Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday April 14th--A day to Remember...

Is this the cutest pic or what!!? Kirsten tweeted it yesterday. I love it! 
Bye Girlies... sniff. 

OLTL: Awesome that they are following through with the Bullying story. Showing Blair's POV is a great idea as well. There's always 2 stories and two families hurt in very different ways. Jack needs a cattle-prod. Some bullies are just sociopathic idiots, that's Jack. Kassie DePiava is doing so well too. It has to be so painful to find out it's your kid that's the bully. She's playing it well. 

I started this blog before the "Big Announcement" of the cancellations. It was very hard to watch GH today because I was just too shocked. Even though we knew it might be coming, it is still hard to hear. Many of the cast of AMC tweeted and they didn't know even before the press did!! Can you imagine? Susan Lucci was out there doing her book tour, smiling, saying out great it all is an AMC was staying on the air.
"I can’t help but recognize how bittersweet the change is” - Frons
Yeah, real bittersweet. Like hundreds of cast/crew losing their jobs for a food show and something else. BOTH shows have press kits out already on ABC Media net. Meaning it was a done deal. 
While we are excited about our new shows and the shift in our business, I can’t help but recognize how bittersweet the change is. We are taking this bold step to expand our business because viewers are looking for different types of programming these days. They are telling us there is room for informative, authentic and fun shows that are relatable, offer a wide variety of opinions and focus on ‘real life’ takeaways.--Frons

People were saying put them on Soapnet. I don't think some realize that channel is gone in 2012 as well. That channel will become  "Disney Junior".

Lisa LoCicero said on Twitter she and hubs were eating at the studio and they saw all the AMC cast filing by. She thought it was a fan event. Nope. They were getting the news. I heard when a follower tweeted their local affiliate broke the news.  
We need to send Agnes Nixon a thank you/sympathy card as both of her babies are going off air. By the way, one is slated to exit in Sept (AMC) , one in January (OLTL). AMC is done taping in August and OLTL in November.

This is just so hard. Watching GH today was very difficult because I couldn't focus. Jane Elliot was great in her scene with Luke. The rest? eh...whatever. I love GH as a "show" but I really REALLY hope the direction changes. 

****I WILL BE LIVE TWEETING the DR. Drew show/9pm est Headline News because Maurice will be on discussing bipolar disorder. Come join! @wubsnet @drdrew @mauricebenardMB


  1. Would it be wrong to hope that Frons gets leprosy?

  2. I hope his private parts fall off.I tried to go to ABC to leave a comment and it wanted you to resign up on the message boards Im not going to give them a dang thing.NADA ABC....I feel so sorry for OLTL not so much for AMC or Lucci......Hey Oprah put them on your channel

  3. but Frons says his (cough cough)research shows this is what we want!I want the drug s he takes

  4. It is a sad sad day, and it is a shame.

  5. I HATE talk needless to say I'll be seeking other entertainment during my afternoons. Have just set up my DVR for the soaps that are left, who knows, maybe I'll find them interesting (or not, lol).I saw the first shows of GH and OLTL, and I will miss Llanview and it's inhabitants. Sad seeing so many friends leave at once. Think I'll just go have a cry.

  6. *warning...evil thoughts ahead*

    I hope his shows fall on their collective asses. I won't be watching. His faux sympathy is absolutely vomit-worthy.

    The irony to me is that the market is oversaturated with food and cooking shows as well as the damned talk shows. I"ve said all along that Frons was wanting the soaps to fail. And, fail they have. It's sad that OLTL gets the axe before GH which is just a freaking ugly mess.

    My heart goes out to all those who now find themselves scrambling to look for work elsewhere knowing a deadline looms in the future. I even wonder about the soap mags. Lots of people out of work there as well.

    Frons is the poster-boy for everything that is wrong with television. I despise him and everything he stands for.

  7. Another note: No more NYC-based soaps after this. These were the the last two.

  8. The only reason GH gets a pass is that they rate higher in the 18-39 ratings category. That is all the exec's want. You make more money from advertisers when you sku towards that category of people.

