Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Dream a Little Dream

Yesterday's Facebook Live 

Oscar is Dying... Whole show is about it.

Billy Miller showing me why people say he's such a good actor. 

Dr. Terry talks to Liz about looking for a cure and not finding one. 

Q Crypt: Ned and Monica talking about loss...and the dead Qs.

Joss falls asleep... and Oscar 'Sees" Lila!! She's standing by the bed and touches his chest..he yells for Joss. The woman! I feel so much better. Flash forward to the hospital. Oscar is tested. Monica thinks that it's an 'End of Life" rally-- I think it's gonna be Joss's dream. Anyway, "Edward and Lila" go up the stairs.. Everyone is happy because he's CURED!!! Oscar's tumor is gone in remission and he's going to live!! He goes around talking to everyone. 
Oh this is SUCH a dream... 
HE then sees Carson with their new baby.. and Olivia inviting Monica to Hawaii--Julian and Kim getting engaged. Sees the teens graduating and Joss with another guy. 
Finally, he sees Edward and Lila again and says "he has to go home"...

You have to see the end, but Joss falls asleep again, he wakes up in bed-- and then its' back to "real time".

It is done.
Oscar is no more. Escorted out by Lila and Edward. 


  1. in real life his parents would be by his bedside. not his 15 yr old girlfriend.if you watched ynr you would know what a good actor billy miller is.

  2. Parents weren't at bedside because they didn't know what minute he would pass. Joss was reading to him. It was a well done episode. Lila! I cried...maybe a bit too much but it touched me and made me think. Everyone acted their little hearts out. And soon Jordan will have her kidney.

    1. I couldn't agree more. Great episode and everyone did a wonderful job!

  3. I'm with you, witch. In real life, parents would be with their child every possible minute, knowing how close the end was.

  4. can't wait to watch.
    I have a question and I am not being sarcastic--------
    when a actor/actress LEAVES like Nathan and Dante and Griffin did - and there is no anger or contract issues, they have a party......
    WILL Michelle Stafford be given a party since she didn't like her contract and is going back to Y and R? what are the rules? Are there hard feelings from GH actors/actresses? thoughts?

    1. Ohhh that's a good question!

    2. If MS had a party, she'd have to do a ton of auditing to get all the thetans out of her energy what with the cult story line resembling Scientology so closely.

  5. and once again, Monica forgets that she gave birth to a daughter named Dawn. I have pet peeves with this show but this is definitely at the top of the list.

  6. Me too! I didn't hear here say anything about Emily today either.

    1. i thought she mentioned emily after AJ, maybe i am wrong.

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  8. The show was not my cup of tea today. The story teasing viewers to the parents not at his bedside. Really strange. Also, some folks on Twitter were using a hashtag "Oscar Death Party" I think that was a little over the top. It's still a story about a kid That's kind of disrespectful to the actor. The whole storyline was dragged out far too long. Really a poor idea.

  9. Ok never really got on the Oscar bandwagon but I cried!
    So figured he was dying, saw Lila, yada yada then she touched his chest and he's all better I'm like wth???
    I'm like ok....when is the other shoe gonna drop, of course as soon as I saw all that in the future stuff I knew. I also thought it was Joss dreaming.
    Good show. Now Oscar's kidney will go to Jordan.

    1. "Michelle P then she touched his chest and he's all better I'm like

      ROFL! I know!!!!! I thought the same thing too!!!! :)

    2. His kidney can't go to Jordan. He would have to be in the hospital and alive at the time of removal. Dying at home of cancer isn't a way to donate organs. When people are brain dead and the family donates they are taken to the or and the organs removed and life support stopped at that time. They are "alive" when some if not all the organs are removed to keep the organs as healthy as possible for the next person.

  10. GREAT SHOW TODAY!!!!!!

    "Billy Miller showing me why people say he's such a good actor."

    HELL YEAH! :)

    Q home/The crypt:

    Monica and Ned: Great scene!!!!!! Then when Monica said goodbye to Alan, AJ, Edward and Lila, I cried! :(

    Oscar's bedroom:

    JossCar: Oh! Lila touched Oscar's chest, and I'm thinking she is going to cure him? ROFL! Oh look Oscar is better! ROFL!

    The hospital: OH LOOK! Oscar is better!!!! Tumor is gone!!! He sees Edward and Lila though and everytime I see them today, I cried!!!! :( Oscar saw them alot!!!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant: Okay all of a sudden they are all here, and it was strange. It felt like it was a dream. Then we see Carson with their new baby, and yup this is definitely a dream! Yeah he tells Joss, that he has to go home now. Well yeah, Edward and Lila are waiting for you!

    Q home:

    Oscar's bedroom: Oh okay this dream was Oscar's dream. Joss was still awake and then fell asleep. Edward and Lila are there waiting for him and I just started to ball! Joss felt the spirit of Oscar kissing her cheek, and CarlyKim felt Oscar's spirit leave. Edward and Lila took Oscar to heaven! :( GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :(

    Sidenote: I don't think Edward and Lila have a couple name.. Hmmmm. Edla? Edwarla? E&L? I miss them. :(

  11. Well, I wept like a child too. I thought it was a very well done episode and I will nitpick nothing. :)

    I did notice there was no mention of Dawn and Emily, and maybe I missed it but I couldn't tell if Kim was engaged to Drew or Julian. That made me snicker.

    I miss Edward and Lila.

    1. I think it was Jules? Agree, well done.

    2. I wondered the same thing about who was she engaged to they were both standing there.

    3. Glad I wasn't the only one!

  12. I actually thought it was a clever way to end Oscar and well done. as a fan of the Walking Dead, it looked like Oscar was about to turn zombie, LOL.

  13. Saw the Oscar actor on Twitter - now has bleached blond hair and is wearing earrings! He was at a pre-Emmy function. Also, looks like Nancy L G is now either engaged (has a ring) or is married for the first time!

    1. I did see Oscar's hair, (it was pretty blond!) and yeah for Nancy!

    2. When I saw NLG at her fan event last year she was raving about how happy she was with her boyfriend. So, I hope she now is engaged or married, if that is what she wants.

    3. "LSV422 Saw the Oscar actor on Twitter - now has bleached blond hair and is wearing earrings!"

      Yeah I saw a picture of him and his costars on the GH set on twitter. I didn't recognize him at first! :)

      "Also, looks like Nancy L G is now either engaged (has a ring) or is married for the first time!"

      OH! Either way, congrats to her! :)

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