Friday, April 22, 2011

Kristen Alderson Says Don't Cry!

This was just tweeted by Kristen (Starr Manning, OLTL)

I want to thank everyone for trying their best to Keep the Soaps..but I'm afraid nothing will work. As upsetting as it is..we should be as positive as possible. =) Instead of wasting time boycotting,yelling,crying, etc...let's please just ENJOY the last 7months we have together! I love all of you so much & none of us (the actors&crew;) want to see you all in pain. I know that AMC & OLTL will do our ABSOLUTE BEST to put on a great show until the very end. "Don't cry because it's over, SMILE because it happened" XOXO 

Hmmmm. Okay. Well, thanks. I actually just talked to several people on twitter about the actors moving on. I guess it's the case here. Maybe she's got something in the works with Disney? Who knows.


  1. She's right. Nothing will work to save these soaps . She's moving on, rightly so, as she needs another job. ABC will be cancelling GH as well. Done deal They have been planning this for a while and basically lying to viewers. GH will probably have a year max left, if that. Ravenbeauty has been hearing this from sources. Not surprising, as I think Frons has planned this all along. All we can do is let them know that we do not support their programming choices and tune them out in the future.Don't support mediocre shows and writing or crappy realty tv shows.
    Now they are just playing favorites. Those stars that frons likes will be on, and will end GH. Those stars he does not particularly like, RH, IR,NLG etc... will be seen very little. If I were them I would depart ealy and move on to better shows. Audition.

  2. There were protests today outside off ABC!Wonderful. If it has to end , at least , make a stand.

  3. The news only came out last week. People are in pain, and not everyone is able to put on a brave face. Seriously if she goes to any events this year, she will be dealing with upset fans. Actors from shows that went off the air years ago, still have to deal with it.

  4. Personally I think most of the actors have known for a while don't ya think.I bet Miss Susan Lucci knew is why shes headed for Desperate Housewives.Its just an era gone away.Sad to say.I thought General Mills said it right take it up with ABC so trust me if yall and myself quit watching the crap they put on the air and go to another channel or maybe just go to Fox lol that will really make them mad lol

  5. My ONLY reservation in all this protesting, which I am actively partaking in, is that if I was working for ABC I am not so sure I would want my job saved. I'm not planning to give up but, honestly, forcing any of the people involved to stay with that company any longer seems almost cruel. We can see that ABC isn't terribly respectful when they feel forced to keep people around (as if they are EVER respectful to anyone >.<) just by looking at Rebecca Herbst. Reading this just kind of reminds me. If these people, who were so callously kicked to the curb without anything but rumors to warn them, were suddenly told that the show was going to be kept on the air, how many mixed feelings would be going on about it? It's a lot of saved jobs that people need, but how many of the people involved really want to continue working for the devil? It makes me wonder if Rebecca wouldn't have been better off being let go and joining Genie on Y&R, where she could have a little more job stability and possibly really get screen time. I just hate ABC/Disney right now.

  6. could it be that she was perhaps directed as to what to say...?

  7. Why can't they save the Soaps and put them on Soapnet. That's what soapnet is for.

  8. Since Soapnet isn't going anywhere supposedly.

  9. She is correct. Protesting, along with all the nonsense that I have read on this site since it was announced ISN'T going to do anything. Lets all move on please, or I will be forced to stop looking at this website.
    My vote would be to make this website a POSITIVE place to read about GH. Not a bitch session against ABC.

  10. Buh-bye then, Anonymous.

    The day Karen STFU and toes the party line, i'm outta here. I don't need every post of hers to be a hate-filled rant, but her thoughts pretty much coincide with mine. I honestly don't know how ANYONE can find anything positive to say about the regime at ABC. Honestly. bout using the Name/URL identity choice to use something other than "Anonymous"?

