Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bloody Shirt, Wet Hair and No Robin...

TJ needs to shut the freak up! GOD! Molly takes the rap and he's still mouthing off to Alexis? 

Carly... in her wet hair-- and I didn't even want to listen because I wanted to get back to Patrick and Anna!! Come on! 

Sam told  Jason  Robin was fine. Ummmm, no.  Not a good idea! Monica shows up...finally.

Finola was perfection with the shock/horror/disbelief reaction to Patrick. WOW... it was amazing. "Burned beyond recognition" That's code for Switched. And how did the firemen pry off those rings from  her burnt fingers??  

I am having a HUGE problem with the lack of emergency people at GH...something  BLEW UP and no other floors are even hectic? It's so strange. AND SONNY stood in the hall forever with blood all over his shirt just talking to Dante. LOL come on. Kate runs like a girl.

Poor Spinelli...and wait until Maxie finds out Robin's dead!
Anna calls ROBERT and now she has to  tell Mac!Eeeeeeeee!


  1. I understand Sam is a concerned wife but jeez she could be more sympathetic to Patrick. When she asked Patrick was that the medicine for Jason without mentioning how sorry she was about Robin. Part of me wanted Patrick to say "nope" and then pour it out in the garbage can! Anna and Patrick broke my heart I wanted the entire episode to be just about them. The lab just exploded and a co worker is dead but it's business as usual at the hospital...smh.

  2. Patrick and Anna: So sad!!! :'( But why is Anna so calm?! Well she did say that she needs to see Robin's body or she won't believe she is dead. And Anna does look shocked. Anna calls to get Robert!!!! Damn in the beginning of the show they show them, and then after they show the credits, they don't go back to Patrick and Anna! BAHHHHHHHHHH!

    Spinny and Maxie: I'm glad Maxie is there for him!!!! Maxie forget you and Matt! You two are a lost cause! Just get back together with Spinny!

    Sonny and Dante: Geez first Sonny bleeds all over Johnny's place, and now he is bleeding all over the hospital!!! Stop with the damn chit chat!!!! Altho I did love when Dante calls Sonny dad. :)

    Kate and Olivia: Or should I call Kate, Connie? She is over the edge!!!

    Sonny and Kate: Is it Connie? She doesn't want Sonny to go after Papa Z or it's over between them!!! GO AFTER HIM SONNY! :) Oh and by the way, Sonny has got a great body. :)

    Sam and Jason: OH! Lying to him about Robin being okay! DOH!

    Monica and Sam: NO MONICA! Robin DID have the protical before she died!!!

    Patrick and Sam: Sam sees Patrick holding onto Jason's protocal! The look on his face!!! Will he lie and say Robin didn't get a chance to do it? Or will he refuse to give it to her?!!?

    Davis home: WOW! TJ admits HE was the one who started the party. Good job TJ. :) Altho you shouldn't ask why Alexis had to ground Molly! Come on you are not that stupid! Glad Shawn is there. :)

    Johnny's home: Oh come on!!! Not another conversation of Carly is still in love with Sonny! Come on Johnny shut up and just have sex with Carly! :)

    Mac and Anna: Great scene!!!! He is so happy to see her! The look on Anna's face tho. She is so sad. Now she has to tell Mac about Robin. :'(

  3. You know you are selfish when :
    the first words out of your mouth after knowing that Patrick's wife, Robin, is dead is , "Is that the vial with the cure for Jason?"
    I always knew Sam was a selfish bitch like Carly ( reminds me of carly asking for jake's kidney after jason just received news of Jake's death ). Sam did not even offer her condolences first. If I were Patrick , I would have dashed that vial onto the floor in front of Sam. However, I know that Patrick's love for Robin and Robin's wish to save Jason will prevail ( not to mention that the 'golden couple' can't be touched ).
    No Monica, we know jason, and he would want to be told of Robin's death regardless of his health! They better not make Robin's death about Jason and Sam because viewership will go out the window.
    I wanted to slap TJ today. I'm glad they exposed Molly's lie.

    Who didn't love Mac seeing Anna , but how sad is this reunion.
    Maxie is another selfish bitch. Imagine she couldn't support Spinelli for a change! Wait until she finds out about Robin!

