Thursday, April 14, 2011

Maurice Benard on Dr. Drew Tonight!

Dr. Drew of Headline News (HLN)  tonight 9pm. 

In the wake of the news that Catherine Zeta-Jones checked in for bipolar treatment, Dr. Drew is inviting Daytime Star Maurice Benard on to talk about his very public battle with the disease. Tune in GHers and show your support!! (Two of my fave men together! woot!) 


  1. I really don't care what Dr Drew discusses with Maurice he better be looking for a new job cause Frons may not be able to save him.

  2. I'm with you! Not even interested.

  3. This will not really have effect, I consider like this.


Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!

  GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat r...