Tuesday, April 26, 2011

IT's Tuesday: Wet Wet Wet!

We've had rain for so long, there's moss growing instead of tulips! booooo

Here's a nice tweet from Jason Thompson (Patrick) today: 
Thank you, everyone of you! For the support of not just P&R but all you do for GH, soaps and daytime TV. We all really appreciate it. X
Like I said, the actors know. 

GH Today: Blah, blah...blah..I really hate they are taking my fun Luke and putting him in a blender and mixing him up with pathos. 
I want Abby to be Something TO ANTHONY!! Like ex-Mistress?? Relative?? what?  
Today was boring beyond compare. Sorry but man.... oh man. Lucky and Sonny talking are at least a bright spot!!  

SPOILERS ARE UP! PLEASE hit a sponsor!! Wubsnet donated to MAXwell's JDRF walk today!! He's a great kid!!

Brianna Brown's (Lisa)  film project "The Encounter" will have it's Santa Monica, CA debut at the Edgemar Center Film Fest

OMG, I did the "Royal Name Generator" on E! Online and got this:

Earl Karen Griff Wubqueencock of Port Charleston
You have to love this!! 


  1. how much more of this ar ewe expected to watch...there are NO STORYLINES! it is above and beyond terrible!

  2. I am HM Queen Lee Arabella Mosston of Tampashire! I outrank you kiddo! hahahahaha...too much fun...gotta grab all we can these days!

  3. Sounds like Lucky will still marrty the boring irish lad, hu?

  4. Random thought, anyone remember how Roseanne once blew up her house? on OLTL's last day I think Dorian should be shown doing that to Frons'office!
    Click Boom!

  5. Yeah, Little House did that too. :)

  6. I wish they would put Liz and jax together. i hate Liz chasing Lucky. i actually would like to see lucky and liz move on with other people.

  7. Liz isn't chasing Lucky. This is the first we have heard of her feelings in months. So that's why it comes across as boring. No build up, no angst, nothing.

  8. This won't succeed as a matter of fact, that's exactly what I consider.

  9. This cannot succeed in reality, that is exactly what I suppose.


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...