  4. I feel mixed about today's episode. Like Karen said, where were all the emergency people, police, investigators, etc? Not really a fan how the explosion was written with so many lack of details. They should have had Anna go up to the lab, it would have been so much more powerful.

    The fireman giving Patrick Robin's rings still bothers me. I come from a family of firefighters and they've never been allowed to remove any items from a body, but for the writers it was probably a way to set-up Robin's return when GH ends, this way Patrick can put them back on her finger and live happily ever after :) We all know Robin is coming back for the ender.

    The dialogue and acting was superb! Jason was amazing, I truly felt his pain. And Finola. Wow. The look of pain and shock on Anna's face was heartbreaking. Bravo.

    Sonny sauntering thru the hospital with blood everywhere was ridiculous. And then there's CuckooKate. Enough said.

    Molly/TJ thing...hmmm. I'm not sure. Yesterday I liked TJ, today not so much. I did like how Molly tried to explain to her mom about how she felt and why she covered for TJ. I like Alexis in "mom-mode".

    Oh yeah, Sam. Sam got on my last nerve. Her lack of sympathy for Patrick made my blood boil. She could have at least offered her condolences to him, but no. It's all about saving Saint Jason.

    And what about Monica giving wrong information to Sam about Robin not finishing the protocol?

    Tomorrow will surely bring more sadness. Better pick up some more Kleenex.

  5. Karen, Robin's death reads switch all over it.

    Though I understand Sam being scared to tell Jason about Robin because it may exacerbate his symptoms, I, however do not agree on any level with her withholding that information.

    I do feel for Patrick, Anna and the rest of the Scorpio Drake Clan. It's a devastating loss.

    I have been reading that many are upset about how they went about writing Robin out of the show. I do agree. However, it does pay homage to how her parents were written out. Also, it is poetic that she came back to save Jason and now has "lost her life" to save Jason again.

    There are also many that feel that because Jason and Robin were not as close as they once were, is it realistic that she sacrificed her safety for him?
    Personally, I'm on the fence. There is that feeling that Jason was not there for Robin in the way she has been there for him. I agree to a certain extent.
    We cannot fault the character for the poor writing. The writers have ignored history for about 12 years now. The Jason of old would have definitely threatened Lisa. Perhaps, even killed her. We cannot fault him for the the writers ignoring the Jason Robin bond, friendship, love and respect for one another.
    This once again comes back to the fact that the writers have isolated this character and made his world all about Sam, Carly, Sonny and their kids.

    They've ignored history of this character and his relationships all to prop one.
    I just hope they don't use this as a way to only show Jason's loss as they did with Jake's death whilst ignoring others and their loss. And, I'm tired of Sam using her pregnancy as a weapon to get her way like My2Cents.
    Also, this story is so redundant.
    Jason's dying, Sam can only think about Jason and the baby.
    This is why I cannot get behind this pairing. They are BORING BORING BORING!!!!

    How do others see this?

    On another note, it would have been fun to see had they done an episode showing the citizens of PC watching the superbowl. That would have been different and fun. Imagine seeing Max, Milo, Sonny, sitting there watching it. Jason comes over and doesn't understand. Spinelli tries to explain. Hhahaha

    Have Patrick, Matt, Steve, Elizabeth, Robin, Olivia, etc watching the game together. A hospital thing. It would have been light hearted.

  6. I totally agree with everyone on here. Why would Sam not even give condolences to Patrick. COME ON!
    It also reminded me of Carly and the whole "Jakes kidney fiasco."
    And not having the entire Hospital on Lockdown. Who knows. This could of been foul play and they may have let the person get away scott free. Now, we know this isn't the case, but the writers need to at least act like the actors don't know that Robin died,so just keep on working.

  7. MatchboxGinny said...Sonny sauntering thru the hospital with blood everywhere was ridiculous.
    And then the doctor said Sonny lost a lot of blood. ROFL! Well yeah he sure did! He bled all over Johnny's place and then he bled at the hospital while Dante and Sonny chit chatted!!! How much blood does Sonny have? ROFL!

