Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sunday Surgery: Black and White

Ah, nothing is as black and white as it may seem, is it? People saying one thing, doing another... right --wrong--shades of gray and tension over race, we got the whole sheeebaaaaaanng these 5 days. 
20150608 1448(28)
I'm so THRILLED to be back here. Having a GREAT time..

Pull up a chair. I actually found this week to be..well a little weak so the blog will be shorter than most. I'm having a protein shake--my new fave. 

20150608 1500(9)
Hey, Dad I need some money for a drink..because you know, I DO NOTHING! 

I skipped Monday's show and really didn't feel like watching it--so, I didn't! I know that Laura stood there all day saying "I want Luke" and I pretty much caught up on Tuesday.  I also had the added bonus of NOT seeing Anna say goodbye to Sloane. Small favors for me. 

Let's go story by story. 

20150610 0651
I'm Deal With It! 
The Engagement Party:  As we all know, Luke and Laura have some 'plan' that seems to involve making Tracy believe Luke loves her (for like a night), and getting engaged only to have it thwarted a the last minute. We were misdirected for 2 days about it all and it ended in a whimper and not a bang. Tracy stormed off, Luke and Laura stood around looking weird and that that was that!
Jane Elliot was superb and just needs the Emmy--now. Her looking up the stairs was perfection. 

Why would L&L have to carry out this ruse? Helena? The boys-- what? Guess I don't really care much yet. That's pretty sad. Not a great sign of a return, imo.

20150608 1505(9)

Luke continued to grate on my nerves because even when everyone was gone and it was just he and was still "Death March 2000". 

20150613 1001(41)
and I just don't get it..I just don't get it...why um..tell me...because I need to know...blah blah
There was a 2 day interruption on their story  -- and then Laura went to visit Nik (which felt forced, imo) and Spencer wasn't there. Yes, we have school into the endish of June in NY. Lulu is pestering Luke about what's going on (such an annoying VOICE, that one) and Dillon busts in just as he's about to tell her. Finally, when Laura comes back he yells: WE WERE LYING! And...the end of Friday's show. I'm really starting to hate these 'backward stories'. ugh. 
So...I'm not even going to bother to speculate what's going on at this point. I usually love doing that but I'm not going to put myself or you through it. For once, I'm going to let it "Play Out". I so hope it's worth it.
20150613 1047(1)
OH MY God tell me...TELL ME....
And not for nothing, but TG better light a fire under himself because...Grumpy Von Grumperson.  And don't come at me with "he's acting". You watch the scene where he and Genie are alone on the HS and she holds his hand.

I've watched Tony every year he's been on GH. He used to sparkle and be fun in every scene, even if it was a sad/tense/whatever scene. There was a spark. I just don't see it anymore, He also used to improv A LOT--and I don't see any of that either. Actually RH is the 'old' way he used to act. (think Michael Knight as Tad Martin as well). 
Again: Magic.....GONE. 
Here are the share spreads, in case you care. Spencer typed it up on his toy typewriter

ELQ Stocks:  I'm trying like HELL to be interested.  I wanted an ELQ story--but this?'s just not good and it's confusing. Blah blah blah has blah percentage of shares and blah blah..control and blah.  All you need to know is that for some unknown reason, Nikolas feels like it's his biz to run the company and get all the shares. He sends Rosie out to buy Nina's (which she did)--although it took like a DAY for Michael to find out about it all. (great plan. Sam is investigating Rosie for Sabrina (don't ask) and Jake is now head of ELQ security! He and Michael bonded over dreams and tales of Motorcycles. Jake notices a photo of Monica holding baby Danny and pauses. Who is this woman? (we all say the same thing since it's been so damn long since she's appeared). Why do I feel something? Rumor has it that yes, Monica and Jake will have a scene together. Get your window of 10 minutes ready! 

20150610 1600(10)
False inprisonment 
 Liz isn't happy Jake is at ELQ because she thinks that he will recover some memories about his old life being around Michael. If you think about it, she's totally keeping Jake prisoner in his own head. By not telling him who he really is, she's got him in a box.

20150610 1537(39)
I'll get my tan ready to charm the ladies, boss 

Oh, the most funny thing this week? Nik sends Sloane to "get the shares" from Maya and BrookLynn. (off camera of course). How's he going to do that? Flashing his muscles? I mean, seriously. How's he gonna do that? 

20150610 1554(35)
You brings Ze Cheetoes and I'll get Ze Wine Coolers...
Nina/Franco: I mention this because Franco was the catalyst for people finding out about the shares being sold. It also got he and Dr. O to have more scenes. I actually thought that maybe we'd get a cool road trip with the 2 of them but nope! Donna Mills is out of jail! Franco asks her for help, not realizing she's actually working with Ric. 

