Saturday, July 23, 2011

Fan Club Weekend: More Fun Photos!!

Thank you to ALL that gave me permission to use their photos in my blog!! This is great. Now we can all pretend we are there!!

These photos are on yfrog from radarlizou hit the link to see more!! 

Bruce Weitz got a standing O from the crowd!!

Becky and Scott @BeckyHerbstRHO

 Kirsten and Kelly 

Of course, I'll have way more pics of ALBERTA soon as well. She was all over the place.
@LisaLoCicerogh: I had the best time meeting all new and old friends!! Thank you all so much for coming out to play!! Lets do it again next year!!!
@TeenysTweeting: (Kirsten Storms) sooooo much fun at the fan event today!!! thanks to everyone who came out to see us! we luv you guys :)
@lldubs (Laura Wright) I Had the best time with all of u this weekend!!! Woo hoo and hell yeah!!!



  1. Becky herbst is so pretty. I looked at the rest of the twitter pics and they are great! Love her! Thank you for the pic and the links.

  2. Too bad Scott plays Becky's brother. He is hot and could have played a great love interest for her on GH.

  3. KeMo is SO beautiful, she's undoubtedly the most beautiful woman ever!! WOW!

  4. I hear Tamara Braun ISN'T joining GH.

    Is that why you removed the blog post????

  5. I removed it because...yes, I saw the retraction and even though people are still saying she's coming, I didn't feel like I should keep it up.
    It's interesting how it was out there like FOR SURE then, retraction.
    something's up!

  6. BY the way, re, Kelly, Becky--ALL of them are stunning. I saw Lisa LoCicero upclose/personal and wow.
    BTW, all them added together still wouldn't add up to more than a size 6 in dresses! LOL TINY!!

  7. Re: chemistry between Scott and Becky. I like them as siblings. I've mentioned it on here many times before but I would like to see a Liz and Johnny pairing. Imagine how Lucky and Jason would react. Hell, even Lulu and Maxie would probably be jealous. It would also allow us to see Johnny's softer side as he interacts with Cam and Aiden. Plus, Liz and Johnny would burn up the supercouple...could save GH in my opinion. Storyline wise, he is shot, Liz finds him, hides him in her studio and nurses him back to health.

    Perhaps your next poll question could be "odd pairings you would like to see":
    - Liz and Johnny
    - Helena and Edward
    - Tracey and Jax
    - Carly and Jason
    - Maxie and Milo
    - Ethan and Johnny
    - Steve and Maxie
    - Sam and Spinelli

    I think GH has the most beautiful cast of any soap or for that matter any tv show.
    Becky is just a natural beauty, so breath taking.
    NLG is another natural beauty...and is showing some others how to age gracefully without surgery or botox!! she just gets better and better looking.
    Speaking of getting better with age. Covergirl or Dove or someone needs to sign JE up as their spokesperson.
    I'd like to see KeMo in something other then leather mob mistress wear but no denying her beauty.
    LA, KS and the actress that plays Olivia are a little thin for my liking but still beautiful.
    LW is a classic.
    I also think KMc is real looking.
    The young actress who plays Molly is going to be a stunner...she alreayd is.
    Then who can forget Mac and Kevin in drag, haha.

  8. I am really excited to see where things are going for the first time in a long time. I hope we get a REAL November sweeps once again!!

    I want to say thank you to everyone who has been at GH Fan Weekend for sharing their pictures. And a big thank you to Berta's babysitters - you guys have been doing an awesome job!!!!

  9. Frisco... I wish I would have seen this before I put the next one up.

  10. kemo looks a little like amy winehouse.



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...