Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Hey You Guys...

Oh my nose!

Now, I realize that Karen might not think this is funny, but I needed to cheer her up and I thought this might be the best way possible. 

Karen is... how should I say... under the weather today and may or may not be able to put together a blog. Last night Karen took a tumble at her home and landed on her nose. Last count she had to get 22 stitches. Spent most of the afternoon and night in the ER. I'm sure she will be online asap to let everyone know she is ok. 

As for me...

Loving the show right now. Well, most of it. One thing that I noticed is the dialogue. It doesnt seem so forced and scripted. It is almost sounding natural. It's good. It has made a difference. And the pacing seems faster. I hope they keep this up. 

We still have the vets scattered across the screen. That is definitely a good thing. 

I dont think they are going to kill Shiloh. I know he deserves it and most people want him dead. And... when is the last time this show had a really good murder mystery? No, seriously, I am asking. When was the last murder mystery on this show? But Coby (love that name) is a really good actor and GH has let some good actors go that they shouldnt have. I think they will find a way to keep him. Either as a villian or as a rehabilitated character. Or maybe he will come back as a new character -- a very good natured priest. GH has a track record of bringing back evil characters as priests for some reason. (I can think of two)

The baby storyline is heating up and I am so lost. I mean, on paper I know whose baby is whose. But I need a flowchart to figure out who knows what, who is guessing what, who is after who, etc. Someone in this blog mentioned that they thought Shiloh will kidnap Wiley. I can see that happening. Somehow Nelle will play into this and let the cat out of the bag that Wiley is hers and Michael's. What I would love to see is Nelle going up against Shiloh. She would wipe the floor with him. But, unfortunately, I think Nelle will be relegated to Ferncliff and there isnt going to be a lot of scenes for her. But just enough to do her damage.

We need a Heather Webber sighting. Just saying...

Jax is a welcome edition. Being an art director in real life, I have to say that print is dead. It is. Entertainment Weekly is becoming Entertainment Monthly in August. Newspapers are all going online. Magazines are folding. I think the concept of Jax coming in and buying Crimson was a very good one. I hope they do it realistically and show the struggles and hardships currently going on in the publishing world. 

You know the way Karen feels about Maxie and Peter? Double for me. 

I kinda hope that Mac and Robert spend more time together. They are brothers and Robert is in town, so it would be nice for some brotherly bonding.

Ok. That's all I got. Karen might get home from the hospital and decide to wipe this whole thing out and write her own Tuesday blog. Who knows. Or, maybe she will just tack something on at the end of this and say hello to everyone. Either way. Happy Tuesday. 

PS. Loving Claws and Animal Kingdom more than life itself. Binge watched Tales of the City last night and also Fosse/Verdon two weeks ago. Anyone else? 


  1. So sorry to hear about Karen's accident. Hope her healing is quick! Thanks for letting us know.
    I figured they let Shank out to kill him but you're probably right. At least for now.
    The baby story is hard to keep straight but it is clever how when it started there was no hint of DOD or Shank. Interesting how they developed that although I would have liked a deeper cult story.
    I would love to watch Tales of the City but don't have access.
    Thanks delcodave for your blog today. Have a good one.

  2. Thanks for letting us know about Karen's accident... I can almost feel the pain she must have felt. How many of us have been hit in the nose with a ball or something? That pain is indescribable, and then to have fallen on her nose is so much worse.... Hope you feel better fast, Karen. As for you, Dave.... Thanks for filling in. I agree with everything you wrote.

  3. Oh my gosh!!! Lots of TLC! Feel better!

  4. Thanks Dave. And wishing you a speedy recovery Karen.

  5. are heather webber and nelle in the same facility?

    if so...

    can you imagine if heather was mentoring nelle this whole time about the citizens of port chuck?

    1. Good lord Delcodave, bite your tongue...Heather and Nelle in cahoots? It would be a nightmare, lol! Thanks for letting us know about Karen, and hoping she heals quick. Busted up noses are the absolute worst. Mine was taken out by a softball when I was a kid. Agreed with everything you wrote, and you are a most excellent substitute for Karen!