  8. Watchintele said...On another note, it would have been fun to see had they done an episode showing the citizens of PC watching the superbowl. That would have been different and fun. Imagine seeing Max, Milo, Sonny, sitting there watching it. Jason comes over and doesn't understand. Spinelli tries to explain. Hhahaha
    I would LOVE that!!!! That would have been fun to see them all watching the superbowl! :) And then Jason comes over and doesn't understand so Spinny tries to explain ROFL! Would love to see that too. :)

  9. Watchintele, agree. They isolated Jason from everyone except Sam, Carly and sonny all to prop jasam.
    Now Monica is in on the act accepting his life of crime and pushing away everyone except for Sam. This actually makes me not even care what happens to them. I'm not interested and they are boring.

  10. I can't believe Kelly Moncaco didn't object to that scene with Patrick today. Did she really thing it would make Sam likeable to not even show any sympathy to Patrick? HOLY CRAP I too hope Patrick throws that test tube across the lobby.

    NEED MORE PATRICK AND ANNA - Having only 6 and half minutes of them today is a freaking crime. NEED ROBERT AND MAC ONSCREEN STAT AS WELL

  11. Sam...puh.

    I am not looking forward to the scene when Robert gets the news.

    BTW, where is he living now, has it ever been mentioned??

  12. I was a bit less happy with today's GH after seeing it (Recorded it to see, since I was not home earlier...was the first time in ages I actually recorded GH!) but in fairness, I know they cannot knock it out of the park every single day. I guess I was dismayed by some of the same old, same old discussions on today's show.

    Patrick and Anna indeed made today watchable! That was heartbreaking! I am ready with more tissues when Patrick talks to Emma. I do agree with some viewers that I don't like how Robin's exit and the whole lab explosion thing has been handled...very shoddy!

    Maxie and Spin...Jen Lilly's Maxie is just starting to get on my nerves. I kept thinking to myself, I just hope motormouth gets called on the carpet for what she did in the lab! She shouldn't have been there in the first place, but the stupid writers had Maxie and Carly in Robin's face in the lab where they would have NEVER been allowed to be in the first place! I guess I am just sick of Maxie using Spin. Or maybe I miss Kirsten...I would doubt she's coming back.

    Ok...are we going to have weeks and weeks of "Let's keep Robin's death a secret from Jason because he'll pop a brain vessel if we tell him?" Sam...yeah, she was insensitive today. I get she's concerned about her husband, but geesh, a woman has just died! You can tell Patrick was wrestling with what to do with that maybe smash the darn thing against the wall! He dislikes Jason for what he does (Patrick saves lives, Jason takes lives.) yet, I do think, even though he dislikes it, he understands that Jason was important to Robin, so I think he will of course help him. I am not completely on board with the Jasam and baby to replace Jake thing either and I'd hate to think we're in for nine months of Sam clutching her stomach every time something goes awry!

    Davis house...I kept waiting for Shawn to smack TJ. I think Shawn knew better that Molly would not have had a party. I kept yelling at the TV for TJ to say something and he did. I still dislike that kid though.

    Sonny...Blood clean up on aisle seven. I stopped caring. This is about his zillionth bullet hole? All just so he can bond with his oldest son. Where the heck is Lulu, by the way? Is Supercop (Dante) going to lie to her again? He won't tell her about the shooting because the bullet was most likely meant for him and she's scared to death of losing him to the job. That is if we ever see Lulu again! Maybe Julie took a vacation with Tony Geary!

    Kate...yeah, she must be nutso. She'd have to be to be in love with Sonny!

    Carly and Johnny...Don't care there either. I wonder who'll off Johnny first...Sonny or Shawn? Carly at least checked in with Mercedes today. Too busy potentially getting boinked to go home and be with her beautiful daughter who she almost lost to cancer and went through heck to even have her. I wish Jax would come back to claim his daughter.

    I wanted more Patrick and Anna today too. I agree with some people who feel the show may get a bit deep it did when Jake died. In the immediate, levity is maybe not appropriate...I guess the animal house party was the recent levity. But, balance is needed.

    Really looking forward to the new characters and old faves coming now.


  13. I could have done without all the other crap today! Don't care about Kate and her ultimate over the top annoyingness. or Sonny! Dont care about the stupid teens!
    I want to see this fall out over Robin! I can't wait for Maxie to feel like shit! It is her fault that her total lack of commen sense and responsibility have now just killed the only female that takes her crap,besides Lulu!

