Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Don't Jump!!

I'm talking to Shane, not you ....although we'd like to!! LOL.  What's the story!? Well, a good indicator is what's going around in the press. Susan Lucci is telling everyone that will listen how sad she is about rumors. PopEater is the latest to have a story up. Read it and weep!! 

Austin Williams, who plays Shane on OLTL, was honored at the 7th Annual Prestige Awards on April 3rd in Poughkeepsie, NY. This story was really written well. The end was a bit weak, but hey, not complaining.
“These awards salute individuals in the arts and entertainment who are making a difference in society or giving back to communities" ~Soap Opera Digest

General Hospital: Why wouldn't Spinelli and Diane just use a different name to represent Sonny in their book? WTH... BTW, the book is NOT getting very good reviews on Amazon. OUCH. Did you order the book? What do you think? I won't repeat what people have said to me! LOL 
Maurice really enjoyed those scenes though, nice to see him laugh!! 

Lisa needs to just go AWAY. This story is about 3 months TOO LONG. Now she's going to be involved with Krissy. UGH!!!!!! Drugging her...who knows what else. By the way, notice that Terrell is just GONE. What a waste. 

Ok, this was such a fail today. Don't care about ANY of this right now...Brandon? Don't CARE THAT HE IS DEAD!! It's so insulting to put this on now. Come on-- this should be about Jake's death!! God, the whole town knows why don't they have one scene with Tracy/Jason? Monica? 

Oh, yeah... Brenda's maybe kid showed up in Suzy's arms at the end. YAWN

 SPOILERS ARE UP!! please hit a sponsor!! I need the wubs love! :)


  1. ABC is doing a lot to push the book. They co-hosts were talking about it on The View and everyone in the audience got a copy.

  2. I want to see some Lucky & Liz angst or even jason & Liz together. Even Steven with Liz is more believable than Nik.

  3. Someone please tell me when Liz gives Jake's motorcycle to Jason. I may watch that day...

  4. I watch Y&R and can't wait for Genie Francis. I don't care about GH. Didn't watch and don't intend to. If they are not going to respect the fans, then there is no point in watching.

  5. Karen why do you say the end of OLTL today was weak? How? And damn it Guza! Sonny and Brenda don't need to go looking for her son?! He just shows up with Suzanne in tow? COME ON!

  6. I thought Shane did a good job today.What surprised me was Marty I had forgot the baby is really John's and Marty knows it.

  7. I just thought the dialog with Shane on the roof was a bit weak, that's all.. I don't know, it hit me wrong.

  8. Ohhh okay Karen. :) I was just curious what you thought was weak. :) The Shane scene with his parents made me cry!! Gigi kept saying give me more minutes!! :(

  9. WOW I though all of the scenes with GIGI and her son were gr8.GH just don t care about any of the storys.Sick to death of nutso Lisa,Abby ?don`t care,Brenda and her son nope.it s all crap.By the way did Guza write the book??

  10. I can't believe that Liz has had such little air time during this. This shouldn't be about Carly, or Sonny and Brenda, or Mabby or anyone else, but LIZ, Lucky, Jason and the rest of the Spencers. Liz has been an afterthought and it makes me so mad!!! And no memorial service scene is just a slap in the face!

  11. Read the spoilers coming up. There is no way that I am going to keep watching General Hospital to see them justify Jake's death by producing a baby from Sam and Jason. From day one with Jake's death the story was botched and stupid. The interview with Steve Burton and Guza made me want to throw up. If you are a Kelly Monaco fan than you have a lot to look forward to. I am tired of her being pushed in my face everyday and Guza trying to make everyone like her. He sucks, the history of the characters suck and as of today, General Hospital will no longer be recorded on my TV. It is a shame after investing 30 years of my life watching. I have stuck with it thinking it would get better and looking at the spoilers, that ain't going to happen. Guza take off your stupid sunglasses and wake up. You are losing fans every day. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

  12. LOVE OLTL! However I thought the little slap on the cheek from Blair wasn't enough for Jack...sure she took away his electronics and grounded him...but who is going to be home to see if he comes home and goes to his room? Isn't bullying a crime? and putting porn on the internet? I thought his principal should have been told at the least...and the police at the most...but then Blair doesn't know Shane is on the roof ....YET...and I hope someone really lays into Jack then!

  13. I find myself fast forwarding through more and more of GH. Sonny/Brenda, Mabby, and Lante bore me to tears and I can't watch their scenes at all. I hate to jump on the hate bandwagon, but I just don't look forward to watching GH any more. The horrible new storylines, the recycled stories, the storylines that go nowhere, the choppy editing, the constant parade of newbies who get dropped, and the elimination of legacy characters has destroyed a once mighty show. The actors are still top notch, no doubt, but the writing is horrendous. I'll only watch now if someone posts about something happening on the show that interests me. Another longtime view lost.

    If and when Guza goes, I will return to see if things improve.

  14. Why in the world would anyone ever want to buy that book?

    I hope that OLTL does the story full justice and that Jack does get arrested, but I don't know if all states now have laws that address bullying. Massachusetts does- only after some incredibly sad, preventable tragedies, but I am sure there are still states that have not changed the laws to address it. All in all, I think OLTL handled the story very well. I found Rex's comment to Shane about how the roof would always be there a little odd, and I would think that there would be a crowd on the ground watching Shane on the roof at some point (it is supposed to be the school...), but I can let these things slide.

    Did anybody else find it odd that Dani and Tomas went and got cookies and milk and then brought them back to Tomas' bedroom? I found it a little creepy...

  15. Karen, why did Diane want Sonny and Brenda to sign the waiver AFTER the book already is published and distributed? DOES THAT MAKE SENSE??!! And, I also noticed yesterday that poor Terrell seems gone for good, no "sparks" w/KM, so I guess he can go in the supply closet with the rest of them.

  16. I do not like the kid playing Jack.The other boy was more believable.At least Destiny turned Jack into today but the boy whos his sidekick should be punished too.Shame how Guza has ruined GH history.But I will be watching Young and the Restless so let us know Karen when she starts will ya?


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...