Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday Surgery: Transfusion

Changes, they are a comin' Slowly but surely-- the abrupt snap to black after scenes is a total OLTL trick. Women are becoming more dimensional and less like shrieking harpies. Even Carly's toned down. Dare we hope for a fun, connected show?? One we can rush home too? It's getting there. Crossed fingers.

OLTL Buzzzzz: 
Remember that Kassie and Roger (Blair/Todd) will only be on GH for about 8 eppies so far. That may change...not sure. They are the parents of Starr Manning, aspiring singer and baby Mama to Hope. (She had her at 16). I am wondering if Hope is going to be a part of this story or what. It may be hard to drag a baby around PC--we know how that goes. Heh.  Todd Manning is the owner of "The Sun" a tabloid type paper in Llanview. Blair is a much married Mom of 3 (Jack, Starr and Sam) who gets into trouble a lot. Colorful character--and she sings. Todd masterminded the gang-rape of Marty Seybrook all those years ago. He was "redeemed" somewhat through the years but remains a bad-tempered rogue. He was played by Trevor St.  John until it was discovered that Trevor was his brother Victor. (and  ATWT was cancelled).  Todd is Vicki Lord's brother. Their father was nasty in all sorts of ways. Vicki suffered from DID and was "Niki/Viki"--just like her daughter Jess was Tess and host of other alters.  I think Laura Wright and Kassie will be greatly matched on the show! 

Awww. New Cast Wub

SCENE OF THE WEEK:  Ah, yes the Davis girls...happy for Baby comin'!! Hopefully another GIRLIE to add to the fold!!

CONNIE/KATE NOT the Scene of the Week: This is a page from OLTL I don't want to happen!! I don't like it.  Not one bit.  Just shut up and redecorate that new restaurant and mind your magazine and hotel. NO RED LIPSTICK FOR YOU!

OTHER WTF: Dolores is so not dressing remotely appropriate for even a detective on the PF. Just sayin. Where's LUKE? Chained up with Helena tickling him? TJ-- like I said after school special. All these ends have to keep evolving and getting to make sense.  

FUN PROP: Fronkey Wrapping paper. Because you KNOW they bought it for me!!

A fan had a good idea about going over the vets coming back in the upcoming weeks. Many people don't even remember them! Especially someone like Heather Webber. So, that could be fun.

See the NEW Scoop on Steve and Maggie up on the WUBS Net... 
Along with all the other stuff coming up! Ad revenue for the end of the month and into March goes to GaGoo Jammies (see below!!)  

MTV is having a Whitney Video marathon on right now. Such a loss of talent. Her early stuff is stunning. "I'm Your Baby Tonight" is so classic cool. 


  1. LOVE the photo of the 'new gang'.
    Sonny without his suit?? His MOB suit?
    I also LOVE the positiveness I got from this post of Karen's!

    IMO its fair to say GH is doing their best to stay on air. No other soap went thru such drastic changes before a cancellation was made. I wish them much success, and only time will tell what will become of the show. YES they are standing on weak legs now! Ron give it your best!

    Are we doing a Vicki/Nicki with Kate? Please NO. Never liked it on OLTL either. Rather see her take down Sonny.

    Why can't Franco stay dead? Isn't dead suppose to be forever? I HATE this crap with him and his messages. Maybe its Spinnelli messing with Jason??

    The finger IMO will point to Ronnie w/the attacks. I still say its Mulva's hubby though. Coincidence her sister was also a victim?

    Though not much of a storyline, we have seen Mac & Alexis everyday this week. We saw Monica's monthly scene, however we see more of her next week.

    And going to tell Monica about Matt & Liz stealing drugs. I am looking forward to it. Not because it will probably get both suspended, but it was so wrong IMO what they did. There should be consequences.

    Sounds like Carly kicks Shawn to the curb and he is sad. Ya snooze ya loose Shawn!

    Party at the lake house? I so hope they show it, and not beat around it like they did Mac & Diane's one nighter.

    Here is to the end of the horrible GH of the past 2 years, and on to better in the coming weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    With Heather coming, Jeff can't be far behind. Will it be RDA or will it be Clint from OLTL??

  2. Karen,
    If they must do a DID story, why not give it to a better actress than the new Kate. Wasn't the actress with that story on OLTL really good?

