Monday, June 17, 2019


Thank you to all that emailed and messaged me about the domain name running out. I secured it about 14 years ago and forgot all the ways to get back in to renew! FINALLY today it's all taken care of. Probably will be 24 hours, then you can use the Wubs.Net URL again. Of course, if you don't know how to get into the blog without it, ummmm, you won't be reading this!! LOL

Today is my big day with the surgeon to check out the cartilage in my nose. I also may be getting my stitches out as well. Whew, what a trauma. Still achy and my arms are killing me because I had to hold it for five hours until they finally stitched me up! That was a week ago!! I had JUST finished watching the great black and white Episode and BOOM!!

PS did I tell you? They DO NOT use enough blood in movies or on TV. GEEZE. Amazing what my nose could produce. 

SO, I should be back to blog but I'm not 100% sure. If not, just use this space to dish about the show. I think?? The NuNina is starting today?? I HOPE I LOVE HER!!  Oh, I know Michelle's first day back to YR is today--not sure if our NuNina starts on GH ??

TV Source Magazine is also saying Billy Miller is out-- Ryan is pretty conservative about his rumors so I'd bet on this. Hit the link for info. My 2 cents? JUST when I like Drew and he's getting some great material, he's leaving? Maybe that's why Kelly has been such a sad-sack. I for one, am glad they got Ingo back to the show to take that media job--he'll be good.  


  1. Oh, I am soooo sad if Drew is leaving, I was hoping he could be with Kim, and then Alexis and Julian could get back together. Also, Drew and Jason have to build the tree house! He likely is a great actor, just underused, really hope that he doesn't leave.

    I read that NuNina starts today.

    Karen, I hope that all goes well with the surgeon. Please keep us posted, you know we all are with you in spirit.

  2. I'm really ticked he might be out the door. 😓 Of course I'll still watch but I'll really miss him if it's true.
    Good luck today Karen, hope all goes well!!

    1. Me too! But I can understand if he has an opportunity to really use his acting skills. Like he's been doing with this Oscar stuff. I really like him though.

  3. Hope all goes well today Karen!It goes without saying how fond we are of you.

  4. You are so right about the nose bleeds. Anything on the head bleeds a lot because the head is so vascular. But I never would have thought of a regime of arm work-out involving putting pressure on the nose.
    Here's hoping all is going well at the surgeons. I have a bunch of questions, but this isn't the place for it. Be well.

    As for the show, I am suffering from villain fatigue. I need a break. We went from Nelle to Ryan to Shank and now back to Nell and Ryan, with Shank's minion as Nell's cellmate and Shank flexing his way around town threatening all and sundry. Could we please just have a little stretch of love in the afternoon without villains?

    1. That would be nice! At least a balance between the two!

  5. Oooh that's what was going on!! It happened to me and I almost thought I lost the blog because I'm really not very tech savvy at all. Don't tweet,Facebook or anything else. But luckily I did figure out how to get here yesterday. Oh,I'm so glad I put off going to Walmart if Nunina is starting today! Lol! I loved her on The Drew Carey show so I'm excited to see how she does. Praying your prognosis is good today Karen!

  6. Good luck today Karen . I was just starting to like Free too

  7. :FREE: would be another DOD Type name!!!



  NOTE:  The TAPING of GH episode of Jennifer Hudson is happening today, not airing today--sorry. Keep a look out for when it does. If I fin...