Tuesday, July 5, 2011
So, ABC #Fails on the 4th of July!
All the other shows got fun 4th of July things...not US!! Not even a re-run of an old 4th picnic!! Boo. I watched Days a bit and LOVED IT.
Of course I watched the verdict-- I am stunned. Can't talk much right now. I am really upset. I think it was a HUGE miscarriage of justice. Just horrific. AND because she was found NOT guilty she can MAKE MONEY on this!! Bitch. She's going to have to move to Fiji .
I will be back FULL FORCE tomorrow with FULL ON SOAP talk! Just not today. Sniff.
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{SIGH} I don't even know what to say about the verdict so I'll just say it's ashame that poor baby will not get any justice. Also I know I'm saying this about another woman but, she should be fixed to where she can't have anymore kids!!! (I know it's not gonna happen but it should!)
sounded like many of the jurors were uneducated themselves. Shame, both sides agreed on these jurors so no one can place blame. You have to wonder if they will go after the mother for purjury or for the father for covering up a murder since the jury essentially believed casey?
ReplyDeleteI am outraged that little Caylee will not receive justice. What a farce! Casey will now get the "Bella Vita" she killed Caylee to have. Book deals, made-for-TV movies, etc. It makes me sick to my stomach.
ReplyDeleteTo me this sounded like a no-brainer - really shocked at the verdict, especially with all the lies and cover up. I think her mother should be charged with perjury.
ReplyDeleteI am outraged at the verdict. No justice for little Caylee, and Casey gets the "Bella Vita" she killed Caylee for...book deals, made for TV movies, etc. I am heartsick over this.
ReplyDeleteIn Canada, as well, there was a stunning verdict ( Turcotte case ) of father that admitted to stabbing his children and the jury found him not criminally responsible today.
ReplyDeleteI think this is a stunning verdict for Casey to lie to police for a month ( she is found guilty of lying to police in this case ) about her child's whereabouts. The jury obviously knows that she lied and yet they had reasonable doubt that she committed this murder ?!WOW! She will probably not receive jail time for this as she has already done 3 years since the case was brought to court. Her lawyers will probably argue for time served for a misdemeanor and she will be free to go.
I feel that all over this world there is a terrible message being sent where children are not protected from abuse. Children are abused and murdered daily and it seems that society looks the other way. I admire people who fight daily and work tirelessly as child advocates and protectors. It doesn't seem that any of her family cared enough to protect caylee.
Love, love, love Ethan's haircut!
ReplyDeleteAs for the Anthony case sicne it took as long as it took, at least one juror must have not been sure.
I live in Central Florida & most people here think she is guilty. I am shocked & disgusted. I didn't think she'd get 1st degree, but a lesser one. Not even guilty for child abuse? Poor Caylee not getting any justice.
ReplyDeleteI did not follow the trial, but stillknow a lot of the details. Her mother getting on the stand and lying raised reasonable doubt- the jurors did not have to believe that she actually did the research on the computer, but only had to believe that it was possible, and there went the case...whenever the verdict comes back this quickly, it is almost always not guilty...
ReplyDeleteJust like OJ Simpson case they both got away with murder.
ReplyDeleteThere should be no celebration on the part of the defense except to say they did their job well. IT was reported on CNC about some champagne being broken out and I hope this isn't true. A little child is dead and no murderer brought to justice , her body disposed of like a bag of garbage.She was not reported missing for 1 month. There was mininimum HUGE NEGLECT HERE and abandonement. The prosecution should have seeked to charge her with neglect but went bigger as they should because they felt their was enough evidence to bring murder charges. Sadly, they failed to prove their caase beyond a reasonable doubt.
ReplyDeleteThat said, nobody should be celebrating.
I'm still upset. Geesh, I had to take a nap. I guess they think she drowned in the pool and George did it. I guess it's not child abuse to not report your kid missing for 31 days.
ReplyDeleteGuess she can go out, have more babies and make money on interviews.
Nice Justice.
Wow. Can't even express how sickened and saddened I am by the verdict. Unbelievable. No justice for Caylee today...may the final justice for those involved be swift and unmerciful. No one protected that poor innocent baby, and the person who is supposed to care above all others, doesn't. Partied hard after she was gone and was more concerned about herself while everyone else was looking for the truth. I cannot fathom what these people must be thinking. It's unbelievable to me that they would not convinct her. I hope when her time comes, she's given the same mercy she showed her baby girl.
ReplyDeleteWhat's most upsetting are so many people saying that she's innocent because the JURY said so. I understand that, but I also understand they only heard a tiny part of things. Our 'justice system' is selective. Very selective.
ReplyDeleteShe can go out, make millions now. You know Geraldo Rivera will pay her and Baez to be on Fox soon. Then, maybe she'll have another baby.
Wow. I wonder how anyone explains that stench in her trunk on that jury.
The greater problem is that the jury did not find her "innocent"- they found her "not guilty", which by definition does not mean innocent. The general public does not understand this however. And how anyone can say Casey Anthony is "innocent" is beyond comprehension.
ReplyDeleteYeah I can't believe it! Wow!!! What is she going to get for lying? Community service?
ReplyDeleteIt is clear that no one was Caylee's advocate, not even caylee's grandmother ( lying on the stand about doing a search on chloroform ). I think all of that family betrayed that little girl because she was not cared for,and even after missing they did not declare it for one month. Anyone would be going out of their mind within minutes of realizing a loved one may be missing and would alert authorities.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the burden of proof is on the prosecution and they failed. More evidence needed to be collected and that lies with the police. Did they question casey's friends and people in the neighborhood? Did any family purchase chloroform products? E-mail confiscated ? More in depth questions? Did they go back to the site where the body was found and study the surrounding area? Possibilties exist for witnesses to her comings and goings. Someone always sees something. They just might not think it's important.
Sadly , she can never be on trial for this same case because of the not guilty outcome.
I still want evidence to come out. I think caylee deserves this.
Loved Ethan's haircut...WHat a cutie
ReplyDeletehey, what a cutie puppy!
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize that it is leagl to bury someone wherever they want??Why do we spend thousands on colfins and cemetery plots if we can just bury our loved ones in the back yard or a few feet away from the road!!! This makes me sick! WHO is gonna pay for that baby's death and the sacreligious buyial, that George Anthony was holding a bible at the verdict! They all should PAY!!!