Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Where's Jax? Where's Elizabeth?

Kind of like "Where's  Waldo"?? Jax has been strangely MIA from the baby Joss transplant story. So much so, it leaves one to wonder what's happening with the "triangle" that Guza's saying is coming for he and Brenda.
Ingo told SID in a recent interview:
 "Where were my scenes with Elizabeth?" he wonders. "When we had the surrogate storyline [where Liz carried Jax and Courtney's child], we had great scenes together. Her baby died; his lived. They should have had a scene."

Set sources have said that Ingo hasn't taped much of late. He does have a scene with Brenda regarding Lucien and will talk about he being  in "Sonny's Circle". We probably could write that scene, couldn't we? As Ingo and ABC has said, the actor is not on "recurring" status but does remain on contract.

Ingo began his career on General Hospital in 1996 as a coporate raider. Did you know that Brenda was introduced to Jax by Lois?? And so the Sonny/Jax/Brenda triangle was born. His brother Jerry (first played by Julian Stone) was almost married to Bobbie Spencer. Over the years he's had many, many relationships but Carly seems to be his latest and greatest, especially since Josslyn was born. (Jax has no other children) A LOT of people don't realize that Liz carried a baby for Jax and Courtney. (it died)

Ingo is pretty active on twitter and often tweets about his family, work and uploads photos. @ingorademacher is who you should follow. He's been a bit quiet lately, probably due to the fact that Guza came out with his "Jax will be in the next storyline".

Elizabeth. Yes, we all know she was "Fired"--and they do use this to explain part of why she's not shown in this story more. It's BS. First of all, she wasn't going to be let go 3 weeks after it was leaked she was going. This story was written pretty much as you see it. It's about Luke, his addiciton-- Jason's pain over Jake and Joss' translplant (involving Carly). Anyone that says otherwise, I don't believe.  Even IF Liz was going to have a "breakdown" and leave the show to go to "Shadybrook" there would have been more scenes. Many were cut between she and her brother Steven and between she and JJ. Them not talking to Cam about the death was gone-- what a sad thing to leave on the floor.  Soon, Elizabeth will be on canvas for the Aiden paternity. Maxie will run around, threatening to tell the truth-- we'll wait for the reactions. Case closed. zzzzzz. Never mind the fact that we know Tracy already knows all about it. Whatever.

All of this is telling..two key players left out of a key storyline while we get another front-burner "murder" of some guy no one knows. Makes absolutely NO sense. Watch the clip. If Guza had any kind of history sense of GH, he would have had Jax and Liz meet at the tree they planted.


  1. Jax's baby did not just "die",it died because of Carly (not LW's Carly- the short lived "Carly" that the fans hated.

    About Tracy knowing that Aiden is Lucky's kid, how much do you want to bet that Guza re-writes that history and we are supposed to have just forgotten about it?

  2. I think Ingo and Becky are both history. I love both of them. Becky is only there because of her fans. and she will be the next amy vining, only in scenes behind the hospital desk. GH is only about the mob (sonny,jason and their mob molls). also the newbies who are forced down our throats.

  3. Gh is so disappointing. The writing, the stories, the character destruction - all of it is fustrating and infuriating.

  4. GH has no soul so we can't expect a soulless entity to think the way we do about the past history of GH characters. I would love to see EW/Jax in that scene out where they planted their tree.
    I just want to slap maxie every time she opens her nasty a@@ed mouth. That whole s/l should never have happened.
    I have no idea what will happen with BH or IR the way they've been written so far it appears nothing good will come of it.
    I can't stand Carly, Sonny, jm or even brenda-yes she is pretty but she isn't that great- and don't even get me started on sam.
    ABC may be looking at the wrong soap to cancel because GH does indeed suck--sorry I love BH/EW but I can't watch the show so what is the point.

  5. I said it before the TV show castle knows more history knowledge of General Hospital then guza...Maybe that's because he used to be a castmember on the greatest show on earth one life to live ...