20150610 1557(20)

Nina and Ric were hysterical with Molly. MS and MP were just great as girl and StepMonster.  I probably could deal with them being on daily with like 10 minutes of snark. You know, Molly gets ready to go out, Nina gives her fashion tips. Molly goes out with her girlfriends, Nina shows up. LOL 

20150610 0653(42)

Ava/Flava:  Why. WHY WHY??   She sees baby Avery.  She cries. She and Morgan kiss. Ok, they make-out. He's all "man, you are SO like Ava"!!  Ava almost blows it because of her libido but stops herself just in time. Idiot Kiki walks in and it's all diffused anyway. That's all we see of them for the week. 

20150610 1557(39)

TJ's Arrest:  Why couldn't we have seen the actual arrest happen? The Wyndam's scene could have been done really well. But nope..for 2 days we had to sit there and wait while he wouldn't talk about why he was in the PCPD-- and Dante wasn't around to tell anyone. I swear this show is set in 1985. Ric finally comes in to talk to TJ. He's plenty mad at MOM who's "The Man" now. (figuratively) 
Finally after a long drag out wait, we find out TJ was buying earrings for Molly and the clerk thought he'd stolen a credit card. (which actually happened 2x in NYC last summer) They called security. TJ got all mouthy because he hadn't done anything wrong and he needed to get out fast to see Shawn. Things escalated, they called the police (enter Dante) and TJ ended up shoving the mall cop to the ground after he tried to stop him leaving. Dante arrested TJ to get him out of there. The credit card was legit but the security guard wanted to press charges because he hurt his back. Mayor Lomax wanted TJ made an "example of" (again, off screen) and made Jordan keep him in the pen overnight. 
TJ's mad at MOM and he's mad about Shawn. About her lying to him. He's just angry. She tries to explain things and he says why do all (Insert Name) people get off but those that look like Shawn and me don't? She's incredulous! Don't make this about race she says! He says it's ALL about race.  Jordan reminds him he pushed the guy-- he says he was in the right because they profiled him. 
Oh, and TJ also puts Duke and Shawn on a pedestal and says what good guys they are. Jordan finally tells him Duke had her targeted for a kill.  TJ is shaken.

20150613 1107

In the other room, Valerie tells Dante (who feels like crap about the entire thing) that she's been stopped many times because she's black. The only part of this story that turned me off was using it to get them to hold hands and look into each other's eyes. bleck. 

20150613 1108(27)

Yes, this is a timely and important issue. I like the way they are writing it because TJ is already angry about the Shawn situation and his mom not coming clean. She's also the police commish. ANY race kid sometimes rebels against their parents if they are administration (Schools, police..yada yada)--add the stories/tension happening now and it's a good combo. TJ is also right in pointing out that almost the entire town got off their charges. This could be really interesting. I still wish we saw the confrontation ourselves but, you know-- GH.

20150613 1111(28)

Given it was a "return week" for one of the big vets, it was pretty boring, imo. All the stories are told in reverse on GH now. We get to see the middle or the end, then things are explained after we sit and stew for a good long while. Just like the Ava/Denise tale. *sigh*.  I'm also feeling that everything is disjointed again and really not knit together. What else is new, right?

If you missed this week, watch Friday, you'll catch up. 

20150610 0727

SCENE OF THE WEEK: Tracy struggling to climb the stairs after her engagement party. So great. Those stairs are very significant on this show, especially if you've been watching since the 70's. 

20150610 0716(9)

PROP OF THE WEEK:  Silas' peanuts. He was pretty funny with Franco. It was the old Todd/John days! 

20150610 1541(27)

RUNNER UP:  The tiny, tiny motorcycle, filling Jake's head with dreams of...??? 

20150610 0712(21)

FACE OF THE WEEK: Tracy yelling at Luke. She had a lot of great expressions but this was the best. I can imagine her saying: WHO WROTE THIS?! lol.. 

OH, and this happened! I did laugh and laugh! See, if we got more ensamble scenes we could have had Molly and Sam at the same time! Can I hope Nina decides to cook dinner for everyone?!! 
I have 2 questions for you:   Did it bother you more that the engagement and party all happened in 3.4 seconds---or that TJ's story took 2 entire days to get out? 2 characters on the show you'd boot tomorrow if you could. 


  1. Thanks, Karen, for a VERY comprehensive SS. THE THING THAT BOTHERS ME THE MOST is calling for/planning, having an engagement party ALL ON THE SAME DAY!! Makes NO sense, it drove me crazy!! Also, I can't STAND IT that Kiki and Morgan don't work, what a horrible example for young people!! I think TJ is a really good actor, and like it that he and Jordan look like they'll be more front and center in the show (one can hope . . .).

