Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dang Nabbit Tracy!!

Oh Edward!! Nice-- I'm so happy he was on today. "You'll end up in Shadybrook unless this marriage lands you six feet under"! hee hee
I hope JIngle can come back after his operation recovery and losing his beloved wife. sniff. 

MAC and Anna!! aaaaaaack!! PERFECT reactions from Finola and Mac--- PERFECT. wow...JJY was just awesome. It's that shock reaction that gives you chills!! Mac didn't need to lay into Sonny though. He has grief snark.

Patrick and Sam... both at their emotional breaking points. Another great set of acting chops! Great scenes.

WYNDEMERE!? Please..that could be just dropped and I wouldn't care a minute.. ugh STUPID scenes.

CarJon...Hmmm not sure what I think about these two.  I guess they are going to do it though..

Who noted that Sonny had a new tshirt on in the hospital? Think he has his own linen closet there?
KATE in her wedding dress
and HELLS!


  1. I wanted to feel bad for Sam, I really did. But when your husband is a cyborg mob hitman and you're a lying whore it's hard for me to muster up sympathy...oops, did I just say that, LOL?!

    Mac. Ugh. Just broke my heart. I knew he would bring it, but he totally made me cry. JJY is so under used. He's so DAMN sexy and such a great actor. He totally needs a frontburner story!

    I forgot how pretty Kate's wedding dress was. And that's really all I have to say about the whole thing on the docks because I absolutely do not care about NuKate or Ewan. At all.

    I hate to admit this, but if you ignore the fact that Anthony is bat shit crazy- I kinda like him and Tracy. Him and Edward were a hoot!

    Carly and Johnny- whoo!! Did Shawn need Carly to write him a book or something? I mean, she's standing in some other dude's living room, sopping wet, in a bathrobe? And THIS is the moment you pick to tell her how you feel? Can't you see she's trying to get a little action?!

  2. OMG I noticed Sonny's fresh pressed shirt too! lol

    Mac killed me today I wanted to jump through the screen and hold him. Yes I know Jason's life is in danger (when is it not) but I was cheering on every word he said to Sam. "He didn't change for Jake, for you and he's not gonna change for that baby either!" I shouted "You Damn right" which had my husband peeking around the corner to see who I was hollering at. We all know that Patrick is going to do the surgery (why you would want a emotional unstable man performing brain surgery on your loved one is beyond me) but I am still liking that they are letting him show his emotions!

    Why the showed LIW is beyond me maybe it was just a setup so that we could see coocoo Kate/Connie in the blood stained designer wedding gown *paging Shaybrooke we have a pickup on Spoon Island for you*

  3. GREAT SHOW TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Patrick and Sam: Geez Sam!! You are not even giving your condolences about Robin? You just went right in talking about Jason's protocol!!! BAH! Patrick layed into Sam really well I loved it! :)

    Anna and Mac: Oh it's so sad!!!!!!! Mac hearing that Robin is dead!! John J York did a fantastic job!!!! Why is J gone from his name in the credits? Anyway great scene!!!! I cried!

    Mac and Sonny: Mac is so upset and in mourning that he layed in Sonny! Mac brings up Stone. :( Poor Mac!!!! :(

    Edward, Tracy, and Grandpapa Z: GREAT SCENE ROFL! Edward and his one liners! :) Telling Tracy she is giving him whiplash ROFL! Edward and Grandpapa Z having a moment. :) This is the 2nd time Tracy talks about Edward not feeling well. :( What's wrong?

    Kate and Sonny: Or should I say Connie? Connie tells him if he goes after Anthony, It's over between them! DOH! Well of course Dante is important to him! Dante is his son Connie!!!

    Kate: WOAH SHE IS LOOKING OUT IN THE WATER IN HER BLOODY WEDDING DRESS AND HER VEIL!!! ROFL! Hello Connie!!!!! I was laughing. :) Ewen sees her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cassie and Ethan: They were making out on the couch. At first, I thought it was Dante and Lulu. Ewen shows up. Oh so he had to go to work and couldn't go to the benefit! So he stood Liz up!!!! Not classy Ewan!! Oh this scene is so Zzzzzzzzzz. Talking about how it's been a year for Cassie since she lost her memory and Ewen thinks she is lying. Zzzzzzzzz. Ewen leaves. The tunnel door opens. Ethan says, you! Oh boy! Something wicked this way comes!!!!

