Friday, April 8, 2011

Adrienne Barbeau Says Goodbye To General Hospital

She just tweeted this: 

Said good-bye to GH today. Worked with some lovely people and had a good time. Thanks to all the folks in Port Charles.

Thank you for the fun you brought to the show!! I so enjoyed Suzanne, especially when she offed Theo!!


  1. I always wanted Suzanne to turn out to be Brenda's crazy mother, Veronica. I think they killed Veronica off many years ago, but other people have come back from the dead.

  2. I am so sad to read this, I knew her role was never intended to be long term but I wish they could have kept her around. She was the best actress they'd added to the lineup in years~ I will miss her.

  3. Such class. What a welcome addition.

  4. I enjoyed her too but would rather have spent time watching Monica, Bobbie, or Audrey during this time.

  5. Anon #2 -

    The actress who played Audrey Hardy has since retired from acting.. so when you say Audrey, do you mean the character or actress? Honestly, I miss Monica, Bobbie and Audrey too.. but I wouldn't waste my time watching them if it wasn't Leslie, Jackie or Rachel.

    I haven't watched so I really have no clue if Suzanne was a decent character addition. I thought the whole plot was stupid and a waste of time, and one of the (many) reasons I haven't picked up the remote to watch GH.

  6. I fully agree with anything you've printed here.

  7. Oh my god, there is really much useful information here!


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...