Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sunday Surgery: Had A Ball

Shall We? 
What a week.. I am happy to say I loved almost every minute!! Yes, I did. From Monday's memorial to Friday's Nurses Ball, it was really a pleasure to tweet and blog. So, slap yourself and get ready to read a positive blog again this Sunday.
Scary, ain't it? 

Grab your champers and get reading! 


We Gather Together
Photo credit @NivFans 

Monday's show took me by surprise. I missed Friday's previews and I'm honestly glad I did. Sometimes it's just more interesting not to know what's coming.  The impromptu gathering that was initiated by Ned and Olivia was just perfect. Remember Oscar talking to them about it? Both Wally and Lisa were such great picks to do this. Ned with this Q connection and Olivia with her Bensonhurst heart, just melted mine. 

Oscar was not liked by many (twitter shredded him on the regular) but out in non-net land, he had his fans. A lot of people were just angry he really died, hoping for an 11th hour miracle. Nope--way too soapy not to let him live!  The memorial was packed with characters (about as many in a room as we get for the Nurses' Ball) and speeches that gave me the tears.  Note the placement of Joss--between Jax and Carly and Sonny at the end of the table. good touch. 

When Drew stood up I lost it. Billy Miller again delivered such a powerful  performance I had to reach for the Puffs Plus. I really cry-cried. 

Plaques Come Fast in Port Charles! Oscar's Meadow


Who are YOU wearing? 

Red Carpet: My favorite part! SQUEE!! Chandra was on as a therapist for Curtis, Stella and Jordan and now plays the NY Fashion editor for Crimson. She and Nina did a fun job interviewing the guests. 

Do you see what I see? 

Operation Kevin and Ava
  Scotty and Lucy had something up their sleeves to get Kevin and Ava apart: Try to get Doc in bed with Lucy and have Ava 'find' them via Scotty. Hilarity ensued. 


Sparks Fly: Oh! Nina and Jax!! What is this wonderful moment? Nina is absolutely awestruck at his handsome-ness. You know--this wouldn't have worked with just any character!! Nina is so emotional though and so flighty, you could just see it happen!! Michelle and Ingo were perfect and I an only hope it goes as well with the new lady steps in. 

BEST DRESSED: Chillow. I loved Willow's dress and Chase looked SO dapper!! 


SEXY TRIO:  Love the guys and Anna's draped dress? Gorge

Best Smiles:   Friz 


Gay Day at School:
The parents get together for a little informative talk about Gay Books in the classroom. This would be unusual here in WNY by the way. (In 1994 we had 2 gay couples having babies, gave shows for both and all the kids were invited with their parents! So joyful). It seems Willow put an inclusive book into the library and parents were upset. Nina actually explained the need for such books and did it in a great way. Unexpected for her, and Willow was impressed. Of course, Nina had to tell her she was an idiot anyway. LOL. Willow's principal then informed her she wouldn't be given a position next year. BYE! 

Ring Loss:
Robert loses Finn's engagement ring. Was it a Freudian Slip?? Hmmm.. anyway Mike finds it and uses it to propose to Yvonne. Robert tries to pull a switcher-roo but Finn explains it was a rare Monaco sapphire, which represents FAnna's early courtship. In one of those Three's Company type twists, Anna thinks Robert wants to propose to her and declares she never wants to marry again. With Hayden coming, all bets are off btw. 

Kidney Drama
Kevin is pre-diabetic due to his time as a captive--so we know that Ryan will probs be the donor. TJ has been TOTALLY missing again-- damn it. 


Canada Caper: All you really need to know is that Ryan killed the lady that was helping him, tied up Laura and Curtis and left the gas on. They escaped at the last minute and the house blew up. HOW DID HE TIE THEM WITH JUST ONE HAND THO?? 


Not My Fave shirt, either...

DOD Shank Sting:  Just kill him already, will ya? I mean, I like the actor but he should have been something Cassadine. 

Toronto Canada where it apparently snows in mid-May! 

Paxie Sex:  Gross.
You know I'm not a Peter fan but I do say this with neutrality: He and KS have No chem that I can see. I know they have their fans but ..eesh. 

Drew's speech at Oscar's memorial. Dear Lord but I needed a whole box of tissues. EESH.. The whole memorial was great, btw... all the speeches were written really well. Cam, Joss and Michael all spoke. 

TRUCE OF THE WEEK:   As per Oscar's request, Drew and Jason are going to build a tree house at the Qs together. I can only hope they go to an outdoor set and film it like a reality show. 


  THE RING!! Poor Robert. Missing in this photo--it's on Yvonne's finger now.