    Shawn and Carly: Shawn doesn't want Carly to be with Johnny! He wants Carly to be with him! :) She rejected him!!!!! Good I don't want them together anymore. I want Carly with Johnny now. Shawn you blew it! :)

    Johnny and Grandpapa Z: They were on the phone, Is Johnny in the bathroom or the bedroom? And why was the camera moving around whenever they showed Johnny? It was odd! Stop it!

    Johnny and Carly: She wants Johnny!!!! They kiss! YES! :)

  4. DEEP show today. Well, with all that's going on, emotions, tensions and what not are bound to be high. Everything but the hospital, I guess, since a viewer who didn't see what happened earlier this week would not have the slightest clue that the lab in the hospital exploded! I guess the small pieces of "love in the afternoon" today were supposed to be the levity through all the tension. For me, I could have cared less because Ethan and Cassie bore me, as do Johnny and Carly. Carly's just going to go ahead and boink Johnny because of what Shawn said to her. Carly always does the opposite of what someone says or suggests to her...just to be a rebel, I suppose! Sonny is not going to be happy about his worst enemy boinking his ex. Oh great, yet another reason for him to hate Johnny and have a "mine is bigger than yours" argument!

    I thought the grieving reactions of Robin's loved ones were handled perfectly. Anna's "Jane Bond" and though Robin was her daughter and she's a grieving mom, I would not expect her to be there sobbing uncontrollably. She'll have her moments, like when she broke down behind closed doors, which is what I'd expect from Anna. Mac...also, perfect reaction from his character. When a loved one dies like Robin did, those in grief look for someone to blame to try to make sense of it all, even if the person on the other end doesn't deserve the blame. Sonny just happened to be the punching bag in this case. No, he had nothing to do with Robin's death, but I am all for someone chewing Sonny out on his chit, since he's been intolerable lately! I know Sonny adored Robin and he was hurting too.

    Leads us to the Q mansion. I was glad to see Edward today. There were some funny moments with AZ and Tracy there. Sonny's arrived to settle the score with AZ...hope they don't get blood on their carpet!

    I agree that I could care less about Wyndemere unless Granny Hells is around...she's lurking! I still wonder if Ewan is a Cassidine. In any case, toward the end of the show he encountered Kate in her wedding gown. Well, Ewan's lost Cassie as a patient, but I think he gained another one with Kate. He'll have his work cut out for him with this one...Kate's seemingly gone barking mad!

    Patrick and Sam...yeah, part of me wanted to slap Sam upside her head, yet, ok, I get she's scared for her husband and I also get that as a doctor, Patrick does have a duty to take care of Jason, even if he doesn't want to. Like Mac, Patrick is looking to blame someone in his grief...that's natural. Robin cared about Jason, she genuinely wanted to help and was in that lab doing what she one forced her there. So, once the impact sets in with Patrick, he'll maybe come to that conclusion. I see future previews of him operating on Jason, so of course he is going to do his duty as a doctor. As a former public school teacher, I taught kids I could not stand, but I had to teach them! Had a few TJs in my time! :-)

    Interested to see if guns get drawn at the Q mansion. Alice better have some carpet cleaner ready! Even if no bullets fly, Sonny's been bleeding all over the place!

  5. Why can't CasSUCKra just die already? I'm so freakin' tired of this whole ridiculous storyline. I was hoping she would kill Ethan too but I heard he has scenes with Holly, Luke and Robert.

    Whatever. I'm so over this storyline. HELENA, KILL THEM BOTH AND TAKE ME OUT OF MY MISERY.

  6. Sonya...thanks for also saying you thought Ethan and Cassie were Dante and Lulu! I thought that for a split second before they moved! I thought, "Oh, there Lulu is!" was Cassie! :-) Fooled me for a sec though!

    I wonder if Ethan is still going? Unless I missed it, haven't seen a last airdate for him. I just want him out of Wyndemere, where he never quite belonged in the first place! Well, with Nik gone and Lucky gone, I guess Ethan was the only semi-Spencer the writers thought they could stick in the story!

