Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Michael Logan Weighs In on CyberSoaps

 What WOULD PHOEBE think??!!

New article in TV Guide gives some hope that the transition may be quick and "painless"

Word is, the production company intends to waste no time — or lose any momentum — and will launch the reimagined AMC on Monday, September 26, just three days after the soap ends its network run. There's also highly reliable buzz — unconfirmed by Prospect Park — that Susan Lucci has agreed to move on with the show, though to what extent she'll participate or for how long isn't clear. Most (if not all) of the soap's other top stars have yet to enter negotiations.

The only thing that bothers me? That word "reimagined"... now, that might be a GOOD thing!! What say the Wubbers? Are you going to watch online??


  1. It depends on the details whether I will watch online. Will we have to subscribe to these soaps and how much does it cost? I think everyone will be curious to watch but too much is yet unknown.

  2. Never thought they'd cost money! oy! LOL

  3. No, not I (said the little red hen, lol) Once the soaps move online, I will bid them goodbye. I sit here far too much as it is...maybe I will actually get some exercise...and a life again. However, until they leave, I'll be there with OLTL and GH on my VCR and spend some happy time with them daily.

  4. Well, of course-- I'll HAVE to watch because OLTL is so good that every day is a 'what will happen next?' day. It's the old soap feeling of 'I have to tune in tomorrow, gotta find out what happens.' The hour seems to zip by (unlike another hour-long soap we all still watch on ABC) so maybe it won't be so bad having to sit at my desk that long.

    Seriously, I have no idea how this will pan out, but as long as I get to keep up and the show stays this good...
    One thing I haven't heard anything about is the head writer. He is of mucho importance to the success of this show and he is supposed to be going to GH. ??
    And will the producer still be Mr Frank Valenti? He, too, is vital to keep the current quality. He is the wizard of soaps, able to film outdoors, able to keep within his tight budget, etc.
    I won't be watching AMC online but I have never much cared for AMC and am not a regular watcher there.

    Questions abound--will the soap magazines continue? If I cut my out subscriptions I can maybe afford any charges to watch--depending on if and what they are. I guess ABC SID will fold.

    I do wish the form would remain the same, but again, lots of questions....

  5. If I have to pay to watch the soaps, then it is not going to happen for me.

    But if they are free, I'll check them out and see what a "reimagined" AMC looks like.

    I can't imagine that most of these soap actors are going do the online thing. I wouldn't think that the pay is going to be all that good.

  6. I don't watch AMC as it is and my interest in OLTL has been hampered by it's cancellation. I think it's a given that there will be a subscription fee. Remember when NLG was twittering asking fans if they would pay $5 a month to keep watching their soaps?? I am wondering if she knew about the possibility of this back then.

    That said, if it was free I personally would "tune in" to AMC just for the sake of giving them "ratings" even though I've never watched. I'd like to see the whole thing stay afloat at least until OLTL debuts and without viewers, if they really intend to start AMC months before, that may never happen. I don't see myself subscribing for shows I don't watch though. If GH ever made the switch I would absolutely pay, so I am kind of sad to know that so many people intend to bail.

  7. If its free (AMC) I'll absolutely tune in to check it out. OLTL - I'd pay $5 a month to watch. After all, this is probably the way of the future for many dramas, not just daytime.



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...