Friday, March 8, 2013

Franco Gets Hollywood Star

On the Walk of Fame this week...and here he is with his DOLL from "OZ" (named "Oz" naturally) posing with him on the very spot.

How Francofrenia of him!! Go see him and the flying fronkeys this weekend!!


  1. I was at The Disney Store today and saw the dolls of the main characters in the movie and OMG that doll is very much James Franco! They should sneak one in on the set right next to Badger Bob....where is Badger Bob? We haven't seen him lately.

  2. Replies
    1. Lol, funny you mention that! Some kid had a flying monkey plush in his hand and threw it down and it landed right next mini Franco doll :D


Sunday Surgery: Achtung Baby

  I'm going to talk about MY FAVES and joyful things on the show right now. Thank You for the RAVA moment. LOVE it. Two great actors a...