Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Give Me 15...

Looks like I'll be in 15 min or so late per  day.. Which means I could REWIND AND WATCH from the start. I'm weird tho--I like the "RealTIME"!!

Ava's in the PCPD with Scotty , He wants her to plead Temp Insanity... she says NOPE it's premeditated and she doesn't care.

Julian and Kim.. He finds out Ava was arrested, he leaves. He talks to Scotty and finds out she's pleading guilty. Not happy.

Later, Joss comes over and Kim gives her Oscar's guitar ....Drew comes and tells Joss they are going to spread Drew's ashes on Mt. Kilamonjaro .

Jordan and Curtis. He tells her that she had a cardiac episode and she needs the kidney. Monica says Ryan's out of surgery and not sure if he'll make it.  

Sam and Shiloh... she's yelling at him. He says whatever. you did everything willingly. Jason comes in with the tox report (Monica did that in like 3 seconds)! Shiloh said she drank it willingly. Jason says they have him on tape. Shiloh says it's attempted murder...Jason says See you in JAIL, pal... They want Kristina's pledge or they'll tell the cops. I HOPE this is a damn lie and they'll still turn him in??? 
He says he'll give up her pledge. They go to the lighthouse and Sam has ANOTHER DAMN FLASHBACK. Ugh If I have to watch Shiloh UNZIP THOSE PANTS on the daily I will HURL. 
They find the pledges..open MARGO"S (that's mean)..
PS. Didn't he record them???? SO???

Alexis,Neal and Krissy. In what should have been a decent scene of Kristina telling ALexis about the secret, they chopped it to BITS. I counted..THREE SECOND SCENES.  STUPID. IT took the whole hour to get Krissy to say "it's not about Dad"... 


  1. Sam wants Shank. Hospital scene made me want to scream. He is so disgusting...blahblahblah. Oh, let me help with your shirt...and zipper. Oy.
    Going to Mt.K to scatter Oscar. That is just plain weird, imo. Although Kim is good with Drew.
    Too many chopped up scenes. It really is annoying.
    Yes, the Ryan story will go on...and on, but it's okay because JL is such fun to watch.

    1. Ewww disagree. Not a Sam fan but she doesn't want Shiloh. After I was assaulted I had flashbacks. I sure as heck didn't want him.

    2. Outright, no she doesn't but something about him excites her...imo. And yes it is very EWWW.

  2. if the writers don't allow Jason and Sam to be happy, then ALL of the rumors I have read must be true - they hate each other. Jason is back for almost 4 freakin years and they had ONE night of happiness? Be parents - spend time with Jake again - Danny - let's let them be adults because------shhhhhh----the writers have dropped stupid mob storylines, and allowed Sonny and Carly to be adults.....
    are Kim and Drew FLYING over because they can't HIKE it!
    I hope Margeaux pledge is a good one that gets her outta there.

    1. the way steve burton took km's wrist today instead of her hand, I would say the rumors are true. I like her better with drew.

    2. They're flying over because Mount Kilimanjaro is in Tanzania, in Africa. I imagine they'll hike the mountain when they get there.

  3. Way too many chopped scenes. And why do they want Ryan to live? It's a simplier scenario if he dies.As his brother and only next of kin Kevin can give permission for the transplant. They just have to put the body on life support till they harvest it.

    I hope Jason told Monica about the previous test that Brad lied about.

    And now I guess Jason and Sonny will have something on Margot so that Sonny has her in his pocket. So darn predictable.

  4. Ryan? Lives? Hmmmm... where have I heard that before?

  5. The police station: Damn too bad they didn't reshow the stabbing and the wide eye look on Chase's face!!! :)

    Sava: Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: For crying out loud Ava!!


    Scotty: You matter to me. I am never ever going to give up on you Ava.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Julian and Ava: So glad Julian changed her mind!!!! :)

    Julian, Ava, and Scotty: YES!!! Let's get to work on getting her free!!! :)

    The hospital:

    Drew and Monica: Awwwww! Yes keep the plaque of Oscar Monica! Put it with the rest of the family in the crypt. :) Love that!

