Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Caption This..

It's just too easy for me! LOL.. I'll leave it up to you... here he is in all his electrode glory!! Perfect stand up hair, but they did make him wear a gown for the Operation.

I may not make it today for the show--keep me posted. Happy Leap Day--a day that should be off for everyone--with plenty of drinkin' and dancin'! 

PS for daily screen caps go to HD General Hospital Screen Caps! 


  1. Yep - what a waste because we all know that he lives. Whatever! He looks like he's puckering up to kiss someone....Pattycakes -- quiche me you fool!!!

    So tired of this show revolving around the unholy trio.

  2. And another thing....what's with the hair? Hello, Jason, 1995 called and it wants its hairstyle back. Thanks!

  3. YES, he totally has "Hollywood Lips" in this photo! LOL

  4. Hair removal is unnecessary when a Borg Brain is repaired. They just unscrew the top of the head to remove it.

  5. It's ALIVE!!!! wonder if they gave him and abby-normal brain oh wait he already has that right--lol

  6. I am tired of this show taking up time with nonsense instead of focusing on one thing. How long did it take for Spinelli to tell Maxie about Robin? Geez...Where is Anna & Emma? And Robert?

    Look at how pretty Jason looks in surgery! lol

    Lets focus on one storyline at a time. YES I am thrilled LIW is gone, and I forsee Ethan leaving with Holly. btw anyone think Holly walking in right as Helena was about to shoot Ethan a logical scene?

    Karen what is going on with this board??

  7. imitating Igor in Young Frankenstein..."if you're blue and you don't know where to go to, why don't you go where fashion sits...PUTTIN' ON THE RIIIIIITZ"

  8. First thing that popped into my head was a baby waiting for a nipple!

  9. Barbara Darlin ... Sorry the nipple comment was mine...for some reason it posted as Unknown ... Didn't want anyone to think I was hiding behind Unknown.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. When I looked at that pic of Jason, I flashed back to the Six Million Dollar Man and would caption it, "We have the technology...we can rebuild him." I keep hoping he comes out a completely different Jason with the chemicals injected in his brain, but then that's a lot to ask for!

  12. My Captions:

    " I'm Sexy and I know it!"

    " We're of to see the wizard!"

    " Perhaps if I lie here long enough , they won't cancel GH."

    "Aaah, alone at last, away from Sam."
    tee hee, couldn't resist.

    Melodybluez , good caption and I used to watch six million dollar man.

  13. There's no place like home...there's no place like home...

  14. He's sucking up air... airtime.


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...