Friday, July 29, 2011

James Franco on GH Return: HUH?!

In yet another twisty turn, seems no one told Mr. Franco that "Franco" is coming back to mess with Jason Morgan around the time of his wedding. WHOOPS. 

Access Hollywood:

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --
James Franco is scheduled to return to “General Hospital,” but exactly when appears to be up in the air.
Earlier this week, it was reported that James would return to the ABC soap on September 20. However, when Access Hollywood caught up with James at the “Rise of the Planet Apes” premiere in Hollywood on Thursday night — his return date was news to him.
“I will be back to ‘General Hospital,’ but I’m filming a movie about the Wizard of Oz in Detroit right now, I haven’t filmed any new episodes for ‘General Hospital,’” James told Access.
“I don’t know if they like think I’m going to fly out on a weekend and shoot something, but I don’t see it fitting into my schedule anytime soon,” the actor continued. “I’ll go back, but they said like September 20 or something I have no idea what they’re talking about.”
Adding, “I don’t know when I’m going back.”


  1. I'm sure that Franco will return for Nov Sweeps He will come to LA during a three day break, sometime in Sept, from his Bway play and shoot three month's worth of GH in block taping.

    The only thing I want to see Franco taunt Jason about is that he might have Jake alive.

  2. I'm not a JF fan but someone must be, he sure makes a lot of movies, plays and does GH.
    I'm with Andrea only if he has Jake, otherwise I have zero interest in him.

  3. I'm sure the writers will drop little hints here and there about Franco's return. A letter a clue for Jason and I agree that the only thing I want to see is that he has Jake!! That the child that was hit was so bloody that Lucky and Liz didn't notice that it wasn't Jake! One can only hope!

  4. I hope he never remembers to show up!

  5. Why pray tell are they bringing back Franco...the last storyline he was in was useless and made no sense. He has no direct linkage with the main characters other than be a thorn in the side of Jason and Sonny. Guza must have made a deal with JF for a certain amount of appearances on GH otherwise why bring him back, I did not like him then and I will not like in the near future.



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