Monday, February 27, 2012
Monday Cliff Hanger: Literally
Matt and Maxie-- so ingenue. Please be over soon! Just not what I like--
Mac and Spin were awesome--!!
Starr and Cole and little Hope...hanging off a cliff. Michael and St
Helena needed to kill Cassie or Irina--or whomever, then
HOLY SHEEBAH! When Helena told Cassandra to shoot and then the commercial came, I DIED!! LOL then Helena had Cassandra shot POINT BLANK? What!!! That Cartini1! dear lord. What a ride.
BYE CASS-I-ANDRA YOU BORING Character. Luke's screamin' like a banshee! Good Laws!
LULU calls Lucky about Robin. Nice touch, but is he still in that graveyard??! LOL
CLIFFHANGER O'RAMA...GEESH Did Matt kill Lisa? Hmmmmmmmm!
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Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...
Meredith Baxter This morning it was announced that television icon Meredith Baxter will be taking over the role of Monica Quartermaine....
Well, ratings are out. So much for getting rid of Dan and Chris!!! How'd that work out for ya? You see my friends, it's not ONLY T...
Up and down week for me when it came to enjoyment. It seemed like things were shuffled up wrong in the editing room and it made me scratch...
OK, my great hope from last week died just a bit after today. The things I wanted to see more of got muddled by other useless stuff. So many pointless conversations and time which could better be spent on things like Wyndemere or the fall out from Robin's death. Does Emma even know her mother is dead yet? Already we saw Robin as a ghost at the end of the show today!
ReplyDeleteMaxie and Matt...Matt's blitzed out of his head again (I'd drink too if I had to put up with listening to Maxie.) and Maxie's acting like a 12 year old. She's in for a rude tomorrow when Spin tells her about Robin.
Dante and Lulu...Geeze, maybe it is me, but JMB looks as bored as I felt at times today! Oh, and after having to suck up your BS with Brook and Brenda, Lulu owes you NOTHING, Dumte! Man, this guy irritates me! Go with Michael, find your daddy and the three of you can sing Kumbaya together! Lulu phoning Lucky; nice touch!
Starr and Cole post crash...didn't anyone have a friggin cell phone that worked before Dante arrived? Anthony dropped the Sonny Corinthos name so blame can be laid. When Michael arrived on the scene and spoke with Starr, my thoughts were that he's probably thinking, "Gee, you remind me of Abby!" I doubt Michael went crash boom at the end of the scene, but it was a way to end with a bang! Now, let me predict. Michael will be hanging by a thread, Dante will save him and there will be even MORE Corinthos bonding? Let's see!
Wyndemere...We waited until the half point of the show to see who'd bite the bullet. (When Hells handed Cassie the gun, my thought was she is not stupid and I bet it isn't loaded or blanks are in there...righto!) That kept me engaged at least! See ya, Cassie, Irina or whatever the heck your name was; not that I cared! I still doubt she was Helena's kid. It is just too far fetched! The LIW exit was the highlight for me, without sounding like a complete meanie! is Ethan next tomorrow? Is that how he goes? One thing that sort of bugged me was Luke's banter. I liked Ethan and NP as an actor (he rocked scenes today, actually), but I didn't like that adding another long lost kid to the mix totally changed Luke into someone I don't recognize and that it was sort of flipping the bird to long time GH fans to have had Luke cheat on Laura. OK, Luke was never a stand up guy, but this was just too much. So Luke telling the son he's had for a very short time that he's most like him and is proud of him kind of hit a sour note with me. I realize they are staring down the barrel of Helena's gun, but honestly, Luke! Wasn't that going a bit too far? What about Lucky, for heaven's sake? The fact that your first born became a cop makes you not as proud? Please, Luke! Singling Ethan out as the "fair haired boy" in the family when he's only been a Spencer for a short time just bugged me...maybe it's just me!
Mac and Spin...that was a touching conversation and very heartfelt! It was nice to see Mac admit how good of a friend Spin was to Georgie and Maxie.
Superjase...Oh, just tell him Robin's dead for heaven sake! Now, Patrick has to work his OR magic again. Maybe he can scramble Jason's brain so that he forgets he's a hitman so he can honor Robin and his unborn child by doing something more constructive with his life? Just a thought!