  6. Where's Bobbie,Monica, Lesley, Epiphany, Billydee, Lucas, Audrey. etc. We will never know the answer. We ask the same questions everyday, and guza the luza will never answer He probably had there characters shot by the mob off screen.

  7. I'm probably in the minority here but I would totally love for GH to put Jax and Liz together. I am not even remotely interested in the Brenda/Jax rehash coming up.

  8. I'd be down for a Liz/Jax pairing. It's only natural. They have history, he's a family man, and he's practically shoved out of Carly and his own child's life. So I could see him confiding in, and consoling Liz. This would cause angst, because yet another one of "Carly's men" are interested in Liz. First Jason, now Jax. But Carly would be in turmoil lol, because Liz DID save her daughter, but Carly's man is into Liz.

    Only problem, that means they'd get ZERO screen time lol. They barely get any separately, so together they'd get the Steve/Olivia treatment.

  9. So much for Liz getting a BIG story (on what was supposed to be her way out). Haven't seen her in what.. 2 weeks? SMH. But we sure saw Jason EVERYDAY.

    Jake story is even dropped. Just goes to show how unimportant Jake's death itself was. It was just used to prop other people,couples, and their future stories.

  10. At this point, I wish they would just put this show out of its misery. I don't watch anymore as it is just too painful to watch what has become of a soap in which the most beloved characters have been put into the closet or booted to the backburner not even to make an appearance in storylines that greatly affect them.

    Guza and Company write cartoon characters; flat, cardboard cartoon characters. They decimate and/or neglect characters whose multi-layered history means the writers will have to actually put some effort into creating compelling storylines.

    As long as this show is centered around the mob and these characters (Sonny, Carly, Jason, Michael, Brenda, and Sam) the fans will continue to be disappointed and incredulous that this is 'their' soap. It is no longer "our" soap...it is just crap. It's poorly written, lazy-ass crap.

    To waste the talents of Becky, Ingo,Sonya, Jackie, Tracy, Leslie (not to mention firing Stuart!!)...et al, is criminal. It's really difficult not to come to the conclusion that ABC/Frons (whomever) wants this show to 'tank' so they can go the cheap route with another bland talk show. I guess being creative is just too damned difficult in Hollywood these days.

    Karen, a while back you mentioned something about how wonderful it would be if Oprah could use some of her clout (especially with her "OWN" network) to save the soaps. I don't know if it would even be possible, but if anybody could do it, it would be her.

    *sigh* I hate when a stupid soap opera makes me this sad (and not in a good way) :-)

  11. I went to the abc.com GH page about this show. This is their opening paragraph:

    About the Show

    Murder, mob wars, and mansions? It's all in a day's work for the residents of Port Charles, New York. With such notable characters as Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and Jason Morgan (Steve Burton), there's never a dull moment -- especially when you add to the mix their longtime revolving love affairs with the ladies of the not-so-sleepy upstate hamlet [such as Brenda Barrett (Vanessa Marcil Giovinazzo) and Carly Benson (Laura Wright)]. Guess it's true: bad boys truly are irresistible, huh?

    Kinda says it all, doesnt it?

  12. Can't stand Guza! This show is supposed to revolve around the Hospital. Guza needs to realize that he is not David Chase and this is NOT the Sopranos. Although he wishes he could be. This is daytime television and people don't want to be miserable watching soaps...GH has been depressing for a while now. I miss when soaps were romance! What happened to the Love in the afternoon! :-) Bring back GH before the mob took over.

    I would welcome stories that does not revolve around Sonny, Jason and Carly. If they want to keep these characters, then there needs to be some balance. I would love a Liz/Jax pairing. It would bring so many stories. Carly would flip.

  13. They should bring Chad Brannon back to reprise his role as Zander Smith.. and cause a Lucky/Liz/Zander triangle. I think that would be really interesting. Have him live w/ Alexis temporarily, secretly working w/ the Zacharra organization (Johnny, Anthony, etc.).

