Thursday, April 7, 2011

Actor Sean Blakemore Gets Contract on General Hospital

According to SOD, the actor Sean Blakemore who plays Shawn Butler, now Carly's "bodyguard" has been put on contract for the show. No word on length yet, but it's probably a standard 13 month opt-out. Congrats to Sean! He's a hunky addition for GH.


  1. WTH!?! Do they REALLY need more characters with no history?! I mean seriously! He doesn't even have a prayer for having a past connection to Port Charles. And TIIC don't write for long standing characters why add a newbie.

  2. He's a good addition, I think. Can't wait to see him involved with more of characters on the show.

  3. He's hot and all that, but really, who gives a flying f#@k? Just another newbie with muscles who no one cares about an will forget the moment he gets shot or killed, or quietly slips away in some random, useless, tasteless story.

    Where is my GH? I want good stories back with really plots, characters, and maybe, just maybe something resembling cast intergration. Oh, and heaven forbid, but seeing the hospital on occasion would be nice too. Just saying.

  4. I like this choice. Yes there are no ties, but he has depth and I want to see where this leads..

  5. Yeah, Sean's easy on the eyes...but so are Jax, Matt, and MAC! I have no illusions about who will be getting the air time.

  6. This is from an article titled "Why ABC Daytime is Winning the Ratings Race in 2011". I laughed my ass off!

    General Hospital is also typically ABC’s leader when it comes to capturing the highest ratings amongst the industry’s coveted target market of eighteen to forty-nine year old females and the viable sub segment of eighteen to thirty-four year old females. The show’s format isn’t necessarily vastly different than that of its competing peers. Yet the content is strikingly distinctive in production quality, scenario believability, storyline development, and the intermingling of satire, social issues, romance, relationship development and character diversity.

    Read more at Suite101: Why ABC Daytime is Winning the Ratings Game in 2011

  7. Vets being asked to take salary cuts and having little or no air time because of "budget cuts" and they're adding day players and putting them on "contract" while vets are being fired or put on recurring status? What is in the water at Prospect? JMO.

  8. How long until we find out he's Sonny and Epiphany's love child?

  9. mosbp
    IS THAT FOR REAL?! OMG.. no way. "believeable"?!

  10. 1. He's totally hot and a good actor.
    2. He should not get a contract if vets are being fired or are being asked to take pay cuts or are being sent to soap Narnia.

  11. I actually like this guy so I don't mind. He's not as bland as a lot of the other ones they've brought in.

  12. Chillax Carrie...Don't be hatin' ..They were all newbies once. Looks like he has plenty to offer. :-)

  13. sean is one of the finest actors on GH. his character could give himself permission to emote more. i realize he's a marine w/issues but the blending of him and carly is slowly developing into a real storyline w/untouched possibilities. i'd like to see sean able to smile/laugh more. i do think carly could draw that out of him. i enjoy his performance greatly and hope he sticks around GH.


Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!

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