Tuesday, February 14, 2012




  1. Han and Leia.
    Jack Traven and Annie Porter.
    Brenda and Jax.
    Jennifer Horton and Jack Devereaux.
    Willow and Oz.

  2. Buffy and Angel
    Booth and Bones
    Liz and Jason
    Kelly and Zack
    Jack and Kate
    Pam and Jim
    Derek and Meredith

    I get very invested in couples, so this list can go on and on and on.

  3. Wesley and Buttercup! (The Princess Bride)
    Riker and Troi (Star Trek: TNG)
    Megan and Jake (OLTL)
    My grandparents <3 -- RIP

  4. My wife & I.
    Luke & Laura.
    Mulder & Scully.
    Micki & Ryan.
    Catherine & Vincent.

  5. Testing testing. Does this work? It's me Sonya

  6. IT WORKS YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  7. Ethan and Kristina.

    If only the former regime used their power for good and not evil.

  8. MASON & MARY (Santa Barbara)
    MASON & JULIA (Santa Barbara)
    PAM & Bobby (Dallas)
    CRUZ & EDEN (Santa Barbara)
    TAD & DIXIE (All My Children)

    Pretty much the only couples I have loved in the 30+ years I've been watching the soap medium.

  9. AWWW JOE!! xxoo you get extra points today!! :)

    I was going to put Jason/Sonny but too much? LOL

  10. Karen, if we're including Bromances, I'm tossing my hat in the "Bo/Rex" ring. So much love there.... Anyone would be lucky to have a relationship like theirs: romantic or plutonic and regardless of gender.

  11. Robert & Holly
    Luke & Laura
    Jack & Kate (Lost)
    Veronica & Logan (Veronica Mars)
    Willow & Tara (Buffy)
    Rick & Ilsa (Casablanca)
    Lloyd Dobler & Diane Court (Say Anything)

  12. Luke and Laura (of course) GH
    Mason and Mary SB
    Cruz and Eden SB
    Becket and Castle
    Bo and Nora OLTL
    Mason and Julia SB
    These especially, and also...

    Vincent and Catherine (long ago...)
    Holly and Robert GH
    Viki and Clint OLTL

  13. Hmmm I guess we aren't talking about GH today? :)

  14. sonya, I missed it..but I heard GRAMMA ANNA WAS ON!!

    This job is killing my GH sheeze. LOL

  15. Pacey and Joey - Dawson's Creek
    Pam and Jim - The Office
    Jason and Elizabeth - GH
    Sharon and Nick - Y&R
    Dylan and Brenda - 90210
    Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy - Pride and Prejudice
    Simon and Alisha - Misfits

  16. Karen yes Grandma Anna was on!!!

    Scorpio-Drake home: SWEET!!!!!!!!!!! Love the scene! Love seeing Anna!!!! Love Anna and Emma scenes!!! Anna says that Emma has grandpa Robert's nose hahaha! The only thing I hated, was that Anna didn't like being called grandma! STILL? UGH! I thought her being called Grandma Anna was sweet but Anna still hated it! UGH!

    Liz and Matt: Oh Matt! Don't spill the beans about you helping Liz with the drugs for Lucky! Or YOU will get in trouble too!

    Maxie and Spinny: Maxie tells him that she and Matt broke up, and he says oh bummer ROFL! I know you just want to celebrate in the streets Spinny ROFL!

    Matt and Maxie: He KNOWS that Maxie is the one who talked to Monica hahahaha! He is telling her off! :)

    Metro court: Carly vs Kate: DELICIOUS! Carly's digs with how she and Sonny used to be together in front of Kate, hahaha love it! :)

    Molly and TJ: So TJ can't read but he can write? TJ was on myface and was sneaky and posted that Molly's parents aren't going to be home so there is going to be a party. Oh party at Molly's! I'M SOOOO THERE!!! :)

    Jason and Sam: OH! Love that Sam isn't backing down and is arguing with Jason! She isn't a wallflower anymore! Gotta get that dvd!

