Monday, September 12, 2011

Cady McClain on The Last Days of AMC

Cady McClain has a great website and a wonderful BLOG.. read what she has to say about her last days on set and "The Death of Daytime? "  Cady and Michael are two of my all time faves from any soap. They are just good people.

Mike and I and all us long time daytime actors- have spent so many moments in a world of make-believe.  A world where good always wins over bad, and love triumphs over all.  I will miss that world.  I’m not always fond of the “real” world, where news always seems bad and the tragedies never seem to stop.  It’s not like soaps don’t have their share of dead babies and tornados, but things always work out somehow.  Babies are found alive and lovers come back from the dead!  I will miss watching and working on the soaps for those outrageous but wonderful, hopeful happy endings.

1 comment:

  1. I am loving all the vets coming back loved Zac today and Griffith......OLTL I thought I was going to spew tea I was drinking when Roxie said put a IUD out on him meaning a APB....too funny


Tanned and Teeth

 Well, I'll be out tomorrow subbing AGAIN for the UPK kids so enjoy me while you can!!  OMG the Bach guy is on today and he's CREEPY...