I do want to "tune in tomorrow" but did feel wasted time (like Matt and Maxie) could have been devoted to other things!
I think Matt killed Lisa accidentally. He was drunk off of his ass on that boat. However, that flashback did not seem like it was the first time he had had it. I wonder if he knows that he killed her (if in fact he did).
ReplyDeleteIs Patrick going to try to kill Jason?! I hope not.
Ummm I'm sorry but they didn't even have Starr try and get Hope out of the car she seemed more concerned about Cole. I love my husband to death but I'm going for my 2 boys first then I'l get him and I expect him to do the same thing if the roles were reversed.
ReplyDeleteI did like how even though Anthony didn't want to help he still took time to rat Sonny out! lol
Sorry but it was a waste to show Matt and Maxie today but Matt is starting remember the night on the boat. Does this mean that he is the one who really kiled Lisa?
First Jake now possibly Hope I don't like how kids are getting killed off yet we're suppose to believe Jason is a deaths door for like the 50th time since he's been on the show. Everyone knows the golden boy is gonna live!!!
well, I was really blown away by the double-blind Helena shooting! LOL And Matt? didn't think that was coming but it makes sense!
ReplyDeleteAfter getting caught up from last night's 5-show SOAPNet marathon, I actually watched the show live (something I haven't done in almost 15 years).
ReplyDeleteIt's so grim, dark and depressing. And what has become of Anthony Geary? When he urged Helena to shoot him instead of his bastard Ethan, I sort of cheered up a little bit and this coming from a huge Geary fan. Ugh. Ron and Frank will need a miracle from up above to fix this dark and morose nightmare of a show.
it was sort of flipping the bird to long time GH fans to have had Luke cheat on Laura. OK, Luke was never a stand up guy, but this was just too much.
It is you, Melody. For those of us who've logged over 3 decades w the show, the 80s were the birdflipping days, when they had Laura fall for her rapist, Luke, though the couple had nothing in common and no chemistry.
I love that Laura is still in France, presumably w Scotty, her real true love. Luke's cheating on Laura is 100% in character, which is why even Geary loves that plot point.
ReplyDeleteDo you think RC reads your blog? People kept saying about Cassandra - "Just shoot her." And he did !
A question for OLTL fans does Todd really love his children or is he like Sonny who just says he does. (and taking a bullet for Dante doesn't change that one bit.) Spoliers says he's coming to PC to be with his daughter so I'm wondering what their relationship was on OLTL
Speaking of Brenda. Are they going to have someone tell her about Robin's death? Is she going to show up for the funeral or even be mentioned? Are they even going to have a funeral for Robin?
ReplyDeleteToday was like Christmas, Easter, my birthday, Halloween and New Years wrapped into one. I'm so happy that that LOON In White is deader than a doornail. Now it sounds like Holly will be back to save Ethan and Luke. Hopefully she will tell Ethan to take his head out of his a$$!!!
ReplyDeleteI thought today's episode was much better than Friday. Things were moving at a rapid pace. I'd still like to see more focus on "Robin's death" but I can understand the necessity at this point to get other stories wrapped up and new ones starting. But I better start seeing some long, meaningful scenes regarding Robin's death ASAP.
ReplyDeleteI am feeling gypped by Mac allowing Spinelli to tell Maxi about Robin's death. A Mac/Maxie emotional scene was more than necessary in my opinion.
Patrick scenes were great today. Laying it on the line for Jason. Fantastic.
Nice ghostly appearances by Robin, especially with Patrick before Jason's surgery.
Helena was certainly the crazy bitch we know and love her for today! She actually made the LIW scenes watchable...especially since LIW is no more!! Buh-bye! About time! Moving on....
Definitely was nice to see Lulu making a phone call to Lucky about Robin and not hearing about that happening off screen.
The Starr/Cole scenes - OMG! Loved KA - brilliant acting! Perfect. Little Hope and Cole teetering on the heart is still racing.
Matt and Maxie need to just be done already. Nice flashback scene with Matt to the night of the never ending boat ride. Can't wait to see where that goes! EEEEEKKK!
This was a Monday episode, right? I'm giddy with anticipation! LOL!
When LIW finally got shot I thought, I'm baking a cake tonight! Woo hoo
ReplyDeleteLove4dogs, I hope it's Devil's Food cake in honor of Helena!
