Thursday, May 23, 2019

'Two Sides of a Coin"

They got Kevin down..Ryan got him out with one hand, that Wizard! 

Brucas talking about Willow and Chase. Lucas figured who's kid it is. Willow and Michael come out. Lucas confronts her "You should have told the bio father about the adoption because now we could lose our son"!! Michael is like UM, WILEY IS YOUR KID?? My GODSON (ahahahah little does he know!!) 
Brad is still being a dick and won't think badly of Shiloh.  

Ryan is at Ava's New Lake House.. ??? WhereEVER that came from. Ryan comes in. She says she's happy to see him..and please put down the knife. He doesn't believe her and says he needs to hear how she feels about him killing Kiki. She said she knows why he did it. Kiki was causing her pain. That's all their relationship was; pain. She loves Ryan. Ryan puts down the knife. Ava pulls out a gun. 

Stupid Sam and Shank. I'm kinda hoping it's a murder suicide. Shank, Murders Sam, kills Self. 
Sam drinks the drink ...Shank tattoos her with a "small one to be more intimate" .. and he starts touching her. Jason and Sonny are listening and jump out to "save" her. They go in, beat up goons and Jason gets to the room/
They are gone. Shank took Sam to the lighthouse. This is dumb. I'm saying it. It's so dumb. She sets herself up to be Tattoed and RAPED? When they had at LEAST 2 women who could have testified? This isn't even exciting or 'good soapy tv' it's just stupid. ugh. She's splayed out on the map table like some princess in distress (that gown sets that stage too). 

Sonny calls DA lady  to tell her about Shank. They are in the DOD den. That's stupid too. 

TJ is in with Jordan!! Curtis comes in. When she learns Ryan is loose and in PC she goes into defib and passes out. Monica comes in to check her. Her heart is failing. Cutis figures out that Ryan could give Jordan his kidney. Leaves to find hijm. 

OMG Laura is yelling at the DA Lady "It's your fault a woman is dead!" Mac tells her she should have known better based on Ryan's history. Then he says "Our plan failed, we need to let the PCPD handle this" DA says WHAT PLAN? "That Ava was in love with Kevin to lure Ryan out". Lucy says I KNEW IT!! SOMETHING WAS UP! 
DA makes Lucy leave and the gang tell her about the "Ryan Plan" She tells Chase to find him and use lethal force against him. Chase says, can you order that? She said she didn't care. Just do it. 


  1. Haven't watched yet, but, have to say AGAIN, Sam is getting branded and raped so she can get back Krissie's pledge?? Because after she is tattooed and raped then she will have access to the files???? And she doesn't think that Shiloh has made copies of the pledge? As you say, Karen, even in soap terms, THIS MAKES NO SENSE!!

  2. No sense at all about Sam.

    And, boy Ryan is sure talented to buckle all those buckles on that straight jacket with one hand. AND, how convenient that they have an extra straight jacket around the Metro court. He sure is a Houdini

  3. have you ever watched this show (or any show for that matter) and thought to yourself "exactly what message are they trying to tell the viewers?"

    1. "delcodave have you ever watched this show (or any show for that matter) and thought to yourself "exactly what message are they trying to tell the viewers?"

      Hmmmm. That Colt houses are fun? :) ROFL!

    2. That we humans really only need one hand?

  4. YES delcodave - see when this cult thing started I THOUGHT it would be like a Krissy story - trying to fit in and then realizing it's a it is twisted about Sam's horrible acting to save the day - trying to prove herself and NOW I think she is falling for him......
    again going back to the nurses ball on - Valentin is always in trouble and Sam and Jason have YET to be together.

    1. "and NOW I think she is falling for him......"

      YES! I agree!!!!!

    2. I think sam is falling for him. thinking it for awhile

  5. The DOD story really did turn into another Sam/Jason event. A 'colt' story is a good idea. Too bad they had other ideas.
    'The Kevin hanging in straight jacket' by Ryan Chamberlain is totally absurd. Not soapy.
    Hope Ava doesn't shoot his kidney.

  6. ok here goes... (since no one asked)

    first off, the ryan storyline has been going on since last August. 9 months. and i dont care what it looks like, i am willing to bet there is no end in sight.

    as for DOD... this is how i want it played out. sam and shiloh go to the lighthouse. sam is drugged. she starts talking while drugged and says that jason is on his way that they got him. shiloh freaks and hurts sam but stabbing her. then kirssy walks in since she knew where shiloh takes all his girls on rape night. (or whatever it is called). shiloh tries to sweet talk krissy but she grabs the knife and stabs him and kills him. she gets sam to her feet and walks her outside where jason and sonny show up. she isrushed to GH, with severe wounds. jason starts to blame sonny for not letting him take out shiloh earlier and a rift comes between the two.

    they need to break up sonny and jason for awhile. if they want to add some drama and storyline to the show, break up sonny and jason for awhile. not rescueing sam in time is a good excuse.

    i really want krissy to be the one who kills shiloh. her emotional aftermath can be a good storyline.

    brad and lucas. im sorry, but... is this still a thing? really? i have about as much invested in this as when anne logan left for summer vacation and never returned. i actually had to sit and think and do a flowchart last night as to who wiley real parents were and who gave birth to the dead baby.

    yes, i suspended disbelief this week. i think we all have to just to move the stories along.

    thats all i got. it was a good week. a lot of positives. karen is going to be in her glory on sunday surgery.

  7. I do NOT think Sam is falling for him, but this must be the stupidest story ever on GH. It also was bad that they didn't have Krissy explain AT ALL how she got unbrainwashed, never went into her thoughts and feelings, all of a sudden she just was clear.