    These type of shows that they are replacing the soaps with are cheaper to produce and show reruns all the time.

    The writing was on the wall when ABC announced last year it was taking soapnet off the air. I bet GH doesn't make it a year past these other shows being cancelled.

  9. but the jersey shore idiots just got a big raise OMG


    Check out these bling items in honor of the cancellation

  11. I feel like crying. :( I'm so sad now. I will not watch the new shows in protest.

  12. This is so sad... I grew up watching AMC/OLTL/GH. Never thought I would see this day. Frons' statement makes me sick, what an insensitive ass. who exactly are the people who want more reality and talk shows? And how long before the remaining four shows are gone?

  13. Frank, I tweeted that about NYC. It's a damn shame.
    I think soaps are done and I bet the rest will be off within 5 years? Just too expensive and too old of a fan base, sadly. They let this happen year after year watching the audience slip away. Didn't change it up...didn't cut the budgets when they needed to be cut. kept the same writers working around the biz-- didn't bring in fresh blood.

  14. Well I guess its Days people cause Im not watching anything Frons produces......Hey Karen what you going to do if GH goes byebye?

  15. Honestly I hope no one ever watches GH again. That lame ass soap. Can OLTL with great stories, characters, actors but keep lame GH? I have watched both since 1994 but once OLTL is done? I am DONE GH has sucked since 2004. I am so upset right now

  16. What's funny is NO ONE is gonna watch anything at fricking 1-4pm, especialy after Oprah is done. It's a dead air time are you kidding me? If yo don't have the soap viewers who the hell is gonna watch some lame show at that time? not me... I will tape in the evening

  17. I watched young and the restless and loved it. GH is gone for me. I actually read frons record on WIKI and it wasn't good. Not surprised he's killed ABC soaps. I think when you don't listen to what fans want concerning writing, you pay a price.Frons is going with money. Losing viewers makes advertisers upset. They lose money. Saturating daytime with talk shows is a mistake. People get bored and tune out. Take away favorite couples, poor writing, recycled storylines. People get bored.

  18. i'm on the Y&R train. Especially with Genie coming on board. I stopped GH about a month ago and have been trying to get used to Y&R by viewing it every day.

    What a difference a network makes.

    There is a nice handful of GH vets on this show.

  19. It would be great if the OLTL writers would move over to GH.

    Assuming, of course, something most unfortunate happened to Guza. Heh.

    I stopped watching GH after the horribly botched aftermath of Jake's death. It's been a couple of weeks now, and I haven't missed it a bit. I'll keep my eye on Wubs to see if Guza gets axed. Only then will I return.

  20. The ratings are out and they are much lower for GH. I'm actually happy about that because they really need to see that viewers are not happy with the storylines.People are tuning out. Irony is that GH fell below OLTL but it is OLTL that is cancelled.The only reason GH higher ups are swayed is because GH managed to pull in Franco, Daniel B. and Bruce weitz and Vanessa G. Sadly, I don't think they're aware of the mess the writers made of the stories or the phasing out of valuable characters. I don't see GH lasting much longer.

  21. ABC daytime is in a very bad place. They have 'The View' and a lot of syndication, but that may be what they want. It certainly is less expensive. Their news branch lags way behind NBC & CBS - they have no equivalent of MSNBC & CNBC. In primetime they don't have the powerhouse shows like the 'Law & Order' series and the 'CSI' series. Even Fox has the hit show 'House'. I wonder if the 'Mouse House' would very much like to divest itself of that 'stone around it's neck', ABC. Someone, anyone, yell at me and tell me I'm dead wrong - PLEASE!

  22. NOTE: My apologies to the fans of the award winning "Grey's Anatomy". I forgot to mention it - I don't like grim hospital shows. I don't watch "House" anymore, either.

  23. It looks like I picked the wrong day to decide to head back to Llanview. I'm too disgusted to say much else.

  24. It won't truly have effect, I suppose so.


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...