ReplyDeleteLove4dogs said...
ReplyDeleteWhen LIW finally got shot I thought, I'm baking a cake tonight! Woo hoo
Save me a piece. CELEBRATE!!
Did Luke & Helena get a memo this morning to wear matching tops??
Linda...I told you earlier that Robins funeral isn't until 2 weeks. Do you understand why? At this rate of people finding out, it will take 2 weeks to put a funeral together.
LaTanya...I share your thoughts completely. I couldn't wrap my head around why Starr didn't go back to the passenger side and reach back for Hope. It bothered me the whole show! Isn't that a mother's instinct?
Is Robin going to be a ghost? Is that why she is still on the set shooting scenes?
Mac & Spinelli scenes
The BAD: Star ignoring her child to save Cole. Shame!
The UGLY: Matt & that beard!
Cosmoetica said...
It is you, Melody. For those of us who've logged over 3 decades w the show, the 80s were the birdflipping days, when they had Laura fall for her rapist, Luke, though the couple had nothing in common and no chemistry.
--- it is me. Well, I am entitled to my opinion, as are you and everyone on this board. We see things differently. I am guessing you are not a Luke and Laura fan and wonder how old you are and how long you are watching this show? Some viewers are fans of the couple, some aren't. I am and always have been. Some have a problem with the fact that a supercouple and great alleged love story was born out of a rape. I was about 12 or 13 when Luke raped Laura, not much younger than GF herself. I am in my mid 40's now. Did I get the deeper meanings and consequences of what Luke did to Laura then? No, I didn't. A 12/13 year old wouldn't think that deeply. I do understand it now and see that yes, to have a young girl fall for her rapist is totally absurd to the rational mind, but then soaps are fictional and all sorts of absurd things happen on them.
Luke is NOT a hero. He's an anti-hero, if he is anything remotely representing a hero. He was never a good guy and was presented as a sleeze when he arrived, and he was meant to be a very short term character. That gig lasted a long time for him. However, I see a lot of comments from viewers (even here) suggesting that his character has really changed from the Luke of the past. Yes, he is older (aren't we all!) and maybe he's just getting to be a crotchety old man who is finally showing us all who he is and he's at total peace with that. Maybe some of that is TG's preference as well in what he feels Luke should be or should not be.
Luke and Laura had "no chemistry?" Again, that is your perception and you are entitled to it, but they had to have something if they are still being talked about after all this time. If the term, "supercouple" is mentioned, Luke and Laura are often the first soap couple mentioned with that term, so they had to have created some impact.
I thought the show was even more boring this week then it has been in a while.I would have actually cared about the car crash IF it was someone i cared about but it wasn't so it does not matter to me.I saw the Matt killing Lisa coming a mile away and the Cassadine stuff was just STUPID and predictable.Lante were boring because as usual it was all about Dante and not Lulu.Sorry but so far the OLTL team is no better then any of the other people who have tried to "save" GH.
ReplyDeleteLOL @ hope it's devil's food cake.....isn't it funny that after all those months it only took a few seconds and one bullet to end the torture!
ReplyDelete@My2Cents2 Yeah that bothered me the whole show also. She didn't even try to get her out of the car seat and pull her up front with them. Then she could have pulled her out of the other window when she got around there. I know I'm probably putting to much thought into this but I can't help it!
Today's show was awesome. But JMB needs something to do. I want Scott Baldwin to come back and try to get revenge on Lulu for killing his son Logan. Then Lante can have some much needed conflict when Dante discovers Lulu killed a man and Johnny covered it up for her. Give this 2 time emmy winner something other than being Dante's wife.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to know I am not alone with the lack of excitement for Luke & Laura. BLAH. I never want a reunion, glad to know I am not in the minority.
ReplyDeleteChocalate devil food cake? How could that possibly not be delicious?
How come we aren't being notified of responses....what am I doing wrong? Is everyone getting a notification when someone posts?
Just because someone agrees with you doesn't mean you're not in the minority. I don't want a Luke and Laura reunion either. BUT we are definitely in the minority
ReplyDeleteOhhh...Loved the cliffhanger. I'm thinking Matt may have killed her but he may also have seen someone else kill her.
ReplyDeleteMac and Spin were fantastic today.
