Monday, March 18, 2013

An Awesome Video...

Happy 50th:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Let the parade begin: Brenda, Jax, Audrey, Bobbi, Alan, Helena! But no Ric as far as I can see - gotta keep a few surprises hidden I guess.
    Curious that Faison's henchwoman doctor is going to make an appearence...Wonder if that is going to lead to a Jerry Jax or Robin or Scorpio or FAISON or rumored Faison's son cameo too? Hmmmm...
    I am jonesing for WUBS! Anyone watch today (Monday)?

    Liked the AJ/Carly/Todd scenes, the Todd/Lucy scenes, the LUCY/SCOTT REUNION...two schemers who are just dang likable when they have scenes together

    Thumbs up!

  3. Great video! So happy to be seeing Bobbie, Audrey, Alan, Jax! Amazing times ahead!

  4. See I will still post now and again!! xxoo
    I didn't have a CLUE who the lady in the sunglasses was!! LOL

  5. Great video! Thanks Karen! Hey Karen you are back?!?!! :)

  6. kdmask said...
    See I will still post now and again!! xxoo
    Oh good! But I miss you writing in your blog about the show! For example, yesterday!! :(

  7. Oldschoolghfan says Anyone watch today (Monday)?
    I did I did!!! :)

    Liked the AJ/Carly/Todd scenes, the Todd/Lucy scenes, the LUCY/SCOTT REUNION...two schemers who are just dang likable when they have scenes together
    Todd telling Carly and AJ that he wants proof they are a couple, so he wants them to have sex ROFL! And then the scene with Lotty (Lucy and Scotty) was FANTASTIC! :) They have got to get back together! :)

  8. The lady is the Dr. from Switzerland.

  9. I must admit that there were a few scenes today that had me quite emotional. I loved Todd and Carly's goodbye. It was so heartfelt and so well done.

    I also loved the AJ/Liz scene. He was so sincere. (I'm loving this new AJ.) Then Felix chimed in with his critique and I chuckled out loud. It didn't detract from the moment at all. It helped make it. I loved it.

    Lucy and Scott were Lucy and Gotta love 'em.

  10. Loved todays show!!!! It felt like a Friday show. The scenes were so well acted and sincere. I love, love, love Lucy. I guess all the goodbyes were to get the OLTL characters off for awhile. So sad!

  11. So much botox, so little time...

    Sorry, I could not resist.


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