    Dante and Lulu: Lulu is sneezing. Is there a dog in the room? Dante gave her flowers and candy for valentines day awwww! What are you going to give Dante?

    P.S. Damn I missed posting here! :(

  17. Sonya MY girl! How did you finally get on?? FB me and let me know. Good Job!!

    GH-Lila & Edward
    Bobbie & Tony
    Frisco & Felicia
    Jax & Carly

    OLTL Vicki & Clint!!!

  18. Anna Return's scenes streamlined here:

    Emma is a fair child actress but one really need to go back and watch KM as a kid on the show. She had presence from day one and could hang with the adult actors pretty well.

    Great to see Fin slip back into the role of Anna so easily. She has been sorely missed - looking forward to seeing her, KM, JT, John York, and Tristan the man all interacting.

  19. Sonya said...Metro court: Carly vs Kate: DELICIOUS!
    LOVED it!! Did I see a little trailer trash Carly & Bensonhurst Connie come out??

    When Anna told Emma she could call her Anna, and the baby said OK GRANDMA Anna, I thought I would die laughing.
    Very enjoyable scenes!

    No comment on Liz today. I will play nice.

  20. My2Cents2 said... LOVED it!! Did I see a little trailer trash Carly & Bensonhurst Connie come out??
    Hahahaha looks like it! :)

  21. Finola hughes looked fantastic! She looks beautiful and still kept her dancer's figure! Glad she is on!!!

  22. The Captain and Maria (The Sound of Music) (Even at 5, I thought they were sigh worthy...then, i found out they were real--swoon)
    Monica and Chander (Friends)
    Ms. Fine and Mr. Sheffield (The Nanny)
    Willow and Tara (BtVS)
    Angel and Cordelia (Angel)
    Pacey and Joey (Dawson's Creek)
    Piper and Leo (Charmed)
    Luke and Lorelai (Gilmore Girls)
    Rory and Jess (Gilmore Girls)
    Jo and Zane (Eureka--they better be back together in the final season)
    Alison and Nathan (Eureka)
    Alison and Jack (Eureka)
    Henry and Grace (Eureka--can you tell how much I love Eureka?)
    Lois and Clark (Lois and Clark: the New Adventures of Superman)
    Booth and Bones (Bones)
    Castle and Beckett (Castle)
    Kurt and Blaine (Glee)
    The Doctor and Rose (Doctor Who)
    Chuck and Sarah (Chuck)
    Dean and Jo (Supernatural--Can I tell you how upset I was when she was killed off and he was put back with stick in the mud Lisa from season 3?)
    Johnny and Baby (Dirty Dancing)
    Alexis and Ned (GH)
    Kevin and Lucy (and Sigmund the duck) (GH)
    Mac and Felicia (GH)
    Jason and Robin (GH)
    Johnny and Olivia (GH)
    Erica and David (AMC)
    Bianca and Zoe (AMC)
    Rex and Gigi (OLTL)
    Bo and Nora (OLTL)
    Joe and Karen (Port Charles)

    Yeah, I have no life outside of television and movies. *shrug* I better submit before I think of more couples.

  23. Jason and Liz
    Steve and Kayla
    Derek and Meredith
    Bo and Hope
    Eden and Cruz

  24. ELIZABETH!! i hope you see this. I was obsessed with Rory and Jess!! ;) I didn't think anyone else liked him! LOL.

  25. Hmmm...fave couples..

    Jason and Liz
    Bo and Hope
    Tom and Alice Horton
    Michael and Hope (Thirtysomething)
    Cruz and Eden
    Luke and Laura
    Carrie and Aidan (SITC)

  26. Karen, thanks for showing Bates and Anna from Downton Abbey - love them!!!

  27. Karen, I knew a lot of people who liked Rory and Jess, but most people hated him because they loved Dean, who I never liked at all, especially when he and Lindsey got married and he cheated on her with Rory.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...