And I loved seeing Robin talking to Jason. It does worry me though as it sounds like she's ready to meet him on the other side. *gasp*
And what did Patrick mean by, "Sorry, Robin"? That has me more than a little worried to.
I don't know Starr as I never watched that show, but she reminds me of Lulu. ( in looks only) It looks like Cole is going to die. I'm hoping that Michael an at least get the baby out.
And Luke's admission to Ethan didn't sit well me me either. And Hels really is a heartless Biatch, isn't she?
Devil's Food Cake with WHITE buttercream frosting!! Woo hoo...because her demise is the frosting on the cake!
ReplyDeleteLove4dogs, THAT IS AWESOME!!! But now you're just being cruel because you're making me crave cake!
We'll have to give that cake a special name: How about Cartini Cake....then we can eat it every time they right a horrible GH wrong. :)
I hope Hope survives! It's kind of obvious that Cole won't. I really liked today's show! Stuff actually happend. I don't know how I feel about the whole Rohin ghost thing. I don't hate it but it's so overdone.
ReplyDeleteWait a minute..should the devils food cake be white on white?
ReplyDeleteHave a piece for me!!
ANYONE getting message notifications on this blog????????
Wait a minute..should the devils food cake be white on white?
ReplyDeleteHave a piece for me!!
ANYONE getting message notifications on this blog????????
Great show today!!!!
ReplyDeleteWyndemere: HOLY COW!!! Irena shoots Helena but they are full of blanks! BUT THEN HELENA SHOOTS IRENA!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS SHE IS GONE WOOT WOOT! :) Great scenes. :)
Maxie and Matt: Oh boy. Let's move on with this. Stop arguing. You two are over Maxie!!!
Starr and Cole's accident: Great scenes!!!
Mac and Spinny: Great scene! Mac telling him that Robin is dead. Spinny being sweet about it.
Robin: She was haunting Jason and next to Patrick.
Di says And Hels really is a heartless Biatch, isn't she?
Oh hell yeah she is!!!!! WOOT WOOT! :)
LaTanya said: Ummm I'm sorry but they didn't even have Starr try and get Hope out of the car she seemed more concerned about Cole. I love my husband to death but I'm going for my 2 boys first then I'l get him and I expect him to do the same thing if the roles were reversed.
AMEN! That was driving me INSANE! So effing unrealistic.
Can someone tell me? Does Hope die? I can't deal with that. I've got a toddler and another on the way. My pregger hormones won't tolerate kid-death.
Starr & Hope Live!!
ReplyDeleteSonya- are you getting notification of new posts??
I guess people don't understand what I am asking??
Jason Thompson was a guest star on Castle tonight.
ReplyDeleteWe seem to have become the most impatient people! I mean the whole USA. Instant gratification.
ReplyDeleteWe have seen about one week of Ron's work and he was scrambling to clean up what he inherited before he can move on to his own ideas--and already people are disappointed?? Wow. The show was in a dismal place and those stories need to close out with a bit of logic.
Wasn't that car hanging over the edge of a cliff and Starr barely got out with the car slipping, so she couldn't go back around to the other side--because the car was hanging out on the passenger side...
I admit to being a bit shocked when Helena had her man shoot Cassandra, but really, Helena hasn't been ruthless enough in ages so this was actually in character. This is a woman who once tried to poison her son Stefan.
And I guess there were those who disliked Luke all along, but the huge majority loved Luke and Laura, making the show the highest rated soap in history. I was a dedicated fan so the ruination of Luke is painful for me. I've never accepted Ethan as a character because it made no sense for him to be Luke's son. Anybody who watched L&L, knows better. And Luke was an anti-hero, definitely-- a hero with flaws. But he was often noble and his love of Laura was deep and true, so to tear that apart was stupidity on Guza's part. Luke loved Lucky and we saw that. When the change in writers changed that, it was difficult to watch.
I'm disappointed that Dante will be feeling better about Sonny now. Sonny is still the same pig as always. And comparing Todd and Sonny--well, when I first began watching Todd back when he met Tea, he was a hard nut to crack because he had this conviction inside that he was unlovable (in some ways he was right), so he put her off again and again. He would act arrogant to cover the self-hatred. Rudest guy around, but you could see he felt he was undeserving of anyone's affection, so he would beat them to it by being obnoxious. That's not Sonny, who seems to need to have his kids and everyone else look up to him and love him just because he tells them he loves them. I don't believe him. It is always all about him.
