Oh, poor ABC, still NOT GETTING IT!! Here's their response to Hoover's boycott of their network because they canceled the soaps:
An ABC executive, requesting anonymity, contacted TV Guide Magazine to offer the network's POV. "Usually advertisers stop advertising when they want to cancel a show, not the other way around," states the suit. "We've said that the cancellation of AMC and OLTL was about money and ratings, so [the Hoover boycott] is just counterintuitive. You don't save something by taking money away."
Ever watch Seinfeld?? I know it was on another network but there was a character named George who had HAD it with everything. He decided to do everything the OPPOSITE of what he thought would work.
Guess WHAT---we are going Opposite. We asked for YEARS for our soaps to be revamped to help save sagging ratings. You did: nothing. We asked for fresh writing teams: Again, nothing. You took off fan faves, let vets get away to rival networks, moved a whole soap from NYC to LA. How'd that work for you?
Here's the deal: HOOVER didn't just pull their ads from soaps...they are pulling them from YOUR OTHER SHOWS TOO--and your NEW SHOWS. D'uhhhhhhhhhhh. We get enough sponsors to do that? We get all of the soap fan base to NOT WATCH ABC other than for our soaps and Castle (Great soap supporter) will we make a dent? How about when the same sponsors pour ads in when you SAVE the soaps!!? We don't know..but we're doing the OPPOSITE of what you'd expect. Next opposite move? Get those friends of yours, Nielsen Ratings to finally come into the digital age. I bet our numbers might surprise you.
We're not just numbers, we are a UNITED FAN BASE. You can't buy that kind of audience. Take a look at Daytime's charity events. We rival anyone with those. We can mobilize in a minute. Wake up.
By the way when HOOVER announced on FB it was boycotting ABC it went from aprox. 1200 fans to over 9,000 in HOURS. Twitter lit up like a Christmas Parade..we trended Hoover for awhile.
The BIG Picture?? HOOVER will forever be known as the kindly company that took a risk and came forward to help a "lowly fanbase" save their history. What will YOU be known for? Killing Erica, Vicky and Dorian?? You bet'cha.
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Great blog my friend. We're not going anywhere. As Nancy Lee Grahn said "if soap fans were on the titanic..it wouldn't have sunk". We DO NOT go down without a fight and there is no way we will let a handful of people in charge ruin iconic television programing for millions. SAVE OLTL AND AMC NOW!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWithout a doubt your finest hour, Karen! Excellent blog!
ReplyDeleteLove this blog. Spot on.
ReplyDeleteI'm all for mobilizing and taking a stand... but what will it do? Yeah, 1200 to 9000 is a good amount but in the grand scheme of things it's barely a drop in the bucket.
ReplyDeleteI loved that NLG quote!! And you know, ABC could have said something like: Bravo to our wonderful daytime fans for fighting to save their shows. Unfortunately.blah, blah blah -- but no, slam us again!
ReplyDeleteYou are so articulate. Thanks for writing an awesome blog. I have never written in support of a television show, but did spend a few hours writing to anyone that would listen. On an average given day, I would turn on ABC from noon to 7. now its 1-4. The realization hit me when Judge Judy came on and I tuned out. In an age where corporate bigwigs are getting multi-million dollar bonuses on the backs of their consumer, I really hope that Frons gets what is coming to him. Karma is a bitch.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog!! Very well said. For the first time ever I have written an email re: save our soaps. I will also be snail mailing as well AND contacting all advertisers in hoping that they follow Hoover and pull their ads!
ReplyDeleteSuperbly said!
ReplyDeleteyou outdid yourself with this blog! its amazing and true and let the naysayers please just go quietly away into the night. Soapfans are special and loyal and hoever this all ends I am proud to be one!!!
ReplyDeleteBravo Karen, well said. It was fun last night watching Hoover trend and I could barely keep up with the Twitter feed. If the other sponsers on ABC paid attention of what happened last night, they would jump on that band waggon fast. Like elephants soap fans NEVER forget.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Karen!