  7. Melodybluez said... Sonya...thanks for also saying you thought Ethan and Cassie were Dante and Lulu! I thought that for a split second before they moved! I thought, "Oh, there Lulu is!" was Cassie! :-) Fooled me for a sec though!
    Hahaha you're welcome. :) At first I'm thinking oh Lulu is feeling better with the cold? Oh wait... :) It's not them! :)

  8. Also I wanted to say THANK YOU to whoever idea it was to put Anthony and Edward together!

  9. JJy was amazing today. I hope this change we're undergoing includes using him a lot more. He's hadsome, charming, and an amazing actor. We need a lot more of him and a lot less Sonny.

    I'm glad they're not pairing Shawn with Carly. I just didn't see any chemistry there. And he deserves better.

    LIW zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Kill he already.

    It was nice to see Edward again too.

  10. 'Who noted that Sonny had a new tshirt on in the hospital? Think he has his own linen closet there?'
    lol I laughed seeing you post that. YES I noticed that as well. I also thought Dante & Lulu were on the couch, until I realized I was wrong. FF thru LIW/Ethan/Ewan. Helena will be the one to emerge. Who else??

    I completely understand how mad Patrick is. I understand him not wanting to help Jason.
    I also want to say that Mac was Robin's parent. Anna & Robert weren't around. Mac was all she had. And vise a versa. Nice to see JYork in a scene instead of babbling or sniffing after Alexis. Long time waiting. APPLAUD.
    He was also 'spot on' with what he said to Sonny. Did you see Sonny's lip quivering??

    Today was better. I have to remember that it is going to take time to clean up Mr & Mrs Wolfie Guza's mess.

    Does Papa live at Monica's?

    The GOOD: Patrick. AGAIN. Mac.
    The BAD: Shawn/Carly/John
    The Ugly: LIW/Ewan, Ethan

    Carly get dressed you SLUT and go home!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Ditto Di on your post. Every word.

  12. 2cents says Did you see Sonny's lip quivering??
    YES I DID! :(

    Carly get dressed you SLUT and go home!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ROFL! I love Carly, but that was funny. :)

  13. I thought it was Lulu and Dante..then they showed Ethan and I was thinking: He's making out with Lulu?
    and how did she get a spray an in those damn tunnels? LOL

  14. kdmask said... I thought it was Lulu and Dante..then they showed Ethan and I was thinking: He's making out with Lulu?
    ROFL ROFL! Ewwww hahahahaha!

  15. Sonya I love Carly too. But 'Mother of the Year', she will never be. LMAO!!
    LaTanya said...
    Also I wanted to say THANK YOU to whoever idea it was to put Anthony and Edward together!
    BRILLIANT scene. No denying that!

    Sonya said.........Kate: WOAH SHE IS LOOKING OUT IN THE WATER IN HER BLOODY WEDDING DRESS AND HER VEIL!!! ROFL! Hello Connie!!!!! I was laughing. :) Ewen sees her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    WTF?? WTF?? Now Ewan will stick around to be her new shrink??

  16. My2Cents2 said... Sonya I love Carly too. But 'Mother of the Year', she will never be. LMAO!!
    That's true, but Sometimes Carly can be a good mother. :) So maybe she can win mother of the day or week ROFL!

    WTF?? WTF?? Now Ewan will stick around to be her new shrink??
    Looks like it! ROFL! Connie meet Ewen. Ewen meet Connie. :)

  17. Tracy says that she didn't see Alan's ghost, that it was her imagination. Is this a way to address those "ghostly" scenes so that they can bring Alan back because he's not really dead?!?!?!?! Oh how I hope!

