Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Beautiful Voice...

May you find peace. 


  1. I am heartbroken over this. :( Tragic.

  2. I was hoping she was on track to picking up her career after having finished rehab and appearing on Oprah with her daughter, Bobby Cristina. She was to appear on the Grammy awards coming up but now , I'm sure they will do a tribute to her. So sad! A beautiful talent gone! Sad for her young daughter , Cisssy Houston ( whitney's Mom also a singer ) and Dionne Warwick ( Whitney's cousin and and legendary singer ).


  3. I can't believe she's gone. I know she was in a downward spiral for so long, but it really looked like she was starting to turn her life around once she left Bobby Brown.

    My dad and I were just talking about her last week because he always compares the version of the National Anthem at the Superbowl to her performance of it back in the early 1990's. He was the one to call and tell me she had died; he found out while watching ESPN. That is how you know she was someone special--the only other time he remembers a celebrity death interrupting sports was when John Lennon died in 1980.

    My thoughts go out to her family and friends, especially her daughter. May she finally have the peace that was missing from her life for so long.

  4. aThis is so sad! I just saw a video of her performing last night at a pre grammy party....God Bless her and her family!!!

  5. Rest In Peace, Whitney.

    You will be missed.

  6. Yes, the hubby said that's how he remembers her. He didn't remember her when he lived in England--

  7. OMG my mouth dropped when abc interrupted Charlie Brown's Valentines Day special last night with the news.

    I was SHOCKED. And so so sadden.
    So many questions, in the meantime my condolences to her family, friends, and us fans of hers. Another legend died way too young.

  8. So sad. Her songs were such a part of my life growing up...Rest in Peace.

  9. 41-year-old gay male here whom has loved Whitney since May of 1985 when her first single "You Give Good Love" came out.

    One by one my musical heroes are being taken away. Now all I have left is Prince and Madonna and please Lord, let those two live to be in their 80's or 90's!!!

  10. Renegade....Nice post.

    She took me back to 1985-90 as well. I cried learning of her death. I guess, though we never met her, she played such an important role in our lives when we were a certain age. It took me back to that era. Sadly.
    Her words were so brillaintly sung.
    I guess we all were the same age, going thru our own 'growing up' and she related to us thru song.

    RIP Whitney



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...