Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Genie Francis First Y&R photo!!

This was tweeted today by CBS:

You know she's going to have a blast with this!!! 
I don't think Laura ever got to look real "chic" on GH-- she looks like a lady on a mission...time to tune into Y&R soon!!


  1. she is my favorite daytime actress of them all. simply the best.

  2. She looks fabulous!!!! Stupid Guza and General Hospital!!!

  3. I agree...stunning and the best. Can't wait for her first air date!

  4. I think Genie made a good decision in accepting a role at Y&R. Let's face it, if she came back to GH, Laura would be sacrificed to give more airtime to the ever-present Carly, the best mother in the world who loves with her whole heart and will always put Jason and Sonny above everyone, including her husbands of the moment and her children. Yuck! Pah! She is as vile and repulsive as Franco. Even with the huge cast of Y&R, Genie will get a better deal than at GH.

  5. i've been wartching Y&R for a few weeks now to get acquainted.

    wow. if you want to see your favorite GH actors/actresses, you need to go to CBS to do it!

  6. Count me in to Y & R I love Genie cannot wait

  7. I love Y and R and have stopped watching GH. Sorry the storylines are boring on GH. Heard it will be cancelled nest year.

  8. Very effective material, thanks so much for this post.

  9. This won't actually have success, I think so.


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