  18. I love what Patrick told Sam ! Jason will not change for her or her baby :) ! It's about time ! I also don't feel sympathy for Sam because she should have known that was the wrong time to approach Patrick. She knew Robin was dead and yet she conducted herself in a dispicable way, not even acknowledging his loss! You don't treat people like that! Kelly Monaco did an interview with SID saying that in this scene , you will see that Sam does not care about anyone else except for Jason and perhaps does not even care about herself as much as jason. He is her husband and she loves him but her whole existence is about him ( nothing going on for herself, obssession).
    Notice that when Sam acknowledges his loss is when Anna comes to find him and her hope is for Anna to convince him to help Jason. She even used her pregnancy for sympathy to manipulate Patrick and I'm glad he called her on it!
    Never could stand her and I'm glad he told her off as it was deserved. Of course , he will do what Robin wished and ultimately he will honour his committment to medicine and treat his patient to the best of his ability, but Sam was wrong to approach him at that time and wrong in how she conducted herself. Foolish.

  19. What a fantastic day of acting on GH. JT, JJY, FH, and MB. Amazing. It's so nice to see them given smart, well-written dialogue.

    I can't get past Sam attacking grieving Patrick about the protocol. I understand her fears, but she needed to zip it. It seems like they are writing Sam like she was written before. An insensitive bitch. Actually I'm happy about that because to be honest, I'm so tired of her walking in the shadow of Jason and not being the strong, independent, bitchy Sam we all know she is. The scenes with her and Patrick were amazing especially what he said to her. He spoke the truth. Plus, we all know he'll do the surgery anyways, just the kinda guy he is.

    Anna and Mac scenes were so good. JJY nailed it. My poor Mac is heartbroken.

    Sonny with his new clean white shirt was hysterical. I pictured him snapping his fingers to someone in the hospital and saying, "go get me a white t-shirt NOWWW"...LOL! Loved when he found out about Robin. So sad. Such a great moment when Mac lashed out in grief and Sonny losing it with Michael. But then of course, he immediately went into "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME MODE, WHERE'S MY GUN".

    Shawn barging in at Johnny's to tell Carly his feeling was just so weird. Didn't make sense. Shawn hun, Carly is in a bathrobe with wet hair in Johnny's penthouse, do you really need it spelled out any clearer than that?? LOL! I like Carly and Johnny together, I think their chemistry is HOT, so I'm looking forward to where that's going. Ticking time bomb for sure!

    LIW was on? Didn't notice. I used those times to rewind to better scenes.

    How about CuckooKate at the end in the bloody wedding dress. Nuts. Maybe Ewan will do some dock therapy with her. Nice ending though for today's show. I just wish KS was a better actress. Hoping that will change so I could care about her story.

    Can I have more of Anthony and Edward? Please? Hilariously brilliant!!

  20. Great post Matchbox, that about sums today up!

    OK..are we all on the same page that Robin is NOT dead??
    She was kidnapped, but by who??
    Any thoughts??

  21. Today was the epitome of why I cannot stand the character Sam!!
    She is so selfish and low. Using her child as a weapon once again to manipulate Patrick to save Jason.

    For f*ck sakes, the man just lost his wife! Give him the time he deserves to grieve, to be with his daughter, to wrap his brain around his loss before your whine, cry and manipulate him to save your husband so your child won't be without his/her father.

    Patrick was so on point when he said that what makes you think that he will change for this baby when he didn't do it for Jake?
    I swear, if they have him change for this kid (still hope it's not his) it will be total horseshit!!!
    Though I want change with this character, I do not want it to happen for the wrong reasons. This will be another way to prop this boring pairing.
    He will not be redeemed by having him leave the mob for Sam. It will only infuriate fans even more than they are in my opinion because this is another blatant misrepresentation of this character.

    I would have been so happy if Anna slapped the snot out of Sam for being an insensitive b*tch.

    Mac was awesome. Why they diminished his role on this show is beyond me??

    Funniest part of today's episode was when Anthony made that face before sitting down with Edward and Edward gets up and leaves....hahahahahaha

  22. My2Cents, I believe she was kidnapped by perhaps Helena and/or Faison.

    Helena may she needs Robin to resurrect one of the Cassadines.

    Faison for his obsession with Anna.

    Please don't let it be Franco. We know he's obsessed with all things Jason, so it does make sense. I just don't want another Franco based story.

    What I do hope is if and when Jason finds out about Robin's "death" that he walks out on Sam and goes looking for Robin to bring her back to Emma, Patrick, Anna, Mac, Robert et al.

  23. Loved everything Patrick told the evil cow today. If only he would have screamed loud enough to provoke a miscarriage.

