Friday, May 3, 2019

Daytime Emmy Preview


Sunday May 5th is the Daytime Emmy Awards! Watch here: 

The 46th Annual Daytime Emmy(R) Awards on May 5th can be viewed LIVE on the following outlets Sunday May 5th - 5pm PST/8pm EST
On The Web:
On Facebook: and
On Twitter: @TheEmmys and @DaytimeEmmys
On YouTube:


I also have given MY awards to who I thought would win on Diagnosis Daytime  run by my good friend SoapJenn! Give it a gander. (My name is Karen if you didn't know)!! Most of my choices when to GH players because that's the only show I watch LOL. I did watch many of the show submissions but I swear the GH actors are so good. My biggest wishes are for Jon Linstrom and Max Gail. 

Recognize Anyone ??


  1. I think Jon Lindstrom and Max Gail have done excellent work. I have never been a Maury West or Ava fan but she did some EXCELLENT work and deserves an emmy for it.

  2. That scene with Drew and Shiloh is stupid. How was Shiloh even allowed on the property? It is a mansion and they wouldn't be having "visitors" at this time.

  3. I don't like the new Val. But, I LOVE Diane!!!!! Great scene

  4. Not a huge fan of nuVal BUT I will say she looks better in the role of a detective. Brytni looked so.....what's the word? She looked like a child playing dress up. I do like her better as a Spencer though.

    1. I agree. I like new Valerie in the detective role.



  WELP.. I'm here! Tomorrow I'm off subbing from 8:30-2:30 so soak me up while you can lol  Chase is at the gym, hitting the bag. Fl...