Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July....Old GH Style!!

Here's a great clip of an iconic picnic that took place in 1983... wait until you see it!!! It's glorious. The picnics continued into 2001 I believe, then abruptly ended. It was an annual event.

Here's 1986 with a YOUNG Flea and Frisco and A TINY Robin!!


  1. Tears! So wonderful! I miss them all! Especially the Anna, the Qs, Felicia, and Bobbie!

    KM was a cutie! It's too bad watching kids grow up is a rarity.

    And when was the last time that many people were in a room and interacting with each other?

    It also made me watch the 00 and 01 4th clips. Oh I miss Reginald! Especially REAL Emily and Skye. AJ and Zander too. Goodness it's a laundry list.

  2. I wasn't watching in '83 or '86 being that I was only 6 and 9 at the time. But I saw the one you posted on Facebook the other day with the Q's. Wasn't that when Stavros was back and walking around calling himself another name. I think that's when he ran into Carly and tride to hit on her but she blew him off!



  3. Loved seeing all the folks I loved.Well except for Scott Baldwin.And I loved seeing the old Edward Quatermaine.Thats a great clip.

  4. the clips were wonderful! Everyone was so young, well, I think I was too back then, Robin so adorable, Alan so handsome, they really were the good old days......

  5. '83 clip - Robert and Luke were still at odds over Robert being with Holly. They were always better as buddies or friemies than this stretch when they were outright hostile to each other. Is that John Stamos as Blackie? Jake and Rose??? Man, that takes me back

    '86 clip - JI is a great Edward but my Edward will always be DL...He he WAS Edward and the chemistry he had with Lila when her health was still decent was awesome. Kimberly M has always been petite but man she is tiny in this clip...still even at that young age she has a winning on camera personality.

    I do miss those days
    -OldSchool GH Fan

  6. Love Bobbie's Olivia Newton John "Let's Get Physical" hairstyle- complete with headband! LOL!

  7. Can't you watch GH on anymore?? All I can find are the recaps.

  8. @KDB It's still there, though they do make you look a little more than they used to I think.

  9. thank you Adora!! I didn't even bother with yesterdays repeat of Luke's intervention. ;/

  10. You are more than welcome Karen~ ^-^

    I didn't bother with yesterday's show either... It was just the wrong episode to air. I have to imagine they thought maybe people who hadn't seen it before would catch it and see all the drama and be sucked in, but it really was not a good episode to pick to honor the history of the show or to entertain current loyal viewers. =(

  11. Sniff. I love the old GH 4th of July clips! Thanks!

  12. Great to see these old shows. Ah, I remember the earliest of 4ths--at least in Monty days.
    Luke was set to set off the big fireworks, but he had a scheme to get into Mr Smith's office to search for a little black book with crime data in it so he could bring down the mob. The park was the same--they kept that set for years-- and Luke conned Bobbie into taking over the fireworks while he ducked out so no one would know he was missing (Smith was at the park). Suspense built as time came, and Bobbie, in a jump suit and helmut, took over and Luke made it to the office. As we saw fireworks going off thru the window shades, Luke searched and finally, rather by accident, found the book, photographed its coded pages, and took off. There was this elaborate big framework fireworks thing for the display finale and Bobbie was scared of it, but Luke got back and set it off. I'd never seen the way fireworks that large were fired off, so I learned something--plus we had a fun picnic with lots of characters, and all that suspense as Luke took a huge risk to get on with the mystery. Later that same summer, he was supposed to marry Jennifer and instead ran off with Laura. Oh, joy, what a marvelous summer that was!

    I was so hooked I taped the entire Luke and Laura adventures for at least 2 years (Leaving out the rest of character's stories when they didn't overlap L&L's.)
    Sometimes for old time's sake, I get a tape out and look at it. What a super time that was for soap lovers, and especially GH lovers!

  13. Little doubt, the dude is completely fair.



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