Thursday, June 25, 2015

Nikolas was IT Today

Nikolas saved the show with his yelling at Rosie. Telling her he should lock her up on Cassadine Island where she could be "his GRANDMOTHER'S BITCH" (and he yelled it).

Oooooooooooooooo awesome part of the show today!

Other than that? UGH

Kiki and Franco don't need scenes together anymore. She's not Starr so no point.

Donna Mills stole almonds and chocolate from Ric's Mini Bar :) 

Michael went and cried like a baby to Sabby. 

Sonny and Morgan argued about 

Ava met Carly and Nina.

That's about it. 


  1. "Kiki and Franco don't need scenes together anymore. She's not Starr so no point."

    There doesn't seem to be much of a point to Kiki but I still want her father switched back to Franco just on principle. Should have never stuck Kiki or Ava with Silas. Blech!

  2. I loved those scenes with Nicholas today too.

    And I don't see any point to Kiki at all. Her scenes are all lame fillers.

    And I'm so sick of this stupid Morgan. He was always a very bright boy. They just rewrote him into a horny idiot who can't even think for himself. How many concussions did he suffer at that military school?

  3. so. have we all figured out by now that Rosalie's big secret is that she is a cassadine? how she is related to them is a mystery to me. any thoughts?

  4. I like Karen's hypothesis, on Twitter, that Rosalie is really a Mermaid. She has to return to the bath each night in specially made salt water.
    And I loved it when Nic said he would lock her up and she could be Helena's BITCH. My nominee for line of the week.

  5. Karen,
    I use your link to go to Amazon. Couldn't find it today. Is it gone?

  6. Just not feeling Nicholas trying to be all dark and gangster all of a sudden. Just feels forced and flat. I even cringed a little bit with the grandma bitch line. And wth with the list Nina went through as possible dates for Franco?? Some of it was really kind of offensive in a creepy way. If Rosalie is a Cassadine what would be the big deal if anyone found out? Who would care?

  7. At first I thought Rosalie's big secret had something to do with the Aztec Princess because she kind of came around when that story was going on plus I remember the casting call being specific about her being Mexican if I recall correctly. When that didn't go anywhere then I thought she might be another child of Sonny's. I didn't think they'd ever want to give him another child though (-_-) so I stopped thinking that. (Sometimes I joke in my head she's Kristina with plastic surgery pretending to be someone else, but that isn't as funny now that she slept with Michael)

    Then I thought... well, what secret would someone like Nina's mother think was disgusting and also scare Rosie that much if it were revealed? She's one tough cookie but when this secret is dangled over her she turns into such a scared pushover. That was when I started to think Rosalie was transgender and afraid of violence in coming out after escaping her old life thanks to Nina (hence the large bills she had to pay by lying for Nina since they weren't nursing school loans!), but I really thought after she slept with Michael if that were true there'd have been more about her feeling bad she wasn't honest with him prior to their night together. Then it'd finally lead up to the reveal and he'd have to rectify his feelings for her vs. this honesty but they could've shown Michael (or Morgan and not Michael or vice versa) was okay with it. It obviously would be a very timely and important story to tell right now (with the right treatment, of course) but they have utterly confused me now. What the heck else could it be!?

    Love child of ... what was his name, that Roy fella? Zander's long-lost sister? Alcazar's daughter? Or Casey the Alien's daughter? Or The Avatar's daughter? Or... Richard Simmons wearing a Larry Ashton mask wearing a Faison mask wearing a Duke mask wearing a Rosalie mask?

    At this point I keep thinking "Rosalie's big secret" is just a huge running joke at this point, and that just her or her and a bunch of people who know it will get killed off before anyone ever knows the answer. If they did it right, as much as I actually do like her, I'd actually be okay with that!

  8. dar, it should be right there on the blog to the right? I think it says "Summer Totes"??
    Do you see it?

    THANKS For using it!

  9. OMG, the ONE time I really needed Sonya, she is MIA!! I got home from work, and my TIVO had crashed!! NO GH!!!!! So, I couldn't wait to see Sonya's recap :(, but she is MIA. I guess I have to find it online.

  10. Thanks Karen, found the link. Don't how I missed it earlier.

  11. Di said,
    "And I'm so sick of this stupid Morgan. He was always a very bright boy. They just rewrote him into a horny idiot who can't even think for himself. How many concussions did he suffer at that military school?"

    I agree wholeheartedly!! Morgan was smart and sensitive, not a manho!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Ant Joan..sorry my recap was so lame. Other than Nikolas, the show was so boring. Zzzzz

  13. Karen, you do an AMAZING job all of the time, DO NOT apologize!! It's just odd that Sonya NEVER wrote, she ALWAYS does.

  14. I know!! Hope she's ok.. I don't even have her "real life" info!

  15. I wish the writers would stop using blackmail as an easy way to make the baddies win because they are holding something over on someone else. There's been too much blackmail lately. It's just a crutch the writers are using to allow people to get away with things and it's lazy.

    Franco/Nina/Madeline/Ric seem like they are on some other show, not GH. However that makes it easy for me to FF.

    Rosalie's secret better be a doozy the way they are building it up. I remember Nina once referred to it as her "dirty little secret" and something about what Rosalie had "done," so a hidden identity doesn't seem to fit, but then the writers may have forgotten what they wrote since it was ages ago.

  16. "AntJoan said... It's just odd that Sonya NEVER wrote, she ALWAYS does."

    I'm sorry! I have my family members from Italy visiting. So I have been watching it at night on youtube and then write my thoughts here. But last night I wasn't feeling well so didn't watch yesterday's GH until this morning. I had a family picnic yesterday. I'm here now! :)

    "kdmask said...I know!! Hope she's ok.. I don't even have her "real life" info!"

    I'm on facebook! You can find me there! :) Wait. Aren't we facebook friends? If not, I can find you! :)

  17. Hospital private room: Moochie is whining again over AJ! And that poor patient! He is probably all confused.

    McSilas's patient: What the hell is going on?! I have to get out?! Well, I have to pee anyway so I will leave them alone.

    McSilas wins the line of the day!

    McSilas: Hey if you cant get your mind off Morgan, get a hobby. I suggest needle point.

    ROFL! Poor McSilas! He gets whiney Moochie and he REALLY doesn't want to be a booty call! :)


    BobTodd: You look different.

    ROFL! Yeah I wonder why! :) Oh Moochie meets Carly finally!! :)Carly isn't trying to take the wig off! So it must be a dye job! :)

    Ric and Nina's home: Oh oh Madaline wants some Ric!

    ELQ: WOW!!!! Nik was so angry I thought he was going to punch Rosie! I wonder if Rosie peed her pants! Come on Nik spill that secret!!

    Michael and Sabrina: I like their scenes. She is trying to help him. Michael is struggling.

    Sonny's home: I actually like the Morgan and Sonny scenes! Sonny doesn't want Morgan to follow in his mistakes! Morgan take a very cold shower!!!

  18. ishouldreadmore said...I like Karen's hypothesis, on Twitter, that Rosalie is really a Mermaid. She has to return to the bath each night in specially made salt water.

    Hahahaha! Sounds good to me!!!! :)



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