Ok!! That brings us to the end of this Sunday's blog. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed watching. I'm so happy Jax is on and Robert. They add that other 'something we need. I'm thinking once the Nina/Sasha story runs it's course, Valentin can go and Shiloh will hopefully be murdered in his sleep soon (I'm saying Daisy or Harmony does the dirty deed).  See you next week!! Wub Hub is working many hours so I'm not sure how much I'll be here (I say that every week, don't I??!) Have a good one. 

Photos thx to: @SoapJenn and @AgentScully 


  1. I think it was a great week too. Jax and Robert bring some lightness and fun (and charm and sexiness) to the show. Keep them on!!!!!!

    1. Totally agree! Robert is just so playful and of course I love Jax, always have.

  2. I had commented earlier in the week that Jax standing there in the moonlight holding the champagne was just PERFECT, so glad you used that to start the blog!

  3. Thanks for the great Sunday Surgery. Jax and Robert need to stay on the show. I agree with both Lindie and AntJoan's comments.

  4. Great SS...great week on GH.
    The only not so great thing, IMO is the ring story.
    The Nurses Ball...another grand event. Everyone looks so glam but Willow is perfection. The one question I have is why Monica has not gone to the NB in years. There are usually folks missing but Monica's absence is odd.
    Anyone else think Joss will show up?

    1. There was a picture on another soap site of Joss wearing a long,fancy,gold dress.It looked like she was in front of a microphone.I am not certain, of course,but it's possible she will show up to the ball& sing.
      The picture didn't look like any I have seen before of Joss,so we'll have to wait& see.

    2. I am sure that Joss will show up and sing Oscar's song. . .

    3. I don't want to sound rude but Leslie Charlerson has had surgeries for her hip I believe and maybe quite possibly she didn't want to attend. She'll be 75 in Feb.

    4. Not rude at all. That is possible but she hasn't been at the NB in years. She looks fab.

  5. I think Joss will sing too. She has a great voice. Plus, she will realize that is what Oscar would have wanted

  6. Willow has gorgeous skin but her hair was too bland for a ball---just boring....but she was pretty......just no glam........
    Michelle and Ingo would TRULY have been an amazing couple!!!
    I LOVE your point - HOW did Ryan tie them up with ONE hand???

    Dear Genie in a Bottle---------here are my three wishes
    shoot Ryan at the ball via Ava and then he is rushed to GH and his kidney goes to Jordan
    Kill Shiloh ASAP
    wrap up the stupid baby swap storyline...
    however in the real world I am wondering if Jordan WILL have a relative that just shows up...........

    1. There is no way they would have made so much about that song if it wasn't going to be sung in some dramatic scene.

      I thought that Willow looked TOTALLY glam . . .

    2. Maybe he used one one good hand and his mouth LOL!!! Kidding 😁

    3. I'm sure it will AntJoan. They need a real good tear jerker. That's it.

  7. Loved most of what you loved - Oscar stuff - and that Jax/Nina meeting scene. Here's my theory.. Jax, as he did w/ Brenda, will be there for Nina when she finds out that Sasha is not her daughter and Valentin destroys her yet again... BUT, again like Brenda, they'll have a grand courtship, but Val will be ever present a la Sonny. I loved the Jax/Brenda/Sonny triangle... I think I'd really like a Jax/Nina/Val triangle. Also think Jax is staying in town because of Valentin for business and personal reasons. It's obvious he doesn't like Val.

  8. Like Brenda re: Sonny - Nina won't be able to "quit" Valentin in the end.

  9. Excellent SS! I may be the only person unmoved by all the Oscar death stuff-just didn’t care about him and how wonderful he was offscreen of course. I loved the NB scenes-Jax was the most gorgeous of all. I didn’t like Becky’s dress or hair but thought all the others were great.

  10. Can't stand Nina, she needs to stand off. Haha!!

    1. Amen to that! Jax was perfection! :)

      I agree with others that is was a really good week, Willow looked fab, and I loved (!!!) the slower opening credits. I hope they keep it.

    2. I did notice that. Maybe they heard their fans!

  11. I am thinking that maybe they did a chem test somewhere for Jax and NuNina, as he likely will be her acting partner--or one of them.

  12. I forget, why did Nina and Franko break up? They don't even have scenes anymore or say hello

    1. They did say hello to each other the other day.

  13. They broke up because Nina wanted to start a family with Franco&he refused due to his history of "issues".He said he didn't want any kids of theirs to inherit them(or something like that).

  14. Thanks Shelley D. Now he has 3 of Liz's kids. They will probably have one of their own as well one of these days. Liz and Franco and it will be another history rewrite. LOL


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...