    2 characters I'd like gone? Well, I thought that Ava was an interesting character, and MW is a great actress, but I CAN'T STAND Denise, she is such an insult for all of us from Brooklyn. If they stereotyped a Black person all Hell would break lose, and rightly so, but Italians from Brooklyn seem to be fair game . . . Some of them, like Lois, were OK, despite the fake accent, but Denise is AWFUL . . . Also, while I'm griping, Sonny, who supposedly comes from Bensonhurst, sounds like he comes from California . . .

    So, I should name one other character I want gone . . . I guess Sloan, he is annoying. Of course, I can name tons of characters I want to come BACK, starting with Monica . . . LC, you are soooo missed!

  2. The L&L SL is SO TIRED and BORING. They will find and rescue Lucky in 2 weeks then we get a teary sendoff- YAWN!

    The TJ thing is missing 90% of the emotional relevance because we didn't see it. And TJ's anger at his mom is INSANE!

    The Sabby-Rosie feud is ok, and seeing Jake finally w the Q's is good.

    But please, get rid of Franco, Nina, Donna Mills.

  3. I don't understand what's life and death about being engaged to Tracy?
    Boot Kiki and Lulu.

  4. Great SS! I don't understand why Luke couldn't confide in Tracy instead of publicly humiliating her. What Liz is doing to Jakeson is selfish and despicable, keeping him from his son and family. TJ was a trouble maker in the beginning but evolved nicely. Regardless of his justification, he physically assaulted someone, but should be released to his parent's custody. He's not a criminal. It is really hard to pick just 2 characters, LOL. I have to choose Nina, Franco, Valerie, Sloan, Kiki, Donna M. and Denise (Ava is ok). Tony G. wanted to retire & probably was catered to with this storyline, but for heaven's sake why does he appear so listless?

  5. Love Maura; hate Denise. They could have had Ava return as a less obnoxious "twin."

    The TJ story doesn't work for me. Port Charles has a black mayor and a black Police Commissioner who is TJ's mother. The unseen security guard is a bigot, but TJ did commit a crime by pushing him and not following police instructions.

    I'd lose Kiki and Sloan.

  6. "Molly gets ready to go out, Nina gives her fashion tips. Molly goes out with her girlfriends, Nina shows up. LOL"

    OH!!! I would LOVE that!!!! :)

    "TJ's mad at MOM and he's mad about Shawn. About her lying to him. He's just angry. She tries to explain things and he says why do all (Insert Name) people get off but those that look like Shawn and me don't? She's incredulous! Don't make this about race she says!"

    Yeah I can't believe Jordan said that! Not even going to be on her son's side? When Dante brought up race, Jordan didn't say that to Dante!!! What the?!!?!

    "So...I'm not even going to bother to speculate what's going on at this point. I usually love doing that but I'm not going to put myself or you through it. For once, I'm going to let it "Play Out". I so hope it's worth it."

    I have one theory! Lucky and Ethan were kidnapped, by Helena or someone else, and that person threatened Luke that if he doesn't end his relationship with Tracy, then the person will kill Lucky and Ethan! Which is so stupid! Why would Helena care if Luke and Tracy get married?! UGH!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. "Pat said... The unseen security guard is a bigot,"

    I wonder if we are ever going to see this security guard!!!

  9. Ahhh...My Sunday morning reading. *Looks around for sweets* *pouts*

    I know what you mean by “magic gone.” I think TG has gone past his expiry date and really wants to be out of there. I wonder if he’s ill. If he’s not surely he could muster a little more energy for a show that’s made him.

    kd said...Oh, the most funny thing this week? Nik sends Sloane to "get the shares" from Maya and BrookLynn. (off camera of course). How's he going to do that?

    My thoughts exactly! The man has no charisma at all. If he gets them it will definitely have to be off camera!

    Nina and Molly were hilarious. HP is such a good actress. She works well with anyone, but she really brought the comedy with Nina. Some of her facial expressions had me laughing out loud. I'd like to see more of them too.

    I also don't understand why we had to see TJ's arrest off screen. Is it because they're too cheap to hire a couple of actors for the day? Way too much of GH these days is just plain story telling. We don't need to see the show, just read a script, as that's all the characters do most of the time. They just spend half the show telling us what happened. It's TV, NOT RADIO! SHOW US!!

    I absolutely loved the scene on the stairs. Definitely award winning acting on JE's part. I hope she sends in that scene.

    I also really liked Dillon's reaction when she said no one loved her. He completely won me over there.