  8. Krissy didn't even look unbrainwashed. She looked like she was snowing everyone. If it is that easy why isn't Dante home and unbrainwashed?

  9. Yes yes yes!!!! Shoot him Ava! Poor Jordan is getting a killer kidney. Ok question, where in the heck are Shiloh and Sam at, and why is DA lady at DOD?

    1. When DA Dawson walked in to the DOD house,she saw Sonny& said something like he called her& said to meet him there.
      I read that Shiloh took Sam to a tower or a lighthouse so her initiation(?) would take place somewhere "special ".

  10. I thought Spinelli bugged DOD house - not the lighthouse????

  11. The metrocourt:

    Brucas, Michael, and Willow: Lucas almost figured it all out!!!! When will the FULL truth come out?!

    Doc, the gang and Margoo: So glad Doc is okay!!! Oh is that why nobody told Lucy of what the plan was? To protect her so that she wouldn't get in trouble with Margoo? Hello Margoo.

    "Karen says They got Kevin down..Ryan got him out with one hand, that Wizard!"

    ROFL! Ryan has that fake hand, you know, the one that Scotty pulled out.

    Margoo and Laura: GO LAURA YOU TELL HER! WOOT WOOT!

    The colt house

    King Mufasa and Sam: Oh yes get drugged, then get that tramp stamp, and then get felt up by King Mufasa. What a fun date. Her girls are heaving.

    Sonny, Jason, and the 2 Colt guys: BAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! Sason can't shoot those guys, just beat them up with the gun! ROFL!

    The colt den:

    Sonny and Jason: What the heck? Where did King Mufasa and Sam go? They don't have a tracking device on her? A GPS?

    Sonny and Margoo: Lucy would have won the line of the day, with her you botched this horribly, Ta. But Sonny won the line of the day.

    Sonny: Yeah they were just taking a nap.


    The lighthouse:

    King Mufasa and Sam: I had no idea where they were! Thanks Karen! Oh look. He is going to want to have sex with her on the desk with all this stuff on it. Is that a map? How fun! Put on some music on and have colt jiggy dancing.

    King Mufasa: The final moment when you become mine.

    I was waiting for him to say, you are going to become a woman!

    Ava's lake house:

    Rava: My Rava heart. :) Who is going to kill who first? Looks like they are doing some foreplay! ROFL!

    The hospital:

    TJ and Jordan: At first I thought TJ was Felix cus he had his head down.

    Jurtis and TJ: Oh oh!!!! Did Jordan go in a coma?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Colt jiggy dancing - lol - never before have those 3 words been typed in succession - lol - HEY - I'm number 2 - lol

    3. "Johnny 265120 says Colt jiggy dancing - lol - never before have those 3 words been typed in succession - lol - "


      "HEY - I'm number 2 - lol"

      What do you mean?

    4. It means I was 2nd to type those words - lol

  12. sonya said...Oh is that why nobody told Lucy of what the plan was?

    *** Because Lucy has a big mouth. lol

    1. "Di Because Lucy has a big mouth. lol"


  13. Since when does the DA have power over the police and the Mayor. I have never understood why GH acts like the DA is top dog in the town when she should really be at the bottom. She can ask the police to look into things but I don't think she can run the show or tell them they can't so something that isn't her job. That would be the police cheif's job.

    1. Totally agree about that. I would have told Magoo to stick it in her ear.

  14. Yes, you are right, I often have wondered if the DA is supposed to be in charge like that. But I guess they have to give poor Margoo something to do, since all of her chem tests flopped.

    And Margoo showed up at DOD because Sonny called her, I think Sonny and everyone had agreed to let the cops handle things after a certain point, and I guess that Sonny wanted her to catch Skank in the act. But HOW did Skank get out, carrying Sam no less, and get to the lighthouse with Sonny and Jason downstairs?

    1. Exactly. Is there a back door, or a tunnel? LOL

  15. OK, I just HAD to share this. I had a HORRIBLE dream last night, where I was kidnapped and put out and then COVERED with tattoos. I just kept looking at the tattoos, they were horrible, a big GIANT red one on my stomach, and then others all over my legs and arms. This is doubly horrible for me, as Jews are not supposed to get tattoos. I spent a lot of time searching for who did this to me, then found some people (I think they were Russians), and girl and a guy, and the guy said that I had been demanding that he do something for me right away (whatever service he was providing), and that is why they did this I said that I have to get these tattoos removed, and he said that they are special tattoos that cannot be removed. I woke up soooo upset, and then, of course, realized that I had this stupid anxiety dream because of the stupid story with Sam, and I have hoping that she can get the tattoo removed. . . I knew that this SL was bothering me, I guess it really has been so upsetting to me . . .

    1. Sorry. AntJoan. It really is a disturbing story line for women.

  16. Ok hello Ryan and Ava and the gun

  17. Just shoot him Ava. Why do they always talk too much? She had a great chance to shoot him immediately.

    This Sam and Shiloh things is so, so horrible and stupid. Why wouldn't she just have a gun?

    1. She took the gun out after she got him to put the knife down. Then the show ended. Not Ava's fault she didn't shoot yet. Haha. I sure wouldn't shoot him with a knife on me. Just saying

  18. I hate Magoo Dawson. She needs to go.

    1. You'll have to get in line.

      Why don't they just hire Anna to be police chief and let her go back to our old Anna with a backbone. Or better yet, Robert. We need him doing more than propping up a love story.

  19. Exactly. Anna should be police chief again. She is on contract.

  20. Which hand did Ryan cut off?

  21. He put the knife down with the left hand.

  22. OK. He cut off his right hand. Must be left handed?

    1. Yes. That's why they were suspicious. If he'd lost his dominant hand that would have seemed more like an accident.he wouldn't cut that off to appear dead.


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