ReplyDeleteIt is a drop in the bucket BUT IT'S A LOUD bucket!!
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with everything you said--they had to spin that in someway but to me they came off looking dumber than ever.
ReplyDeleteWhile I agree 9000 isn't a huge # in the grand scheme of things it does mean that ppl are watching and paying attention. Even we don't manage to save the already cancelled soaps we might get something better for GH and soaps in general.
great blog!!!!!
Great blog,K. I'm sure many suits will be coming out of the closet to try to discourage fans and sponsors alike. The fact is that there is more than $$$ involved in our boycott. There is something called "goodwill" which is extremely valuable to both ABC and it's sponsors. Soap fans have long memories and we hold grudges! LOL ABC will be paying for these ancellations for many years to come if they go through with it.
ReplyDeleteABC could turn it all around by retracting the cancellations and firing Brian Frons. Frank Valentini wouold do an amazing job I'm sure. And hopefully he would fire Guza's a$$ too.
Yes! Well said as always, Karen. Gotta love Hoover for caring what we think. Hopefully more advertisers will as well. I can feel the love!!! Save our Soaps. Boycott ABC! They need to feel the wrath of the fans!
ReplyDeleteWhat gets me is that Frons and ABC seem so indifferent and nasty. They are giving us the finger and saying that no matter what you do it won't make a difference. They could try to sound a little sympathetic and appease us a little but no. Clearly, this was on the adgenda for a long time and someone at ABC either Frons or higher is getting rid of the soaps no matter what.
ReplyDeleteI think they have severly underestimated the audience of these shows and the backlash that it causing.
Go Hoover!
ReplyDeleteDid you know last nite on Dancing with the stars they said Is Erica Kane going to Desperate Housewives?
Shoot for all we know its been in the works for her.
I knew that about Susan Lucci... I totally think she knew ahead of time!! I do.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, ABC/FRONS et al are being NASTY.
I have family visiting, and have not had time to write and send e-mails. I will do so as soon as I can. To those that doubt we can accomplish anything with this- I myself really doubt our ability to keep these shows on the air. But my problem with ABC goes far beyond canceling these shows. They are a business, and they are going to make their decisions from a monetary standpoint. Fine, that is what businesses do. What bothers me immensely is THE WAY they did this- they completely disrepected not only the fans, but the cast and crew of these shows. Their callous disregard and insensitity to those people is unbelievable. If a clothing company treated their employees this way, I would not buy the clothes. If a manufacturer treated employees this way, I would not buy their products and if I were a sponsor, I would not want to be associated with a network that has such callous disregard for their employees. That is the message I plan to send to advertisers in my e-mails- that it will hurt their companies in the long run to give their advertising dollars to this network.
ReplyDeleteI was on one the facebook groups (http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_166393780082557¬if_t=group_activity), and they're saying that Excedrin is going to meet with ABC some time this week to talk about the possibility of pulling their ads.
ReplyDeleteWell put Karen!! Keep up the great work!
ReplyDeletehow about boycotting Disneyland????
ReplyDeleteEveryone go out buy Hoover vacuum bags and send them to ABC with the message-"see what you lost". This would support Hoover and show our distain for ABC
ReplyDeleteTHAT is a good (and funny) idea, Anonymous.
ReplyDeleteThough I think the message should be something more sarcastic..
I think we should all send ABC an envelope full of the fake dog poop, because what they are doing is CRAP- I'd say to send the real stuff, but I wouldn't do that to the post office! I would do it to ABC though...
ReplyDeleteHere's a question-why would ABC hire back head writer Lorraine Broderick for AMC and Roger Howarth for OLTL if they are canceling both shows? Doesn't make any sense. You would think that both those people would back out and go some where else.
ReplyDeleteI think actors are used to short term gigs...LB and RH probably get good pay even for a short time
ReplyDeleteWow, there is really much useful info here!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the article, very helpful information.