  3. Dar, I do think this Kate is a very good actress--and I really liked Megan as well. Don't know why they switched, but they did find someone talented.
    Still, it seems impossible to me that an intelligent woman who has made her way in the world, runs a top magazine, makes a pile of money on her own and can add and subtract just fine, would waste a nano second on the ugly ego that is Sonny. He barely went to school. His only concern in life is getting power, keeping power, and grabbing whatever else he can along the way, and blaming everything evil he does on 'Deke'. The only thing they seem to be able to talk about is Bensonhurst. I mean, you couldn't discuss art or music or literature or even style with Sonny. Unless you wanted to talk about what cheap booze is best, how to unjam a 48, get the drop on an enemy, or who to hire to dispose of bodies, what conversation could you have with Sonny? Des tough guys is duh-dumb....

    Oh, and the actress who did the DID story on OLTL was Erika Slezak, the best soap actress in the business and possessor of six Emmys. She was the core character of OLTL and played Viki for 40 years.
    The other actress who had a DID story was also very good, but too young for use here.

    The improvements have begun but gradually, as they should. I didn't see Ron's name in credits this week, but it does seem that some stories are being pulled together better, clarified and moved along.

  4. While Ron C. is not really on board yet, Frank V. is, and it could be his influence that is being noticed to date. I actually sat through an entire episode this week, and that has not happened in years. It was not great, but it was not completely horrible either. I personally am not a fan of this Kate at all, but that's just me. She's an okay acres As, but there is something about her that really bugs me. It could just be the way they do her hair and makeup. Anyway, I miss Megan Ward in the role and would love it if FV and RC brought her back. Right now I will watch if I am home and am able. If things continue to improve, I will start DVRing again.

  5. While Ron C. is not really on board yet, Frank V. is, and it could be his influence that is being noticed to date. I actually sat through an entire episode this week, and that has not happened in years. It was not great, but it was not completely horrible either. I personally am not a fan of this Kate at all, but that's just me. She's an okay acres As, but there is something about her that really bugs me. It could just be the way they do her hair and makeup. Anyway, I miss Megan Ward in the role and would love it if FV and RC brought her back. Right now I will watch if I am home and am able. If things continue to improve, I will start DVRing again.

  6. I saw elsewhere (Sara Bibel's online soap column, Deep Soap) that RC's first credited day is this Thursday, Feb. 16. Hopefully she's correct.

    Yeah, I agree with everyone, I hope this Kate story isn't a Viki/Jess replay. My wish - Kate would have been working with Robert to bring down Sonny. Shawn as well. But this has RC's fingerprints all over it, so I hope it'll be better than it sounds.

  7. I think there is a big reveal with the old footage of jason captured by franco and Sam will keep it secret.? AJ.
    I will be glad if jason dies or leaves PC. He is like a cyborg, ridiculous.
    I wonder if other secrets will be found out by Monica, including Sam hiring gunmen to threaten liz and jake or watching jake get kidknapped.
    I would relish that and have written to RC about this, but I'm sure he's inundated with fan mail, LOL :).

  8. RC is on board. The day he was hired he started to make changes & bring his ideas to the table.
    It would make sense that this week we finally see the changes. And he get credited!
    He had to of started 2 months ago.

    I wish the new staff at GH behind the scenes the best of luck.
    Writers, EDITING, producing, etc..

  9. I'm really looking forward to the RC factor on GH. He's been a fan of the show for years (from what I read he said) so at least he understands the importance of legacy characters and families that once were, before the mob took over.

    I am not interested in the DID storyline with NuKate unless it involves her bringing Sonny down, which would make perfect sense. I still think it's shameful they didn't ask Megan Ward back. I just can't get into Kelly Sullivan's portrayal of Kate. I am really trying though.

    Skeebob - your wish about Kate working with Robert would be amazing! It's waaaay past time for Saint Sonny to pay for his sins.

    And as far as Jason...I can't believe how much the writers have ruined his character. Really hoping RC can bring back the light to Jason/SBu. I am beyond tired of his lack of lines, mumbling, and "emoting"....aka "constipated look" that someone else said on this blog.

    Can't wait to see the integration of the OLTL characters. It will be like seeing old friends :)

    Counting down the days until the BIG BOOM! Should be an interesting week!

  10. The never ending multiple personality disorders is what drove me away from OLTL. I so hope this Kate/Connie sheeze is not going to go on forever, cause the FF button will certainly need replacing.

  11. Dear Maxie,

    You also stole drugs from the hospital for Lucky.

    Glass House



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...