Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day: Support Recycling: Watch GH


OLTL was fun today..Marty is so crazy!! Heh...."Tell me what you did Marty"!! She screwed up multiple tests. Heh. WHAT a great show today!! Loved it as per usual. Not sure what the hell  is going on with Old NuTodd so I'm just ignoring it right now. heh --I think TSJ and RH will bring it. Now that OLTL is canned,  they can go nuts. :) OLTL was 3rd again in ratings,  and is kicking some ass. Too bad Frons doesn't watch it.

GH: Let's see... PCPD is just stupid. And if I have to sit through this again, I shall say ENOUGH! 

Sam and Carly hell did freeze over? I liked the daffodils on the table.

JoLu-- I did like them. They broke them up, then they never saw each other for about a year. 

Jax/Carly/Brenda: Sigh...look at the blue bin up there. Sonny said he "let Brenda be friends with Jax". Oh, thanks. God, is he thinking it's "Happy Days'!!? LOL. And not for nothing but both Jax and Sonny are on my last nerve.

Sonny and Anthony were pretty fun.  AZ comparing his plant to Claudia! LOL

On Sunday Megan Ward (Kate) will be LIVE on WGN Radio-- listen at : !!


  1. Interesting connection me thinks.Now I get what the big O was saying,this is why she won`t help.

  2. Interesting connection? Discovery Communications has kicked $150 million into OWN. An additional $50 million just in Feb 2011

  3. One life to live is such a great
    show!! To be number 3 in the ratings and still get cancelled
    is not right!! just goes to show
    us soap fans abc is canceling this
    show because they want too! and not because of poor ratings.

    General Hospital won't be around
    much longer either they will cancel this show as soon as they find what they want to replace it

  4. I love how everyone's all like "Maya's gone?! WTF?!" *lol*

  5. I recieved back from those form letters decent remarks from Hershey not so from General Mills they said in other words we need to be speaking to ABC WTF they won't listen so I guess our soaps are going down the tubes.

  6. Thanks so much for your article, very helpful info.



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...