Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"All Roads Lead to Port Charles"

Thursday July 21st!! 
A great Fan Lunch is being planned by other fans of General Hospital to meet/greet with other people before the official weekend starts. If you are in the area and want to go check  it out go to the  All Roads Lead to Port Charles website.  NO Stars will be at this lunch...just other great fans getting together to celebrate the weekend. If I go, I'll try to get there myself!! I've met some of the people organizing this when I was in Toronto and they are awesome.  Sometimes, it's more fun to meet each other than the stars of the show!! Deadline for tickets is approaching so click the link above to get all the deets!


  1. I know this is petty, however, whoever made that banner/pic I LOVE how they have Liz next to Jason LOL.

  2. The dude is completely just, and there is no suspicion.


Horses on Socials

  Portia apologizes to Elizabeth. She thought Ric Lansing fought well for her. Portia thinks there are only 3 digitalis deaths at GH.  Nina ...