School. Continue the great work!

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