Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dancing With the Stars Boycott Working??

Last night Soap Fans launched a campaign to boycott the popular ABC show,  Dancing With the Stars to show ABC just what we can do. WHY? Well, soap stars have been on DWTS since the start and it was the daytime fans that tuned in during the beginning. Last night, we watched Chuck instead because GH actress Lisa LoCicero was on. Or something else.

Guess what? TV By the Numbers reports that DWTS was down 13% it's lowest Spring performance ever.
Heh..as Hoover says: SUCK IT!

Tonight we are not watching DWTS results either!! Find out some other way who won!!  


  1. Karen, If I ever watched anything on ABC besides OLTL, I would stop watching it. I have not watched a primetime show on ABC since Lost ended- I think their lineup sucks. But for anyone that has ever watched, now is definitely the time to stop watching everything except the soaps- let's pump up those numbers and hurt everything else...

  2. go to dwts web site for results and then you wont have to watch the show. I hate the result show anyway.

  3. I have watched GMA as long as I can remember. I now just leave CNBC on all morning. If Days gets cancelled - I am up a creek.

  4. Ladies, I admire your tenacity. It's not hard for me to ignore ABC, since there isn't anything on this network that I watch anymore (except for GH).

    Oh, and if you wanted to do a COMPLETE boycott of ABC, then get the results from another website (such as TVGuide.com or TVLine.com). Why give ABC's DWtS site ANY traffic whatsoever?

  5. You can watch any of the performances on YouTube and the results will be posted in 5-10 min after the show is over on Wikipedia.

  6. DJ Rogue is right. Don't go on DWTS site. Hope all will boycott DWTS Monday and Tuesday.

  7. LORI! you have a pic up!! woot!

  8. It cannot have effect in actual fact, that is exactly what I think.

  9. I saw a great deal of helpful information above!


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...