    This needs to be about Robin,Patrick,Anna,Robert and Mac!

  14. I could have done without all the other crap today! Don't care about Kate and her ultimate over the top annoyingness. or Sonny! Dont care about the stupid teens!
    I want to see this fall out over Robin! I can't wait for Maxie to feel like shit! It is her fault that her total lack of commen sense and responsibility have now just killed the only female that takes her crap,besides Lulu!

    This needs to be about Robin,Patrick,Anna,Robert and Mac!

  15. Sam and her fetus need to die. She's as bad as Carly going after Jake's organs.

  16. Well I have officially given up hope on General Hospital.

    I cheered when I heard Todd & Blair were coming, only to learn they would just be on for a few episodes while McBoring will be staying long-term.

    I cheered when I heard Robert was coming back, thinking they were truly returning the show to its glory days, only to learn he filmed just a few episodes.

    I thought Robin's death day would be dynamite but it was clearly underplayed. It should've been the focus of 75% of the show and instead it was just about 15%. I give up. GH is done.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I loved Anna and Patrick today. I agree that we should have seen more of them and less of Sonny, bleeding all over the front of his shirt from a bullet in his arm. *insert eye roll* The" I'm all right." tough guy act with the gritted teeth. I'm so over it.

    And Sam showed herself to be as selfish as Maxie wth her question about Jason's protocol. Not even a "Sorry about the death of your wife." I've never been a fan of Jasam, watchintele, and I agree with your conclusions. Somehow they're going to make Robin's death all about Sam and Jason. That's going to turn me off big time too. I'll be FFing through her scenes again

    I also can't wait for Maxie to feel like shit! I hope when the results of the explosion come to light she'll realize that she knocked the hose off the gas line, but given that it's maxie she most likely won't put 2 and 2 together and if she does she'll get 5 and blame it on someone else as usual. (I'm sure it'll be Elizabeth as usual as she went there to talk about her.)

    I'm looking forward to Alexis' talk with Mac and Patrick's talk with Emma. I hope they spend more time on that than on crazy Kate and Sonny.

  19. 'I am having a HUGE problem with the lack of emergency people at GH...something BLEW UP and no other floors are even hectic? It's so strange. AND SONNY stood in the hall forever with blood all over his shirt just talking to Dante'
    I agree 100%. Not even personel to walk over to Sonny to address him. How does an emplosion happen and nobody is around?? No chaos.
    Where was nosy Liz?? She is usually everywhere. Very disapointed with this week. Such a huge storyline, shouldn't have to be shared with Maxie & Spinelli.
    Kate or Olivia. John & Carly.
    The focus should have been on Robin. And only Robin. Its OK, at this horrible rate, GH is over. Since their was no body to ID, we know Ron will be bringing Robin back for the ending of GH. He does that so well.

    Whoever wish's a pregnant women and her fetus dead is pure ignorance. Why bring such crap to a nice blog??

    The GOOD: JT acting.
    The BAD: Too many scenes with different people
    The UGLY: Lack of chaos, drams to the death of Robin. Why isn't the hospital personnel freaking out?
    SHAME on you GH!I was expecting better.

  20. explosion.
    spelling boo boo before the Wub Police come at me.

  21. I do love the acting of JT and FH. I want to cry with him. But it's so hard to get into it when the whole time I'm watching I'm thinking "wouldn't anyone else in the hospital know by now?" "wouldn't someone try to comfort him?" "wouldn't the floor the lab is one be evactuated?" "Wouldn't Monica go to Patrick and not Jason if she knew?" "Wouldn't Mac know there had been an explosion at the lab?" "If Sam and Jason heard the explosion, why didn't even ONE other person in the hospital hear it or all the alarms?" "NO ONE in the background looks even mildly concerned" I still cannot beleive with a studio full of very talented people, they didn't think the audience would find all these things just a teeny but annoying!

  22. Vicki that is what ruined the storyline for me. Terribly done.

    GHHappenings did an article about GH trying to make it another 50 years, and they aren't giving up yet.
    With lazy bad writing with such a huge storyline like this, they will be lucky to make it to 50!

