Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Birthday to: Ingo Rademacher!

The Rademachers

Happy Day to Ingo, who came to General Hospital in 1996. Brought on as a corporate-raider back in the day when that was in the news. His character of Jasper Jacks also served as a rival for Sonny Corinthos, mobular boss. We all know the Brenda-Sonny-Jax story!! 

An avid Surfer, he lives in both LA and Hawaii. Born in Germany and raised in Australia, he's a world traveler. Did you know he spent one year on the primetime soap "Titans" from 2000-01?


  1. When Jax first appeared on GH, I told my daughter he was the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen! slicked back and in a white dinner jacket as I remember. He was the very first "star" we saw at the first Super Soap Weekend, and I thought my trip was complete, hahaha. The hair has changed, his role has changed , but his charm is still evident. HAPPY BIRTHDAY INGO!

  2. I love IR and will follow his work wherever his career may lead. I was a big J&B fan, in the 90's.

    I first remember him wooing Lois. Hilarious!

    But, one of my favorite IR s/l is when he married Alexis and Ned married Chloe. Comedy gold. I miss those days...

  3. Happy birthday Ingo! I only saw a few minutes of GH(all I can stand as the show is aweful) and managed to see Jax. He was great and he gave the best argument about how children shouldn't be brought up in the mob. I wish jason heard that. Sorry, Jasam shouldn't have a baby.
    Karen, the sad news and rumors are that GH's fate is sealed. GH will be lucky if they will be on air for another year. ABC has already made the decision and watching/or not watching GH won't change things. Heard Disney finds the viewers efforts to save soaps funny. Wish disney could be hurt by advertisers pulling ads.
    I am sorry that GH will close its doors with the worst storylines ever. Jasam fans will be happy because GH will probably end with marriage and a baby with these two. Mob prevails, viewers lose.
    I won't be watching this as I can't stand the characters.
    I enjoy watching Kin Shriner on Y&R, and will watch for Genie Francis there.

  4. happy birthday Ingo. I too thought he was the most gorgeous man and still is. I always liked he was the good guy with women. loved J&B. one of my favorite couples. I am starting to believe GH is purposely being written into the ground. total sabotage.especially the way jake's death was handled and now the jaspawn story, way too fast.

  5. Wow Peanut's got some curly hair there....

  6. Happy Birthday IR hope you go to Y&R or to Days you sure are some great looking eye candy and your son will be a heartbreaker like his daddy.

  7. I went to high school for 5 yrs with Ingo, (in Australia), he was good looking then and never without a girlfriend. Left school, did some modelling & starred in a little soap opera show called Echo Beach. Well Done Ingo on your success & personal Life.


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...