    Two characters I'd boot tomorrow if I could - Sloan and Silas. (It was hard to just pick two.)

  10. "Those stairs are very significant on this show, especially if you've been watching since the 70's. "

    I remember watching a pregnant Monica take a tumble down those stairs and all I can remember is seeing the stunt double's knee pads. That was more than 30 years ago wasn't it?

  11. I actually enjoyed most of the week. Wasn't perfect and felt disjointed at times but I had fun watching it for the most part. TJ's story has me intrigued and I'm happy to see TR getting some meaty material. He's a great young actor who's been underused. The NiCo/marriage to Ric stuff is a hoot. Loved the Dr. O/Franco scenes and the Lansing family scenes. LOL Molly is NOT happy! This story sort of has a nice late '80s-'90s feel to it. All schemes, cattiness, gold-digging and trying to get to the one you love. Denise actually didn't annoy me this week go figure. I forgot how hot Morgan and Ava were and Kiki almost walking in on them was hilarious. Tracy was amazing this week. I keep thinking about the scenes a few years ago (the ones that should have won JE the Emmy) where Tracy told Luke she deserved more than his crumbs of affection. It was the start of a good story that was never told in favor of the Fluke stuff. Maybe we can get that tale now. Oh and I'm totally shipping SlAnna now. #sorrynotsorry LOL

    "Did it bother you more that the engagement and party all happened in 3.4 seconds---or that TJ's story took 2 entire days to get out?"

    Neither bothered me really. I didn't need the engagement party to be long unless there were going to be some real party scenes. I'm enjoying the TJ stuff.

    " 2 characters on the show you'd boot tomorrow if you could."

    Silas - character just doesn't work and ME only randomly wakes up. Would have been an interesting villain instead of romantic hero as he clearly gives no f*cks and isn't sexy enough to maintain a viable romance.

    Sonny - people will think I'm crazy because HE IS THE LEAD!!!! but I think that holds the show back in a way. First he hasn't always been the lead so that isn't cemented. He's not Erica Kane or Victoria Lord by any means. Second his story is just on a loop no matter who writes him. Nothing new. Ran out of ideas. He's limited.

  12. "Silas - character just doesn't work and ME only randomly wakes up. Would have been an interesting villain instead of romantic hero as he clearly gives no f*cks and isn't sexy enough to maintain a viable romance.

    Sonny - people will think I'm crazy because HE IS THE LEAD!!!! but I think that holds the show back in a way. First he hasn't always been the lead so that isn't cemented. He's not Erica Kane or Victoria Lord by any means. Second his story is just on a loop no matter who writes him. Nothing new. Ran out of ideas. He's limited."

    I couldn't agree more with all of this. And since I live in perpetual fear of Ava being paired with both of them romantically, it solves my problems completely.

    Ava/Morgan FTW. #sorrynotsorry

  13. I hate the everything happens off-screen stuff so my vote is for the TJ story.

    Why does Geary dislike Genie? Anyone know? He doesn't even bother to try and hide it anymore.

    I would get rid of Valerie and Kiki. It was really difficult to pick just 2! I could have picked 10.

  14. Two people to get rid of. That is easy. Kiwi and Robot Sloan.

  15. DAR...SO many rumors about Genie and Tony. I don't know what is true other than what I've seen Tony say in interviews. GOGGLE :)

  16. Dante and Valerie are gaining a following. I think Valerie should stick around. I hope Sloane stays around until Anna comes back. Where was all this nitpicking when Bob was still writing the show. I liked this weeks show.

  17. Oops forgot one other thing.

    "Karen says Spencer wasn't there. Yes, we have school into the endish of June in NY."

    Yes I know, but this is Port Chuckles! They can end school anytime they want! :)

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. OH GEESHHHHHH.... "where was all this nitpicking when GUZA was writing the show"???
    DO YOU KNOW ME? I about had an attack every week about Guza and Pratt. LIKE A LOT-- and JFP? Lordy.
    Let me get this straight: The Cartini mix rescued me from not watching GH ever again. Towards the end of Guza's tenure I was done.
    So..don't even think I didn't rip them all a new one!!

  21. Why is anyone worried about Jake remembering his Jason Morgan memories? He never remembered being Jason Quartermaine.

    But wouldn't THAT be a fun story. He wakes up and remembers he is JQ. Is APPALLED that he was a mafia hitman. Moves back into the Quartermaine mansion with his mom and re-enrolls in med school.


Tuesday: The Docks

  Greetings from The Frozen Tundra!! 12 degrees and lake effect snow! Whoo Hoo!! That time of year but it sure is nasty when it's here. ...