Tuesday, April 30, 2019

OUT of OFFICE--Facebook Live!

End of the Month...big meeting as well. I'll miss the show today so entertain yourselves!! There's a huge FB Event today-- This is the photo from yesterday with all the actors participating! 


  1. I enjoyed today. Drew and Franco were great. I'm still curious about the woman. Hayden maybe? Be the perfect time to bring her back, Finn is probably gonna propose to Anna and he did ask Liz about her. Next scene was junkie and Curtis. So.....

    1. Loved when Drew laughed out loud with Franco, when Franco offered to talk less. It felt real.

  2. Yes, Motivational Interviewing is a real modality, and a very good one!! Guess they are consulting with some real mental health professionals!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Canada:

    Curtis and Homeless man: Hmmm the homeless man doesn't know the name of the woman.. I still think Ryan was dressed as a woman. :)

    The hospital: Finchy called and left a message to Robert about the ring! Robert still hasn't given him the ring yet! ROFL! Well we all know why! Cus Robert still loves Anna!!!!!

    Finchy and Liz: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?! Finchy asking about RayRay?!!?!?! Oh because he wants to tell her something. Yeah yeah I bet to tell her he is going to ask Anna to marry him. But why tell RayRay? They are not together anymore. She is long gone! Makes no sense.

    Jordan's room:

    Jurtis and Stella: So glad Jordan called Curtis!!!! So glad Stella is there too! :)


    Chase and Val: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis, Sonny, Chase, and Val: WOW! This was so boring!!!! Val makes any scene boring! Chase and Val are gonna watch Alexis like a hawk?!?!

    Sexis and Neil: Sonny is like no don't see your daughter you are going to be followed! I won't be followed cus I can evade the police. ROFL! Neil wants Alexis to go see her daughter.

    Alexis and Neil: Neil thinks that he and Sonny are both right!!! Poor Alexis. What to do?!?!?! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant: Part 1 of the interview with Ava has begun!! I wish they would just bring Lucy in on this!!! Glad Doc learned his lesson!

    Val and Chase: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Q home:

    Drew and BobTodd: Oh great scene between them!!! They are bonding. BobTodd is trying to be there for Drew! He think he is messing up!!! :) He called Drew his brother awwww! :) Love the painting for Oscar! It's beautiful!!!!! BobTodd wins the lines of the day.

    About getting lost in the huge house, and

    BobTodd: I am going to drop this off and then run away.


    Colt house: Oh come on seriously?!!?!??!! Sam got so distracted by her own file, she forgot to check out Krissy's? Yeah, no I don't think so. I don't buy it for a minute!

    Milo, King Mufasa, and Sam: Sam now is being all flirty with King Mufasa! Milo wants to go out to lunch that Sam promised.

    The park:

    Sam, Milo, and Sonny: Or wherever they are. Sam wants to do whatever it takes! Soooo does that mean sleep with King Mufasa?

    1. Colt house - hahahahaha - too funny - you get a feather in your cap - lol

    2. I agree Sonya, the scenes between Franco and Drew were really good. Drew was getting all teary eyed, and I loved the painting too! Sam is such a useless martyr. Blech!!

      I'm with Johnny, Colt House....hahahahahahah!!!

    3. Well, Sam has slept with millions of men with all of her cons, and they were old. At least Shiloh is young and handsome, even though he is hateful and horrible. I know that Sam is now in love with Jason and has supposedly become a better person, though, so I don't think she will sleep with Shiloh.

      It was stupid that she became distracted by her own file, but of course that would be a natural thing. Of course, one would hope that a PI would do better, though.

    4. "Johnny 265120 Colt house - hahahahaha - too funny - you get a feather in your cap - lol"

      Hahahahaha. I give all the credit to Molly. :)

      "Julie H I agree Sonya, the scenes between Franco and Drew were really good."

      Yeah!!! I love that when BobTodd stood up because he thought he screwed up, that Drew told him to sit down! ROFL!

      "Julie H says I'm with Johnny, Colt House....hahahahahahah!!!"


      "AntJoan says It was stupid that she became distracted by her own file, but of course that would be a natural thing. Of course, one would hope that a PI would do better, though."

      Exactly AntJoan!!! She is a PI! She should know better!! She isn't new being a PI! She has been one for years.. Glad she admitted she screwed up!


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...