    I think he'd have a smoother homecoming than these newbies because he has history w/ LIZ (so STEVE will be involved),CAM (his son) JASON (triangle w/ him and Liz), NIK (triangle w/ him and Emily),Lucky, SONNY, CARLY, and ALEXIS.

    ...and really, the triangle could go any way including Liz, that'd make sense. Jason/Liz/Zander, Lucky/Liz/Zander, Nik/Liz/Zander, Jason/Sam/Zander/Liz, Lucky/Siobhan/Zander/Liz, Carly/Zander/Liz, Jax/Carly/Zander/Liz.

  14. That would be such an awesome triangle!! Jax going to comfort Elizabeth, they bond over their lost child and the ties with Jake/Joss, they fall in love and Carly goes crazy!! (I love Carjax, but the show has been so boring since Jake died all you ever see is Luke, I want to see Liz!! I mostly ff and sometimes forget to watch lately. It would be great to leave the Jake stuff going, if it weren't all about Luke.

  15. I have been avoiding watching the video of Guza and steve but I finally watched today. I have to say I am even more annoyed now. This show will not turn around until Guza leaves. He is only going to write for Sonny, Carly, Jason, Luke. Its unfortunate because throughout the interview he never once mentioned Becky/ Liz.

    I kind of wish Becky and Ingo would choose to leave. They can move on to a show that gives them great stories. I hope Tyler finds a wonderful new show. All these actors/actress that are talented are being wasted by the GH writers. I am so done with this show! I have only been reading the blog to see if things will ever change. I will continue to follow it. But actually watching GH.... no thanks.

  16. I don't know how to feel about GH anymore. Sometimes I enjoy it and feel there is hope and other times it just looks bleak.

    GH of today doesn't even compare to GH of the 80's, 90's and even early 00's. Continuity, family history and terrible character arc's have really foiled a lot of what made this soap so much fun to watch. I guess times they are a changing.

  17. Lately I can pretty much get by for my GH fix by just reading the spoilers, not much else happens on the show.

  18. OMG..David!! Really--that's what It says!!

  19. They didn't even have a funeral for Jake. 'nough said.

    My disqust for what they have done to Liz/Rebecca Herbst is beyond anything I have ever felt for a stupid tv show before.


  20. Ingo & Becky have great chemistry, I would love a Liz/Jax pairing. Didn't they used to date in real life?

  21. Wow, I am so revolted by David's post that I'm almost speechless. The facebook GH page starts of the same way, but at least it mentions the Q's and Spencer's... I love the mob stuff (or at least some of the darker bits in the show), I admit it, but omg reading that makes me want to give up. I'm ashamed to watch anything with that description!!! ; ;

  22. For the show not to show the mother of a toddler that was hit by a car and died is like a slap in the face. When the mother of that toddler is a long time cast member and an amazing actress is so disrespectful of the history of the show and the viewers that have invested, in my case, 30+ years in this show is unforgivable......I watch on Soapnet and I have to say, I fall asleep watching most nights. What a shame that this once great show has been reduced to nothing more than mob propping.

  23. Yes, Becky and Ingo dated a long, long time ago and stayed very good friends. I would also be good with a Jax/Liz pairing, only if they are on more.

  24. I'd love to see Jax and Liz interact about their children and their losses. But no body's pain matters except Jason's.

  25. I have watched GH since it started- I am 61-I remember everyone even Angie,Eddie and Lucille it was about a hospital-not all mobsters and sickos.Dr.Hardy would be spinning i-h-g to see the goings on.They are removing all the older characters and now it's just guns,youth and sex. Where T H did the hospital go?
    If they want to play with guns why doesn't someone shoot Lisa - C'mon Sonny thought Robin was your friend - Kill the B!! Get Tracey and Luke back together. Wake up before it is too late - older people watch this show too at least for awhile.


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...