Monday, April 4, 2011

Soap Opera Monday: Has That Ship Sailed?

Oh, rumors just don't quit on the soaps being canceled. There's not much to do right now but wait. Keep watching, writing, calling and wait. I honestly think it will come down to money. Period. If you look at ratings from 2000 to now, you are looking at a 50% drop overall.  FIFTY Percent!! Wiki has them all. I do think they'll keep GH for the time being, and maybe one more. Not hopeful though. Sad thing is that the best written show, OLTL will be gone. It so doesn't deserve it. You can't make more people watch though--that's where I think the ship sailed long ago. No one really tried to take the genre to the next level. So many recycled stories, it's not even funny. Even Robin Strasser  of OLTL is talking about it on her hotline (212-414-5300.). People are worried, so it's not just hear-say.  
I've been sad for years at the decline of GH--the massive "kill-offs" ...the dwindling family units, the non-use of vets. Bringing on guest such as Connie Towers or Emma Samms only to waste them.  The writing hasn't been keeping my attention for a long time. Ergo, part of me is still ambivalent. Well, We still have each other and I'll continue to party as long as it lasts...or I go back to work full time. LOL. We'll see. This year's FCW should be a great one!! 

 One Life To Live: No words...just watch it. Between the actors/vets/historical story lines? wowza. Erika Slezak, no matter how many times she's played it, BRINGS it. This show still makes my heart pound!!  Even Kim Z, who was brought on as a conflict for Vicky is in on the Shane story...intertwining things even more. Imagine that.  They filmed outside on a real rooftop too. Great camera work. 
I can't drag your ass to the TV but boy, OLTL deserves some kind of medal because even though I've watched soaps for 30+ years, this is making me excited!!

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Let's see if I can watch the whole show. I didn't manage last week! LOL 
I'm already tired of the Luke drinking talk...whatever. Have him mainline or drop some acid. I just am done. Is he just going to stand in the Haunted Star for a month and let people just lecture him?! oh, yeah. JJ did mention ZOMBIE today!! Where is Ethan??!

Michael with a gun. I kinda dug Brandon..naughty boy but GREAT ACTOR!! Jason saves the day. God, this story is so stupid. Michael, go back to school.  Or be 21. Just stop this idiocy.

Lisa's still on. Whatever. And Johnny brings up Claudia!! Nice...think of your dead sister when you make the love to Lisa. ewwww.

 BY the way, GH is in blackout week, meaning no taping. Lisa LoCicero said she's eating seaweed this week. That's how she stays so thin!! LOL

James Franco will be on Jimmy Fallon tonight !! Two of my fave men!! 


  1. Karen Emma Sands? You mean Emma Samms? :) And why is GH on blackout week?

  2. Sonya, GH is on blackout week to save money...

    OLTL rocked. I am not a big fan of the actor playing Deanna or the kid playing Jack , but the girl playing Destiny was really rough in the beginning and she is great now, so I will see how it goes. Anyway, there are really no words for how good a show this is...Shane giving Jack his inhaler? Guza never would have thought of that detail...And when was the last time GH showed a love scene with anyone over the age of Sonny?

  3. I did not watch. Sadly, After being a longtime fan, I have decided the show is no longer worth watching.

  4. I loved OLTL today. I even checked out the website that was mentioned in the PSA (Kristen Alderson and Brittany Underwood are both listed as Global Ambassadors, which is probably why it was chosen). I think that they have done a wonderful job on the bullying storyline. I think it is about time that someone paid attention to the effects of bullying--too bad it took a bunch of kids killing themselves for people to notice. When I was in college, I did a paper on bullying leading to mass school shootings like Columbine (although, i honestly think that there has been a sociological paradigm shift that allows kids to think that they're justified in shooting others because they're pissed off at the world--also, if you notice the kids that shot up high schools in the 90's are of the same generation as these grad students shooting up college campuses.).

  5. Blackout week??? Laura Wright tweeted today that she is filming with Steve Burton.

  6. Not sure why they keep showing Lulu being so torn up about Jake. Maybe we would buy it if they ever shared even one scene together.

    And seeing Jason with Joss just annoyed me. CARLY, CARLY, CARLY. And wouldn't Brenda go and give her condolences to jason? She had better hurry and do so if they want us to believe they have such a connection.

  7. Funny how ABC doesn't even think of firing the man responsible for all the awfulness of the soaps - Brian Frons. It's just sad to see all three soaps get so bad and there doesn't seem to be anything we can do. Sigh.

  8. The Tony Geary and Genie Francis interview on "Oprah" will be repeated on Tuesday.

  9. Just curious:

    Has Bobbie come to the Haunted Star to offer Luke encouragement yet? Isnt that what family does?

    Has Monica offered support to Jason? After all, Monica knows a thing or two about having a child die.

    Today was my first day turning off the TV. I didnt watch today and I dont intend to anymore. It isnt the Jake story that has ended it for me. It's the treatment of the veterans and implausible writing.

  10. Anonymous, have you tried watching OLTL? NOt all three ABC soaps have gotten bad...Have you read any of the posts about it? It is not only the best of the three ABC soaps, but it is awesome compared to any soap...

  11. I watched half a minute of GH. Noticed everyone but Elizabeth was on to talk about Jake...again. Plus I also saw the horrible Sam/Jason video after OLTL was over. Gonna push this stupid storyline about Sam having a kid now.
    I have just taken GH of my DVR for the first time. I'm going to try to wein myself off of coming here as well. Karen, I would LOVE for you to start a OLTL site and if you do, I will be there!

  12. I read a Rebecca herbst interview where she talked about her storyline and believes she will be the victim for awhile. She also felt that TPTB wouldn't hire her back just to answer phones at GH. I think she's sadly mistaken. She barely had scenes for the death of her own child, jake. Guza and SB interview said that now Jason can have a jasam baby because jake wasn't killed due to mob.They have made the show about jason, Carly,Conny,Brenda. If I were her, I would start doing auditions for other shows. I can't even stand Steve Burton anymore, such a lapdog, but he does want to stay employed. They could at least put liz and jax together.

  13. SO...I finally did my Rage Tweet to poor Michelle Val Jean (sure, she's not solely responsible for the GH mess, but she was the biggest higher-up I could find on Twitter) and she was NOT happy with me! I couldn't be more very first "Twitter War." I'm ELATED I pissed her off. Need to find even MORE GH writers/showrunners to tweet against...

  14. David, Monica doesn't know Jake ws jason's.

  15. I understand and appreciate the Luke and Lucky confrontations, although this alcohol bit is getting old. I agree about not drinking and driving, but don't think Luke was drunk. But, Liz was the real mother and Jake lived with her and not with Lucky. She needed to be brought into this scenario more. Tired of Mabby!

  16. guza the luza you feel good now you killed Brandon. You big man you. You kill off every male abuser that comes on. The only way you know how to punish people is kill them .Story line is so predictable. Who's the next male abuser,your going to bring on and kill off. You male hater guza.


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...