Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Krissy and Alexis.. even at 2:15 she hasn't told her!! AHAHHAA. She is alllllllmot telling her and then Sam comes in. She tells her that the DOD was a lie and she was just getting out the 'pledge" .
Krissy is mad "You made me feel like it was all my fault you were there and you lied to me"?
ARE WE GONNA SEE SAM'S TATTOO?? BECAUSE...that's a payoff I need. And are they going to get to the part where they audio recorded them?? I guess there was a flashdrive in there too. ?? So that's the audio?  Yep, that was the audio. She burns it. Alexis tells Sonny that the secret was about HER not HIM. 
I'm going to yell this so.....

JaSam go back to bitch at SHank. Jason tells him to cut a deal because "you messed with the wrong people".  I can't believe they'll let him live. That's just cray.  Margo comes in later to talk to him. She should have been in the cult story from the jump but she wasn't and I don't care.  So, she did the 'pledge" but didn't go thru the tattooing or rape thing? I guess not. ?? 

Jason gives Sonny the envelope on Margo-go. Her "pledge" --it's that she knew her mother had her father killed and destroyed evidence.  Which he knew but now he has it in writing? 

Michael and Willow--oh they'll probs leave him alive for the baby reveal? I hope maybe it's a murder mystery.  He tells her to use Diane as a lawyer. They hug. NINA sees them.  Michael leaves. Nina lays into Willow. Oh I really wish I could see how Michelle plays the moment Nina finds out Willow is her daughter!! 

Jason gives Willow back her pledge. AWWWW Someone better save Daisy! 

Maxie and Lulu have lunch. They need to be roomies. I think Jax bought Crimson because Maxie is bitching about the budget. 
Yep! At the end, Jax is in Crimson and Nina walks in and he says "Welcome the new Owner of Crimson" 


  1. Stupid 12 year old krissy is mad because Sam didn't tell her why she was there. Why would she tell someone who was brainwashed by the cult....numbskull!

    Oh I really wish I could see how Michelle plays the moment Nina finds out Willow is her daughter too!!

    1. "Stupid 12 year old krissy is mad because Sam didn't tell her why she was there."

      ROFL! You remind me of me. :)

      "Oh I really wish I could see how Michelle plays the moment Nina finds out Willow is her daughter too!!"

      GAH ME TOO! :(

    2. I can't wait til she finds out she's been played yet AGAIN by her beloved Val and "daughter"

  2. so will Krissy not ever tell ALexis what her pledge was? NOW what storyline will Krissy have?? and YES WHY IS MOLLY NOT THERE??????

  3. There was just one problem with Jason returning Willow's pledge to her. When Willow was in DOD she had a different name. How would Jason have known it was her pledge? Too bad; it was a nice touch.

    1. I was thinking about Willow pledge, with all the sheeze that went down at the nurses ball and Shiloh figuring out who she was and being Michael's uncle it's quite obvious.

  4. can someone please tell me why steve burton and kelly monaco are always front and center of GH? cause they both lack talent.

  5. How did they know it was Willow's pledge? What a mess they have made of a perfectly timed 'colt' story that could have gone on and evolved very interestingly. All because of two actors that have NO chemistry? Those scenes with Krissy & Alexis...15 seconds each. Yes of course Molly should be part of this. Wouldn't we expect her to 'visit' Shank in the hospital...after all she exposed the 'colt'.

    1. I'll be glad when the cult storyline is over. 😁

    2. Ya know - I've been curious about the whole "colt" thing. So I googled the only colt I've heard of - Blue Oyster Colt - it turns out it's not about a horny, young blue horse - but it's actually a cult (with a "u") - which is a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, whereas colt is a young male horse. Hope this clears this up for everyone. Lol. Sorry

    3. to michelle P: I'm guessing next february.

  6. Carson home: WHAT?!?!?!! Carson ate in the kitchen and we didn't get to see it?!!?!?! :( I want to see the kitchen. :(

    Carson and Jax: Jax wants peace with Sonny all for his daughter! Awwww! :) You can see the hatred on Sonny's face! HAHAHAHAHA! Come on Sonny I'm waiting for you to call Jax, candyboy! What are you waiting for? :)

    Carson: Sonny just does NOT want Jax to live near him!!!! Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: But out of every place places in Port Charles, He is going to be living next door.


    Sason: Oh come on Jason!!! Seriously!?!!?! Giving Sonny, Margoo's pledge? You are such a jerk. Leave her alone!!!!

    Jarly: Hahaha. Carly wants Jasam to be together now. :) She won't quit! ROFL!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Sasha and Nina: Geez Nina. Do you have a crush on Michael? With all your whining about Willow and Michael together.. Sasha and Michael are NOT a couple!! They are not even dating! Listen to Sasha!! Give Willow the benefit of the doubt!!

    Sasha and Michael: *Yawn*

    School/Willow's room:

    Willow and Michael: Awwww a nice friendly hug.. :) Oh boy Nina had to watch them.

    Willow and Nina: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! You can feel the hate between them! Oh I can't wait until they find out they are mother and daughter. When is that going to happen? :)

    Jason and Willow: OH MY!!! YOUR PLEDGE!!!!! You are free Willow!!!!! :)

    Alexis's home:

    Sam, Alexis, and Krissy: Oh sure! Just burn the pledge and don't tell your mother what you wrote about her. That's fun. Wait Sam torched the other pledges?!!?!? Well I'll be a monkees uncle! :) I'm glad Sam and Jason aren't selfish.

    Sexis: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Krissy and Sonny: Awwwwwwwwwwwww! :)


    Maxie and Lulu:

    Karen says They need to be roomies.

    YEAH THEY DO! :) Lulu have you apologized to BobTodd yet?

    Nina and Jax: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! You don't know how badly I want to call them by their squish name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jax is the new owner!!!! Will he change the name of the business?

    1. Lulu have you apologized to BobTodd yet? Thanks Sonya for the weekly reminder of the apology to Franco parade that we haven't seen yet. Lol! :)

    2. "Thanks Sonya for the weekly reminder of the apology to Franco parade that we haven't seen yet. Lol! :)"

      Hahahaha. You're welcome. :)

  7. Oh forgot one thing.

    Sonny and Sam: Damn when they hugged, it made me think of when they used to be together.. :)

    1. "Michelle P says Haha me too!!!"

      Hahaha. Glad we thought the same thing! :)

  8. Why is Willow always in an empty classroom?

  9. Oh my GOD Jax Please slap Nina! I am so sick of her! I wonder if it's just the actress? Glad Jason Willow got her pledge back. Speaking of slapping people, Jason needs to slap Carly. I wish she'd leave him alone!

    1. I have a whole list of people that need to slap Nina, tell Jax to get in line, lol! And I honestly don't know if it's the character or Stafford, but Neener ranks right up there with good old Sam on characters I detest. I guess we'll soon see when new Neener shows up.

  10. Who owned Crimson before Jax, since it appears he's bought it.

    1. Was it Drew,since Crimson was part of Aurora Media?
      And Julian prior to that?

    2. Oh yeh. Jules before then Drew. Thanks Shelley D!

  11. I also want discussion and a view of Sam's tattoo. Also in total agreement that Molly should have been on yesterday, and getting in everybody's face about the colt.

    I adore Jax but not with Neener, and I don't care which actress it is.

    Totally lost all respect for Jason when he gave Sonny Magoo's pledge. That was just a dirty low-down thing to do.

    1. I never had respect for jason is a hitman who killed Alcazar.

    2. Oh dear, forgot all about the Alcazar mess. I agree witch! :)


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...