    Drew, Jason, and Monica: Yes! Listen to what Oscar wanted for you two to do!!! :) And let us see it happening! :)

    Jordan's room:

    Jurtis: Gee Curtis. What are you planning on doing? Stealing Ryan's organs?

    Outside King Mufasa's room:


    Sam: This was one of the hardest cons, that I ever had to run.

    *rolls eyes*

    King Mufasa's room:

    Sam and King Mufasa: Sam screaming to him that it's over and he lost *roll eyes*

    The lighthouse:


    "Karen says They go to the lighthouse and Sam has ANOTHER DAMN FLASHBACK. Ugh If I have to watch Shiloh UNZIP THOSE PANTS on the daily I will HURL."

    I hope they don't show that anymore!!!!! Gross. Wait why did they open Margoo's pledge? Why couldn't it had been Sam or Krissy's? Are they just going to take Sam's, Krissy's, and Margoo's pledge, and leave everyone else's!?!?!?!?! How selfish!!!

    CarlyKim's home:

    Julian and CarlyKim: Oh sure he went to jail, but it's no big deal. ROFL!

    CarlyKim and Joss: Awwww nice scene. :)

    CarlyKim, Joss, and Drew: Wait how come Joss isn't going to Killiminjaro (sp?) with them to spread the ashes? How come Julian isn't going too? Make no sense.

    CarlyKim and Drew: Hmmm Drew has his hands in his pockets. Are they going to kiss? :)

    Alexis's home:

    Dr. Neil, Alexis, and Krissy:

    "Karen says IT took the whole hour to get Krissy to say "it's not about Dad"..."

    Yeah! It was like pulling teeth!!!!!

    Sidnote: Tonight, at 8:00 the movie the lion king was on!!! ROFL!

  6. Just ugh, to the Sam flashbacks, I'm sick of it. I'm assuming now we will have smug Sam for the next week or 2 telling everyone how successful her "con" was. Double ugh. I just can't stand her, and the entire plaaaaaan was just too stupid for words.

    Loved Ava and Scottie, they are good together. They could be on every day and I would be happy. Gotta say, I don't care if Jordan gets a kidney or not. I have not taken to her being the new Jordan. Loved Joss and Kim, and that was a very fancy guitar!

    1. Yes, I also was thinking, take ALL of the pledges . . . Poor Joss, she had to shlep that GIANT guitar all over town. And WHERE WAS HER PURSE?? I have had a thing for years that the women on GH go around without purses . . .

    2. Alexis always has a purse but never Sam or Carly.

    3. this is my BIGGEST problem with 'sets'!!! Sam never has a freakin purse or car keys ----- Carly sometimes does but rarely.........and does everyone WALK somewhere - that is so unrealistic.....
      I keep forgetting - WHO is actually living in Carly's old house-Bobbie?

    4. No purse and the women walked outside all winter in heels. I get that they need their hands frr but GH should be doing some product placement with crossbody purses. Great way to bring in money and stay real.

    5. Oh I totally agree about the stilettos in winter. And in upstate NY for crying out loud. Makes me nuts!!

    6. They wear stilettos all the time because they are all so short! Sam would probably come up to Jason's waist without them.

    7. I have a purse but never carry it. Everything is in my cellphone. Convenience.

  7. sonya said...Jurtis: Gee Curtis. What are you planning on doing? Stealing Ryan's organs?

    *** Why not? Ryan took Faison's brain and kept it on his desk. lol

    I hate to say it but I don't care about Jordan either. The best thing about having her be sick is that we get to see TJ.

    1. I think that it was Kevin who took Faison's brain? . . . And, what ever happened with that?

    2. I do too but I wasn't sure because they said Ryan was there since before Laura got back. He was the one treating patients in Kevin's name.

  8. "Di says Why not? Ryan took Faison's brain and kept it on his desk. lol"

    Hahahahaha. Wait wasn't that Doc? :) Hmmm well if it was Ryan, then karma! :)

    "I hate to say it but I don't care about Jordan either. The best thing about having her be sick is that we get to see TJ."

    Yeah I don't care either. She still looks constipated. Love seeing TJ! :)


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...