  23. Okay, for once, I am going to try to be positive. Yes, there were things that made no sense and some very big holes in the storyline. However, I have to think that the writing right now is a mix between RC and Wolf/Guza. We cannot have expected that the show was going to do a 180 overnight. It is not RC's style to just drop storylines, so he is going to have to weave this show out of the mess that it has become. For example, RC could not have just dropped the stripper storyline, and he obviously did not like the conclusion the way it was originally intended, so it is fastest to just have it be Delores' husband who we have never met and get it over with. As far as the Robin exit storyline, he had to do the best he could with the mess that he inherited. While the show is certainly not a return to what it once was, there have definitely been positive changes- there must be for me to be watching again. I say we just keep an open mind and give RC the time he needs to turn this mess completely around...

  24. point well taken Mospb

    If you read article at GH Happenings, they are really positive.

  25. OK, I haven't watched yet this week, but don't you all get the feeling that poor Matt is going to think the explosion was HIS fault? The only people in the lab were Carly, Maxie, and Matt. Nothing will come of Saint Carly being there, of course. Maxie will have had NO idea it was actually her fault nor ever believe she could have caused the gas leak. But poor Matt was in there fumbling around with his boxes and knocking over files and griping about Maxie and his breakup and generally not paying attention. He's a stand-up guy and will admit to all of that and the blame for the gas leak will fall on him, and thus create a giant rift between him and Patrick, just as they seem to be starting to bond like brothers. If GH goes that way, it'll be awesome drama, but it will also REALLY make me mad because I like Matt and he'll be thinking he's doing the right thing, but really he's NOT!!! :( What do you guys think?

  26. CareyN yes it WOULD be awesome drama but yet sad. Poor Matt!!! :( Liz will have to stick up for him! :)And then they bond even more! :) We gotta get a kiss from them! :)

  27. On a positive note, it was really cool to see, in the background, Mac lifting Anna into that huge hug by the elevators when Sam approached Patrick. It was like, "HOLY COW! They have more than 2 cast members on the set at one time!"

  28. rillaotvalley said... On a positive note, it was really cool to see, in the background, Mac lifting Anna into that huge hug by the elevators when Sam approached Patrick. It was like, "HOLY COW! They have more than 2 cast members on the set at one time!"
    Yeah I noticed that and loved it!!! :) So very cool!!! :)

  29. Sam was truly heartless yesterday, but she is just showing her true colors. Robin didn't knowingly sacrifice her life for Jason since she didn't know an explosion was iminent. She just thought there were fumes and that she could probably jump in and out. Finola and Jason T. were great but I agree that isolating them was beyond ridiculous. Even TV crews would be there and the whole building should have heard or felt the impact. Bad writing - nothing new. Hard to believe the new crew would allow such a glaringly unbelievable scenario like this. Seems like Carly and Johnny have been having the same conversation for two weeks - enough! Lulu's absence is weird, too. I dread Mac finding out today.


  30. I don't understand how anyone can refer to Carly as 'St'. People hold her responsible as much as the next person for her poor behavior. She don't get no free pass. Not that I see.

    Though I am NOT a fan of 'useless Sam', does anyone not show any compassion that she is in love with her husband, and that is all she has on her mind? Getting him well instead of another death??

  31. Latest rumors...

    Franco switched Robin and is holding her hostage.

    Kate tried to shoot Dante because of jealousy. Her child died as a baby. (This may also explain the Connie / Kate identity change)

    Ronnie and Delores are more than just "colleagues" , they are lovers, and Ronnie is the killer.

    Kristina returns and tries to take down Sonny as a rival... (Could be interesting...)

    Spinelli is Sam's half-brother.

    A Cassadine will make an appearance. (Stavros...maybe...)

    Alexis shows her "blood"

    Alright, so these aren't real rumors. Just stories I'd like to see. What do you think?

  32. Please no more Franco. We have to deal with him being Jason's fraternal twin, isn't that enough?? lol

  33. My2Cents2 said... Please no more Franco. We have to deal with him being Jason's fraternal twin, isn't that enough?? lol
    Yes!! It's enough ROFL!

  34. GAH! I meant where is MAC living now that his house has burned??



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...