  6. Speedy recovery Karen! (yeah, new commenter but been reading for years)... And Dave actually watching tales of the city at this moment!

    1. Well hi! :) Glad you finally decided to comment!!!:)

  7. Poor Karen - feel better soon! And thanks Dave for your wonderful fill in! I will be watching Tales of the City as soon as I can - loved the original!

  8. Thanks for all the updates,Dave& get well soon to Karen.
    As a subscriber of Entertainment Weekly, I was not aware that it was going monthly;not good news.
    I missed yesterday's show due to the helicopter crash pre-emption here in NYC,so I have to play catch-up.

    1. i actually ended my subscription back in december. for the past few years i called it entertainment BIWEEKLY. it seemed like every other issue was a "special double issue" and I wasnt receiving relevent news anymore. I dont miss it at all.

      remember when newspapers were 15c? now the daily here is 2.00. thats insane.

    2. Dave,I so agree with all you related re EW; will see how it goes when it goes monthly.
      I used to buy 2 daily newspapers to read each day on the way home from work on the railroad.The cost became prohibitive,so I stopped buying them &caught up on world events on my phone(like mostly everyone else).

    3. I remember when TV was free. And yes, a 15c newspaper. This is an expensive complicated world we now exist in.

  9. Karen, sorry to hear of your injury. Hope you feel better soon, and that your surgery is successful.

  10. Karen-- Best wishes for a speedy recover you poor thing!

    Dave and others-- What do you think of Tales of the City?? I devoured the books when I was a teen, and watched the series afterward. Oh the memories!

    Dave-- Big thanks to you for stepping in when Karen needs backup. We appreciate you!

    1. i dont want to give spoilers. i am not like that. i LOVED seeing laura linney and olympia dukasis. i didnt realize she was 87. god bless her. they brought on a whole sub culture of storylines for the milennial crowd and i just could not get into it. i was hoping they integrated the vets and the newbies (here i am sounding like GH) and the miniseries was separated into 2 distinct storylines. but overall i loved it, considering i lived in SF in the mid 90s and I actually went to barbary lane when i was out there. it was a fun diversion and i enjoyed it. I just might had done it a little differently.

  11. I just renewed my EW a couple of months ago. I wonder how they are going to work out the subscriptions. Karen hope you feel better soon

  12. please I hope Karen didn't trip over her fur-baby!!!!!!!!!!
    I don't see that Shiloh can be redeemed at all - I want a great murder mystery - then yep, bring him back a twin but let that piece of scum go!

  13. OMG, Karen, feel better soon! Please update us as soon as you feel up to it.

  14. Dave,
    Because she kept escaping Heather was transferred to a more secure facility - Miscavage. An inside joke from the writers because that'd the name of the leader of Scientology

  15. Hope you are better soon Karen. Best wishes

  16. Oh no! Hope you're feeling better real soon Karen! That's a lot of stitches! Thanks for jumping in Dave. You do a great job! The Marcia reference is funny and I'm thinking Karen got a little much needed chuckle out of it too. Keep us posted guys!

  17. Now, I realize that Karen might not think this is funny, but I needed to cheer her up and I thought this might be the best way possible.

    ROFL! Well, laughter is the best medicine. :) I wonder if she is going to have a smaller nose now. :)


    Sonny and Krissy: GREAT SCENE!!!! :) Love it! Love how she is trying to figure out why she can't learn from her mistakes! :) Love how she hugs Sonny and gives him a kiss on the cheek and that she gives Jason a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Awwww. :) Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: You gotta blame your mother on that one. Cus she married Julian.