A cliff-hanger on Monday--that is so Ron!
dar said...
ReplyDeleteA question for OLTL fans does Todd really love his children or is he like Sonny who just says he does. (and taking a bullet for Dante doesn't change that one bit.) Spoliers says he's coming to PC to be with his daughter so I'm wondering what their relationship was on OLTL
Todd absolutely loves his children. He is dedicated to them and to doing whatever he has to in the pursuit of deserving their love. And God help anybody who hurts his children in any way. Todd doesn't feel guilt about hurting those who hurt the ones he loves.
JP Pink
ReplyDeleteThank you. I really want to like the new characters and your background information is really helpful If I had known that OLTL people would be coming over I would have watched OLTL
Todd does love his kids, even though he tried to sell Jack when he was a baby because he thought he wasn't his! LOL...
ReplyDeleteTodd is fierce. Todd is also very evil in someways..early Todd especially. He's really flipped over the years, with TSJ playing him especially.
Soaplover, thanks so much- I thought I was the only one that realized that Starr could not go around to the other side of the car because when she got out the car shifted and the other side was now hanging over the cliff! I also completely agree that it is ridiculous for people to be voicing disappointment in RC at this point. As I have said before, the stories right now are still a mix of his stuff and the Guza/Wolfe crap. It is going to be a while before RC can completely take over- the crappy stories have to be wrapped up. That being said, the show has still improved so much it is amazing. As far as Luke and Laura, I can't stand either one of them, so could care less what happens. Used to like Luke, but ever since the Luke/Felicia crap, I can't stand either Luke or Felicia any more. Just my opinion, and I do realize that I am definitely in the minority...
ReplyDeleteMy2Cents2, I see you are right about the funeral - it will take 2 weeks before everyone gets the word. And Nik should have been called, too. I for one loved the Matt(not so much Maxie) scene in the hotel- he was snoring, LOL. Maxie must believe he killed Lisa and has been covering for him with Anthony all this time, which would definitely redeem her. The Robin scenes were unexpected and she looked lovely. Hate Sam so much. JT was great again, as were JJY and BA. And best of all, no Sonny or Carly. Starr looks like a 12 year old and hard to believe she has a child. Helena better not be killed off. Would love some of that cake to celebrate the demise of LIW! Like the use of more extras - that seems to be a new touch.
Hi LindaV...are you getting notificatication on blogs you posted on here??
ReplyDeleteI asked 3 different times on here, and Karen nor Sonya has yet to respond.
There seems to be no way to subscribe. Is it me? Or everyone?
Posted by ghhshirley on Monday, February 27, 2012
ReplyDeleteMolly begins receiving messages on MyFace...from Heather!
Jason experiences side effects after Patrick administers Robin's protocol. This leads Sam to question if Patrick did something on purpose to cause them.
Matt worries about Patrick's state of mind. (drinking)
Dante worries about what Sonny might do to Kate. (Finds gun)
Shawn intervenes when Sonny takes his anger out on Alexis.
jmo here.....why do I forsee Liz letting Matt know she has no interest in him? Why do I see her turn to Patrick? jmo but please NO don't go there. The writers are staying true to her character instead of writing new for her.
Thinking.......who would be a match for Carly since I don't see Jax coming back soon? TODD!
My2Cents2, I'm not getting any notifications. What's that all about?
My2Cents2, I'm not getting any notifications. What's that all about?
I'm so over Matt and Maxie. Spin is so much better for her, Maxie needs to see herself through Spinnelli's eyes so she can become the best Maxie possible. Matt wants arm candy who hangs on his every word, I'm over him.
ReplyDeleteTodd really loves his kids to the point of distraction at times and he has a special relationship with Starr. He will go after Sonny with a vengeance for hurting his little girl. I don't think they'll kill Hope as they SORAS'd her
My2Cents2 said... I asked 3 different times on here, and Karen nor Sonya has yet to respond.
I answered to you on facebook. :) I haven't subscribed in awhile. But when I did, it was fine. :) Not sure why you are not getting anything.
Damn I can't sign in to the blog again! I had to sign up to the AOL email!!!