Thursday, April 21, 2011

Oprah To Soap Fans: Sorry, Kids, Soaps are Dead.

Look. Listen Weep. Oh well, at least she answered us:


  1. I always knew Oprah was the devil.

  2. i never did like her she always bashed men

  3. Now I am really glad I never watched her.....

  4. If she can own her own TV station,she certainly can save the soaps. Bunch of BS.

  5. In O's defense, no way was OWN ever going to buy soaps, they are HUGELY expensive AND ABC probably wouldn't release them anyway.
    I was more floored she answered fans in the first place. pretty epic

  6. That's awesome that she answered the fans. :) She didn't say soaps are dead. :) She understands how we feel tho!

  7. She can't bail us all out but onward folks to Young and the Restless to watch me some Genie Francis and my Days of our Lives

  8. Oprah is great. She is not the villain. Frons was entrusted with this responsibility and he blew it purposefully. Oprah is not responsible for saving soaps. She is in a risky undertaking herself by starting her own network. I would not want to take this on as is myself. I think we , as viewers, are between a rock and a hard place because the writing is so poor that we don't want to watch our favorite shows.I think her taking the time to actually respond to viewers shows more respect than ABC has shown to soap fans. Don't bash her. Bash ABC ( higher ups too, Frons ), writers for caving to Frons' whims.

  9. As much as I loathe her, O speaks the truth here folks. It's over! The networks view soaps as a money pit and the trend is not going to reverse any time soon. I give Days and GH 2 more years at most. Y & R and B & B maybe, MAYBE get 4 or 5 more years.
    Enjoy 'em while you got 'em!

  10. I don't know why it's so hard for O and other people to understand that one of the MAIN reasons the ratings went from double digits to single digits is the people in charge. Frons, Guza and the rest of the script monkeys couldn't write a decent episode to save their lives. Why would people stick around to watch everything rehashed on a daily basis over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again? (See how annoying that was?)

    Second, I found O's comments terribly funny. First of all, she's got more $$$ (and power) than (well, I was going to say God, but I didn't want to take the chance on offending anybody...). If she really wanted to do something, i'm pretty sure she could get it done.

    And then she talked about the almighty "ratings". I'm going to leave my rantings about the woefully antiquated "Nielsen" system out of this. But, if nobody's home during the daytime (like she states), well, it's a good thing she OWNS A NETWORK so she could bump them up to PRIMETIME when people are home!

    Imagine that.

  11. no one is home huh who does she think was watching her show?If not for the soap lead in her show would not have the ratings it had.If we bombarded her message board huh who are these people than.Her new network is all talk and reality also that we are sick to death of,I don`t think Dr.Phil and the other boring shows on own right now are going to do anything for her network.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. There is no way to save ABC soaps. time to move on to Young and restless. they have robert scorpio, scottie baldwin, stefan cassidine(do not know their real names) and soon my all time favorite Genie Francis. and most important the writing is good. and oprah is not god she cannot save the soaps.

  14. I certainly don't think it's up to Oprah to save the soaps. I'm also shocked that she responded. I think it's cool. So, she didn't tell me what I wanted to hear...oh well.

  15. I think we're all trying to face reality here. What ABC has taken away from us, will drive us to another network. It's hard to accept, but it is what it is...oh, and nobody watches daytime tv??? then Oprah and ABC won't miss me...

  16. You're wrong, Oprah. Soaps aren't dead. Only the hack writers and producers, you know who I am talking about, who have no respect for the viewers are dead in the imagination department.

    ABC is going to be very sorry when they can't find any shows to bring in the sort of viewers who routinely tune in to watch and or tape their favorite soap opera. Do they really think Mario Batali and company can bring in the numbers? Talk about delusional. I don't know about where you live, but our local ABC affiliate fills the airwaves with dreck as bad as what we get on the Fox and WB affiliates.

  17. Isn't this the same person who told us to vote for Obama? Where did that get most of us? She still has income and I have not been employed for 2 full years.

    I still have every right to stop watching all ABC programming, both daytime and prime time.

    And I still have every right to stop patronizing the companies that advertise on ABC.

    And I also have the right to NOT watch the OWN Network.

    I am exercising my rights. Since I am unemployed and home all day (we established why in opening paragraph) I will look forward to my GH faves on Y&R. And only patronize the advertisers on the vast number of networks that are out there waiting for my business.

  18. I don't loathe Oprah by any means. However, a great point was brought up here..."no one home to watch...who watches HER show??" If no one is home to watch the screen should be blank all day. that's a buncha bs.

    I will say I've been compelled to watch nothing on her channel. Doesn't interest me.
    Why she ever invited that James Frey back to her show is beyond me.


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