  24. Yay for Mac , Anna, and Patrick! All 3 characters reacted the way I thought they would and the actors were fantastic!
    Loved that someone said no to the 'golden couple' but I hope they don't have Patrick apologizing to Sam for the things he said because they were true and his reaction to Sam was warranted.
    I am actually looking ahead with anticipation to what's coming next and I haven't felt that way about GH for some time!


  25. Watchintele...I am thinking Fiason has her.
    She most certainly is not dead.

    Lunatic-Are you bi-polar??
    Or just an angry bytch??

  26. Patrick's look of disdain for Sam was sweet moment. I've always felt that Patrick just tolerates her and Jason for Robin and now that she's dead he can let his true feelings spill out.

  27. I have actually been watching the show live..and that has not happened for a long time...years even..

  28. Robin - not dead! When GH ends, you'll see her again. Fiason has made it look like Scorpio-Devane have blown up before, remember?

    Sam = a real b**** ! I cannot believe that Kelly Monaco is not protesting how awful and unlikable they're making her seem. Patrick just found out that his wife is dead and burned beyond recognition and all Sam can do is harass him?! Wish he would have slapped her hard and then smashed the vial on floor! Would have been SWEET

    Sonny and Jason have finally been exposed for the toolbags they are. Mac was right - everyone and everything they associate with is doomed!

  29. I cannot stand Cassandra's voice. The sooner she is gone the better!

    JJY is hot and really should be on more.

    In addition to noticing Sonny's white shirt I noticed that when Michael hugged him he grabbed Sonny's bandaged arm! Cracked me up!

    Personally I am still so upset that Robin is gone. KM is such a rockstar and I loved her, Patrick and Emma. So sad.

  30. Sam's reaction through this whole thing has been perfect. The person she was most worried about has been Jason, not Robin. She was shocked and sad Robin passed away. But bear in mind, once she saw the lab, she also thought the protocol was also destroyed; meaning Jason is going to die. She sees the protocol in Patrick's hands and she has hope for Jason. One track mind of course....but right on target.

  31. Robin will be back! She isn't dead.
    By some slight chance and GH lives on, personally I don't see JT staying with GH forever. They will bring her back to leave with him.
    If the show ends, it will go the same way.
    Since Anna was in town, something tells me the story will be Fiason got Robin out. However, he is holding her. She will be back.
    (I think)

  32. Not only did I notice Sonny's brand new shirt, I noticed the blood on Kate's dress is still bright red. This is just should be a disgusting rusty color and very dark by now.

    Loved when Patrick said to Sam "How dare you."

  33. 5b4f50f4-5ee2-11e1-84bd-000bcdcb5194 said 'Sam's reaction through this whole thing has been perfect. The person she was most worried about has been Jason, not Robin. She was shocked and sad Robin passed away. But bear in mind, once she saw the lab, she also thought the protocol was also destroyed; meaning Jason is going to die. She sees the protocol in Patrick's hands and she has hope for Jason. One track mind of course....but right on target.'
    You are absolutely correct.
    I don't see a wife/mother reacting any other way.
    She wants her love to live. She is frightened. FINALLY Sam has a role other than being Jason's lapdog!

    Patrick is justified as well for his hatred toward Jason and blaming him for Robin dying.

  34. The episode was great except for Spoon Island Eww Gadds please just move this story along and make it end! Anything make it stop! You know where my head it at- when I first saw them making out on the couch I thought it was Dr. Noah.
    Paging Dr. Love
    And then the nightmare returned.

  35. Sorry , I do see a wife conducting herself in a better manner than Sam did. It was absolutely disrespectful to approach Patrick at that moment and the manner in which she did it was wrong. Had she started off by acknowledging Robin's bravery and great loss , perhaps Patrick would not have torn a strip off her. I work medicine and someone approaching me that way would turn me off. However, Patrick was wrong in telling her he would let her husband die. I enjoyed watching that moment and was glad to see that particular group ( Jason, Sam and Sonny ) that GH is centered around, take one on the chin.

  36. In all due respect, seriously, could any of us know how selfish and desperate we would get in Sam's situation??

    That isn't saying I don't understand what Mac said to Sonny. He was SPOT on. Patrick to Sam was SPOT on.
    However, Sam isn't in her right mind either. She is desperate for her husband to live.