    Hiney and Maxie: Blah blah blah. Dante Dante Dante.. Zzzzzzzzzzz. Hiney wants to go somewhere on a certain day, and Maxie looks up on the calendar that it's Hiney's surprise birthday party, so she lies to him about why she can't go! It's so dumb!!! She could have easily said sure let's go! Then when the time comes, tell him she has to go somewhere first, then go to the place, and then SURPRISE!!!!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    King Mufasa and Sam: Sam with her high and mighty attitude again.. Did you get rid of your tattoo Sam? Is it still there? Show us!!!!


    Sam: I love you.

    Jasam: I love you too.

    Awwwww. :)

    Therapy session:

    Neil and Alexis: Everything leads back to Julian, eh Alexis? :) Oh oh you got Neil upset bringing up his private life! Oops!

    School/Willow's room:

    Chillow: Oh my! Willow talking about her daddy!!! Yes Willow King Mufasa is free!!!!! He ain't going to jail. So now he is busy trying to find his baybay.

    King Mufasa: Wow! Willow is right about him! He can manipulate the pants out of people just to get what he wants!!! Especially finding out that his baby is a boy!!!!

    1. So Jason and Mumbles said I love you? I couldn't hear her as her mumbles have now turned to murmurs, and I was too lazy to turn up the volume. Lol!

      OMG, Maxie and Hiney were the pits and the story is soooooo boring. Leave Dante the hell alone and free Maxie from the parking lot pete. Yack!

      Shank is a sleaze-ball, and you're right, he can charm the pants of anybody! I love to hate this guy, so the actor is really doing his job! :)

    2. "Julie H So Jason and Mumbles said I love you?"

      Yeah. :) Sometimes I like them together, and sometimes I don't.

      "I couldn't hear her as her mumbles have now turned to murmurs, and I was too lazy to turn up the volume. Lol!"


      "OMG, Maxie and Hiney were the pits and the story is soooooo boring. Leave Dante the hell alone and free Maxie from the parking lot pete. Yack!"

      Damn it I want Lulu and Hiney together!!!!

      "Shank is a sleaze-ball, and you're right, he can charm the pants of anybody! I love to hate this guy, so the actor is really doing his job! :)"

      This actor is great!!! :) I can see the sleeze dripping off of him. :)

  18. So much for protecting one's privacy; apparently anyone can find out anything about anybody.Not a surprise,but what a bummer(yes; I know it's a soap).

  19. It's probably not that much different in the real world, everything is online now, there probably is SOME way to get a hold of everything, systems can be hacked, people can be bribed. Apparently, Shiloh is quite the hit with the ladies who have read his book, they all seem to melt in his presence, I was surprised he didn't try to recruit the GH nurse and the hospital worker to come to his inner circle.

    When Alexis asked Neil what he would do if it were his daughter, it was just a hypothetical, as I understood it. And if a patient DOES ask you a personal question you are supposed to handle it with great sensitivity, not shame the patient by jumping up and ending the session early. The problem is that Neil and Alexis have crossed too many boundaries, he should NOT be treating her, remember, they started off attracted to each other.

    As for Hiney's surprise party, WHO is going to go? His "mother" is out of town, everyone else despises him. . .

    1. Too funny about who would go to Hiney's party, hahahah! I could only think of Lulu. :)

    2. Did I fall asleep? He's having a party, when?

    3. This weekend I think. He told Maxie his weekend was clear, and wondered if she wanted to do something. She looked at her phone calendar and it said SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR PETER!! Then she babbled on about being very busy with work, etc. Insert my eye roll here. :)

    4. Oh yeh! I kinda zoned out...

    5. Antjoan I completely agree! It's seriously ridiculous that he's still treating Alexis! Way beyond unprofessional! It's getting right on my last nerve!

  20. Hiney and Maxie are just the worst - they have no chemistry and look awkward together. I could barely hear Sam but she always says the same thing so who cares. Krissie was great with her dad. She looked good, too, however she and Maxie looked like they were dressed for winter.

  21. I FF through all things Jason and Sam and Maxie and Peter. Can't stand either couple.

    I have been enjoying new smiley Krissy. It makes her really likeable. The last few years of pouty angry adoleescent krissy was too painful to watch.


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...