Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Rumor Round-Up

Some rumors--some truths and a little fun. OH! The WUBS NET Is up and running!! 

FORGOT A BIG RUMOR: Shelley Altman may retire in the fall??? Hmmmmm, would CVE continue alone? Would they put in another co-writer?? Or just hire someone else that's been around the soap loop 88times? 

We all know TV Source Magazine has predicted that Mr. Miller won't re-sign his contract. Like I've said, Ryan doesn't usually put stuff out there unless it's almost 100% BUT Maybe in the 12th hour they'll offer him a hella deal?? 

The new character  "Dev" (Ashton Arbab)  is coming---he was the kid in Turkey that helped Sonny.  He's gotta be the one in the bushes looking at Joss. I say he's in the USA looking for Sonny because he's running from someone back in his home country? Sonny can be Bruce Wayne to his little Robin. 

Sites like Celebrity Dirty Laundry or Soap Opera Spy crack me up because I swear they look at Twitter and round up what people are saying and use it for click bait (no I'm not giving you the URL, won't give the the clicks)  One was that Steve Burton was "leaving his job of 17 years"... which was NOT GH but his video game narrating gig. Stuff  like that kills me.  Another one wa "BOTCHED KIDNEY TRANSPLANT"!!   lol  
Other "Spoilers" they have at the moment  are:
Kim either attempts suicide or really does kill herself. 

Kim steals Carly's baby in a delusional haze (This was actually something I put out there while tweeting--just brainstorming) 
Mac gets shot on his temp job as Police Commish. 

**I'm not saying that none of these won't come true but it's like fishing in a barrel with a shot gun, you will hit something eventually. 

MY Rumors include:
Robert goes into a whole other line of work given he's staying in Port Charles--what it is may surprise you! 

Harmony and Nelle clash-- is this how the baby secret gets out? 
Sonny takes Dev under his wing and of course, he likes Joss and Cam likes Joss and---you get the picture. 
Carly's blood test will show an abnormality in the far chromosomes but we won't know for sure what that is just yet. 
I'm also not convinced about Jordan and her kidney-- there's always a chance of rejection. That, and I want Mac to stay police commish!! 


Trina to be either Marcus' grand daughter OR Clauida and Bryan's.  Could also be a Hardy/Simone relative but that would mean explaining why Audrey hasn't been around. 

Kim and Drew to leave together. I like Tams but Kim never really went anywhere--unless they use her as a powerhouse OBGYN at GH, she can go-go. 

TJ and Molly to have a story. Is that so much to ask for?? 

Glorious Shiloh murder. We have 90 suspects. In the end it could be Harmony because--disposable. We wouldn't think she did it because she's in jail but she would have escaped, killed him and gotten back before anyone noticed!! 

I'm a Franco-Ava Fan. I'm up for a really great old-school affair between them, duping Elizabeth. Since JJ will be coming back as  Lucky (My fantasy, remember??) Franco needs to exit anyway!! 

I have way more ideas and not enough time!! You know I wanted this Dev Kid to be a Spencer recast but alas, that didn't happen. 

Have a fabulous day-- I'm back to work for the first time in a week. I have a full day and Tillie duty. I will do my BEST to get here and blog the show. May be a bit late. 

OH AND AMBITIONS IS PREMIERING TONIGHT!! 10 PM--ON OWN!! Can't wait to see Jamey's creation come to life.  Did you see RICK HEARST IS ON THERE!/ That's Jamey and he at the premiere last night. 


  1. Other rumors I read:
    Rick is back as the new DA.
    Peter looks for Dante and finds Nik.

    1. Would love to have Rick back!! And Nik!

  2. Billy Miller was shoved to back burner, cause steve burton came back .BM has far more talent than SB, too bad. I think kim will be a foster mom to Dev.

    1. "I think kim will be a foster mom to Dev."

      Either that, or sleep with him. ROFL!

    2. Isnt that AVAs department? Robbing the cradle?

    3. "delcodave says Isnt that AVAs department? Robbing the cradle?"

      ROFL! Yes true, but she doesn't have to be the only one. :)

  3. "We all know TV Source Magazine has predicted that Mr. Miller won't re-sign his contract."

    Oh crap no!!! :( I don't want him to leave!

    "Kim steals Carly's baby in a delusional haze (This was actually something I put out there while tweeting--just brainstorming)"

    Yeah I was thinking that too..

    "Sonny takes Dev under his wing and of course, he likes Joss and Cam likes Joss and---you get the picture."

    Yeah I bet that is what is going to happen!!! Hmmmm. Jev or Jam? I choose Jam. :) Love my Jam!!! :)

    "Glorious Shiloh murder. We have 90 suspects."

    There are like a million suspects! ROFL!

    "Did you see RICK HEARST IS ON THERE!"

    HOLY CRAP! I didn't even recognize him until you pointed him out!!!! He is all white!!!! Hubba hubba! :)

    1. I think Carly's baby will have Jason's memories immediately after birth and can talk. They'll name him Drew.

  4. I echo that hubba-hubba! Rick Hearst is divine. Happy belated b-day Sonya! I just got caught up on the blog and GH viewing. :)

    1. "I echo that hubba-hubba! Rick Hearst is divine."

      Damn it I want him back!!! :)

      "Happy belated b-day Sonya!"

      Thank you! :)

  5. Great rumors and wishes. But I disagree on one point...I don't care who RoHo plays...I just love seeing him on the screen. He will always be Todd to me.
    I always loved your idea about a rooming house with Molly, TJ etc. So many stories and adventures could happen.
    I always liked Drew and Curtis together as a team. They should have opened a PI business.
    Anyone watch Grand Hotel last night? Thoughts?

  6. I am surprised to say I enjoyed Grand Hotel.I thought it would be boring,but liked the performances as well as the various mysterious plot points.Bryan Craig acted in the same style as he did when he played Morgan.I look forward to seeing the next episode; it was light summer fun.

    1. I like Grand hotel! Very spicy!!! :) I forgot who Bryan Craig played so I had to look it up. Javi!! :) When that woman he was with wanted to touch his stump, and wanted to see it, man NO MEANS NO LADY! How many damn times does he have to say it?!!?!?! She pissed me off!


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...