  37. Please, could we stop with the comments about hoping Sam's baby will die? While I understand that this is just a soap, as someone who has suffered more than a few horrible late miscarriages, these comments are very offensive.

  38. 2cents says If the show ends, it will go the same way.
    What do you mean it will go the same way? What way? :)

  39. condolensces to you. I understand.
    The IGNORANCE & STUPIDITY of some people is just overwhelming at times. There should be BLOG law to keep these people hidden in their own misery!

    Again, my sympathies to you.

  40. sonya said...
    2cents says If the show ends, it will go the same way.
    What do you mean it will go the same way? What way? :)
    I don't see JT sticking with GH forever. When he does his exit story, I see Robin coming back for him.

    Should GH be cancelled, I see Robin's where abouts be known as well.

    Don't we see Starr today?

  41. I'm flashing back to Lucky's apartment burning -- how wrecked I was (pre-spoiler days for me) for Lucky's death, funeral, etc...and then seeing him trapped in that room. Whoa...

    But with that Fiason kidnapping, we didn't know what happened to start the fire or anything. Just the suggestion of a burning candle. So we could believe Fiason kidnapped Lucky and switched the body.

    But this time, it was a series of actual accidents and choices we all saw play out that caused this. If the do pull a Faison (and believe me, that would be awesome!), I'm going to have a hard time buying it. They're gonna have to rewrite a little history to pull that s off.

  42. I also thought we were watching Dante and Lulu, LOL. Those spray tans were out of place but hopefully LIW and Ewen are auditioning for other jobs and that's why they had tans. JJY and FH were amazing - so beautifully done. I boo hooed like crazy. I wish KS was back as Maxie for this. I am so glad Patrick gave Sam hell. Jason isn't on his deathbed yet and she could have waited and shown a little respect and compassion - he was in shock! I loved everything he told her. I hope Shadybrook has a room ready for Connie because she is on her way.

  43. I am going to leave my opinion before I read everyone elses comments, so I apologize if I put the same thing someone else wrote:
    The Patrick/Sam conversation lasted WAAAAAY too long. If I were Patrick, I would have Shoved Sam out of the way and left that area.
    I think the writers used the exact same dialogue for Sam as they did for Carly during the Jake fiasco. I'm not joking. Some of the stuff Sam said was word for word what Carly said to Jason.
    Mac, Anna, Patrick....These are the characters I like to watch. I want them on more!
    Mac to Sonny: Bless you Mac for saying the truth and saying it well. Sonny and Jason are a cancer. They are the ones that always survive when all the good ones never make it.
    Patrick to Sam: Get it in your head Sam, Patrick doesn't like Jason. He is a gangster who has no desire to change his lifestyle, yet Robin is the one that had to die. Someone that loved her kid and wanted to be around for her family.
    I honestly did not watch one scene of Carly/Johnny/Shawn or LIW/Ethan.

  44. I thought JJY and JT were amazing in yesterday's episode. Their open honesty about Robin losing her life for someone who didn't deserve it (on a show that tends to whitewash and prop the local mobsters and villify the police) was great to see.

    "EthinaEternal said...
    Why can't CasSUCKra just die already? I'm so freakin' tired of this whole ridiculous storyline. I was hoping she would kill Ethan too but I heard he has scenes with Holly, Luke and Robert.

    Whatever. I'm so over this storyline. HELENA, KILL THEM BOTH AND TAKE ME OUT OF MY MISERY."

    Well, this is the storyline that NP was so enthusiastic about in his TV Guide Interview. Don't you remember? He said it was "Wuthering Heights," he made a comparison to Luke and Laura, and he talked about what a "phenomenal" actress Alyshia Ochse is because she was going to be "a lot of fun" for the viewers to watch.

  45. My2Cents2 said... I don't see JT sticking with GH forever. When he does his exit story, I see Robin coming back for him. Should GH be cancelled, I see Robin's where abouts be known as well.
    Yeah he probably won't stay. Yeah I see Robin's whereabouts be known when GH is cancelled too.