  11. No need to bash eachother. I think we are all frustrated with this situation. I think no matter what characters we like , one thing is clear, and that is that we all have loved watching these shows for years. We don't want this to change because in some ways these characters are part of our lives ( like family).I think we feel that if only the storylines were better, then there would be many more viewers and these shows wouldn't be facing cancellation.It is healthy to voice our opinions and let networks know that we are not sheep. it's also healthy to accept change and move past this , if these shows are not saved.
    All in all, I love this BLOG! I thank Karen for this wonderful site! I think we sdhould all continue to post some of our favorite moments ( maybe send them to TPTB ).

  12. I woke up at 4:30 a.m., and, when I went back to sleep, I dreamt about Sonny and Brenda. It seemed like a REALLY long dream, that I was hanging out with them. For some reason, Brenda and I exchanged gifts, and I soooo wanted her to like what I gave her. Sonny was going to cook for us. I really felt like I spent quality time with them! This S & B fan is happy (at least for now).

  13. Hey, I am PROUD of the way my fellow soapers have stepped up for this! No matter how it ends we spoke up and took a stand, and were heard, maybe the next time this sort of thing has to happen they will show a tad of compassion or even loyalty...yay for us!!
    and Karen, dont EVER change!!!

  14. I agree with Hope. And if some of us want to fight for our soaps, that’s our choice. IMHO, it's by no means "nonsense" to stand up and fight for what you want or believe in, no matter what it is.

    Quite frankly, I too am so VERY proud that fellow soap fans, and ACTORS are stepping up and people like Cat Hickland and Robin Strasser are speaking out and telling it like it is. They have been treated terribly by ‘u-know-who’ as they referred to him on Stardish Radio last night, telling the cast fifteen minutes before the cancellation was publicly announced. Who the heck does that? It’s perfectly fine if people don’t want to participate in the protests to SOS or save our soaps, but I don’t agree with telling other people that they should just give up when it comes to something they truly believe in. And even if it comes to nothing, at least we didn’t take this cancellation lying down, and we shouldn't, as fellow soap fans. Sticking together is the point here. We become divided and the big cheesehead wins. And if nothing else maybe, just maybe, that cheesehead will eventually and rightfully lose his job for destroying this genre we love so much. A girl can dream, anyway.

    And I also LOVE coming to this site. It keeps me sane when I cannot take more of Mobular Hospital.

  15. I agree with ya Inez,Hope and AntJoan I personally love this blog of Karen's and we all don't have to agree but also DJ Rogue sign in anon join our bitch sessions.......

  16. LOL...who's leaving because of the crap on here!!? Give me a break. I only post a FRACTION of what's out there. I like to inform people (especially those on twitter) what's happening in the soap world. This is HUGE news. People are upset and pouring everything into saving their shows. Of COURSE I'm going to talk about that.
    As for GH-- sorry, I've always told the truth about that show..ALWAYS. I'm not stopping now because it got 'saved' over the other shows and might be canceled in the future.
    GH will be canceled anyway...but they actually deserved it over OLTL. OLTL is written so well and UNDER-BUDGET.
    pisses me off when quality goes first.
    I tell the truth the way I see it. That's all

  17. I just watched all my DVR'd OLTL episodes for the week. How freaking awesome is this soap??? Sorry but it puts GH to shame. I love Niki Smith being back. Clint's heart attack with Dorian there over him. Tess/Jess and even crazy Marty. This show just plain rocks. I wish another station would scoop it up - like that Direct TV 101 did when NBC canceled Passions.

  18. This is what gets me a bit peeved about some of the comments and criticisms about this blog (or any blog for that matter)... A blog is a place for the blogger (Karen) to say whatever the hell she feels like saying. It's not mandated by anybody other than Karen herself. We can choose to read it or not! From what I can tell, Karen has never discouraged her readers from having respectful and tolerant discussions. But, it's just annoying when someone (Anonymously) comes in and tries to tell her what tone she needs to take in her own blog.

    *bangs head*

    I love this place. I don't always see eye-to-eye with Karen but I like her wit and her commentary.


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