Friday, May 31, 2019

Kidney Beans

Ava's arraignment ..she looks resplendent. DA lady busts on Scotty: I smelled your aftershave in the hall. He says it's his hair gel!! LOL She says NO DEAL. Ava pleads not guilty and Scotty wants her out on bail. Ava gives a look like :HELL yes, then I can finish Ryan off! Oh she got bail! $100.000!

Robert, Finn, Anna.  Robert congradulates Finn and says he wants Anna happy. Finn leaves. Robert tells Anna he wasn't happy she was getting married.  VERY great dialog here about how he's not carrying a torch for her but sees how happy she is with Finn and will miss their adventures together. AWwwwwwwwwwwwww. 
They talk  about PETER and he wants to find out if he's Dimitri Merrick's and ALex's. She's like I don't care. So why did she care about ROBIN being her's?? HUH?? Anyway, Dimitri is living in Hungary. TWO Dimitri mentions in a month.  Robert things Alex will want Peter eventually.

Ryan and Curtis. Ryan says he'll see Jordan in hell before he gives her a kidney. He wonders what the kidney is worth to Curtis.  He tells him Off camera. Curtis goes to Jordan and tells she and Laura that Ryan wants all charges dropped. WOOT! They should say yes, then kill him. Anyway, Jordan says no way. Laura says maybe if they take off the Texas death penalty. Jordan says NO!! 

Finn talks to Ryan ..he says he's there to make sure his kidney is disease free. And he thinks it's stupid Ryan didn't bargain better for the kidney. Something about not thinking it through. He's trying to get Ryan to question his ideas. Some psychological intrigue there. 

NEW OLDER DANNY! JEZZZUS he's like 8 now?? As old as Aiden?? Sure looks it!! I about fell outta my chair LOL I guess it was his birthday and he had a party at the camera. Scout's still asleep there OF she's not around. She tells Jason what Julian told her about Wiley.  Sam wants Jason to come home. In  a weird edit, Jason is all of a sudden coming BACK to the apartment, bringing Danny a present. They tell him Jason's moving back home. 'BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER' Danny says. 

Peter Maxie and Lulu..doing something with a dating app? Not sure. wasn't paying attention much.  Oh, she's doing an investigative piece for the mag about apps. Lulu leaves...Maxie wants to try to get Dante back because Lulu's not happy. Well, that's dumb.  She mentions her dad and how the WSB used him and he never came home. Again...dumb.

Lulu runs into Kevin. She tells him it's hard to forgive him. He tells her about Trauma and how it's affecting her. She says she understands now that 's what Dante his going through and it will take him as long as it takes to get 'over' it. 

Jordan tells Laura she wants to resign. Laura says she'll find a filler until she's well. PLEASE BE ROBERT SCORPIO!!!!!!!!! 

END: Kevin goes to see Ryan

Anna is leaving for Zurich to see Alex ..and Peter's leaving to find Dante. Oh I bet I know what happens here LOL 

Finn to Curtis "We'll just make sure he goes under the knife and never wakes up"!

Valentin to Sonny "let's talk about Jasper Jacks" 


  1. Robert would be a great fill in. Or maybe mac. He used to be commissioner.

  2. I had to watch on Hulu worked late so no previews, what about Peter and Dante?
    I hope Finn gets the kidney and oops...he didn't make it. LOL!!!!
    Maxie was a little annoying today.

  3. Metrocourt restaurant:

    Hiney and Maxie: Uh Maxie? If you stick your nose where it don't belong when it comes to Lante, then Dante is going to ask Lulu for a divorce. Uh on second thought, stick your nose. :) Love that their is a Frisco mention. :)

    The courthouse: Ava free on bail!!!! YAY!

    "Karen says Ava gives a look like :HELL yes, then I can finish Ryan off!"

    ROFL! Her wheels are turning in her head. :)

    The hospital:

    Lulu and Doc: Great scene! :) Glad Doc understands. Of course he does! He is a therapist for crying out loud.

    Robert and Anna:

    Robert: You are the love of my life.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) Robert wins the line of the day.

    Anna: How did you end up with Finn's ring in the first place?

    Robert: Oh. I was hazing him.


    "Karen says They talk about PETER and he wants to find out if he's Dimitri Merrick's and ALex's. She's like I don't care. So why did she care about ROBIN being her's?? HUH??"

    Yeah Anna is confusing the hell out of me.

    Ryan's room:

    Curtis and Ryan: Curtis is desperate!!!!! Curtis do you have a knife on you? ROFL!

    Finchy and Ryan: Sure Finchy! Manipulate the crazy man! That will work suuuuurrreeee.

    Jordan's room:

    Jurtis and Laura: Yowza Jordan does not want the crazy man to go free! ROFL!

    Laura and Jordan: Laura are you going to go to BobTodd and apologize to him? Lulu in her own way did. She also said you thank him too. No no no! I want you to go up to BobTodd and thank him yourself!!!!

    "Karen says Jordan tells Laura she wants to resign. Laura says she'll find a filler until she's well. PLEASE BE ROBERT SCORPIO!!!!!!!!!"

    OH! I didn't even think about Robert!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! He would be PERFECT!!!

    Sam's home:

    Jasam and Young Cheeto: Yeah I'm like what the hell?! Oh it's their son. His birthday? Well okay then. So basically,

    Sam: Move in with us!

    Jason: Okay.

    Sam: Danny, your dad is coming back home. He is living here now.

    Cheeto: YAY! :)

    "Karen says NEW OLDER DANNY! JEZZZUS he's like 8 now?? As old as Aiden?? Sure looks it!!"

    ROFL! Beats me! I lost track.

    1. OK, so Robert talks to Anna, and she cries. She is always crying! Maybe when she comes back from her summer vacay she will stop crying! I will miss her, though, I thinks she takes a few months off.

  4. nuDanny comes in and Sam says "good to see you". I really like KM, or did, but she does not act like a mother at all. Plus I'm still stuck on her wardrobe.
    Please tell me they are not going to switch Anna with Alex again. Please. It should be easy to tell as Alex might have more than one scene w/o tears.
    Yes to Robert as commish, or chief!

  5. I will miss Anna too. She should come back happy. How are they having her go without Finn for 3 months?

  6. Hayden will come back and Anna will be gone?

  7. Nelle is coming back but I bet Michael still won't know about his baby


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...