    Don't we see Starr today?
    I don't remember the date when Starr shows up.

  46. rillaotvalley said... I'm flashing back to Lucky's apartment burning -- how wrecked I was (pre-spoiler days for me) for Lucky's death, funeral, etc...and then seeing him trapped in that room. Whoa.. H.
    Yeah!!! Everyone thought Lucky died which was a shock, and then we see him trapped in that room!!!! That was another shock!!!! :-0 And then we see that Faison and Helena have him!!!!!!!!!! Damn GH was so good back then! :)

  47. Lobsel Vith said....
    Well, this is the storyline that NP was so enthusiastic about in his TV Guide Interview. Don't you remember? He said it was "Wuthering Heights," he made a comparison to Luke and Laura, and he talked about what a "phenomenal" actress Alyshia Ochse is because she was going to be "a lot of fun" for the viewers to watch.

    This is why the actors should stick to acting and not assume what the audience will or won't enjoy. Way to go NP, you made yourself look like a total douchebag for pimping this horrible storyline.

  48. Thanks...NP would be Nathan.
    But what does he have to do with the writing, or telling us how fantastic something is going to be done?

    If its so fantastic, why isn't he sticking around GH? (not that I mind if he takes LIW with him)

    Wolfie did that to us as well . He told us 'Wait until you see how fantastic it plays out' and yet, we were, WTF,-that was good?

    I don't expect Ron to be a savior of GH. Just give us some BELIEVABLE storylines. This hospital explosion was a JOKE.
    I was hoping it would be done better. Though Ron's name wasn't on the story, surely he had some say so. jmo

  49. Yep - if the story is so much fun why isn't NP staying on GH? Maybe because he realized that the audience either fast-forwards his scenes or they just don't give a rat's a$$ about his character anymore?

    Let him leave with his tail between his legs! What a moron!

  50. EthinaEternal said...
    Yep - if the story is so much fun why isn't NP staying on GH? Maybe because he realized that the audience either fast-forwards his scenes or they just don't give a rat's a$$ about his character anymore?

    Let him leave with his tail between his legs! What a moron!

  51. "EthinaEternal said...
    This is why the actors should stick to acting and not assume what the audience will or won't enjoy. Way to go NP, you made yourself look like a total douchebag for pimping this horrible storyline."

    And the story doesn't seem to be doing Ethan any favors, either. I don't see many people endorsing the pairing, or even liking the romance between Ethan and Lulu's doppleganger. I guess JFP felt that Ethan sleeping with a mental patient who looked like his sister was better than dating an intelligent, petite woman who was a good friend to him? :/

  52. JFP wanted a Kristina & Johnny pairing and didn't think Lexi was buxom enough for good ole JZ (not to be confused with Beyonce's husband Jay-Z, ha ha).

    JFP wanted Sonny to be the real core of the story (just like most of Kristina's storylines) and didn't give a flying fig what the fans wanted.

    Even Kim Kardashian waltzed in as Kristina Davis, Johnny still wouldn't have cared -- he prefers blondes for the most part and sometimes ladies who are a bit long in the tooth if you know what I mean.

    I've read on more than one board that people commented on how much CasSUCKra looked like Lulu yesterday on that poor innocent couch. So, yes, Ethan with his sister's doppelganger is much much more appealing to the audience than seeing an emotional bond between friends blossom into a sweet romance. Of course! Especially when half of that almost-couple was petite. Nope - no petite women allowed love interests. She looks too young, my foot. Did I miss something - is this 1962?

  53. Lunatic-Are you bi-polar??
    Or just an angry bytch??
    None of the above. Be nice, I haven't done anything to you.

    Sam on the other hand should have offered her condolence to Patrick before asking for the protocol, like a ungrateful thirsty blood sucking vampire. Evil cow, her fetus and her brain dead husband can all go kaboom. That would raise the awful ratings!

  54. AbsoluteLunatic said...
    Lunatic-Are you bi-polar??
    Or just an angry bytch??
    None of the above. Be nice, I haven't done anything to you.

    Your wrong. Your comments are very ignorant and hateful.
    I am not the only person who doesn't enjoy reading such vulgarness on here.
    Lose the hatred. You will be a better person for it.



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...