Thursday, April 11, 2019


WELL...Twitter is exploding!!  So apparently, Cynthia Watros is something of a big deal actress who was on The Guiding Light, Titus and Lost. I don't know her, or her work so I can't say. Everyone who DOES know her is happier than hell. 
So.. buckle up I guess!! 
NOTE: Thought it was a given but yes, she's a NINA recast. 


  1. LIBBY!!! One of the most screwed over characters on the show!

    In all seriousness, she is a good actress.

    1. Yeah Matthew!!!!!!! Speak the truth!!!! Us fans were also screwed over on the series finale of Lost too. :(

    2. Yes, ITA, I faithfully watched Lost to the end, telling myself that they promised they would tie it all together at the end, although it became more and more clear that this would be impossible. And, in the end, it was a giant clusterf**k!

    3. Oh yeah, the ending of Lost made me sooooo angry, and I watched every episode! And loved the actress on the show. However, if Nina left and never came back, I would be really fine with that! Lol!

  2. Yeah I heard!!! Not only was she on lost, she was also on the Drew Carey show! :) Welcome to GH Cynthia!!!

  3. Replies
    1. I hope not, Nina just needs to go away. Not familiar with the actress, although I did watch Lost.

    2. Was hoping she wouldn't be recast either but if she is going to be a Nina recast I could see her making it work.

  4. Oh this is so good!! I loved her as Kelly on The Drew Carey show! She was cast as the new Kate of sorts after Kate married and left. Those were big shoes to fill and she did it well! She was also good on Lost which proves how talented she is. The two shows are polar opposite and she did great on both! I saw her on ab epi of The Closer too and again she was great. So,cool beans!!

  5. GH should have ended the "Nina" character and created a new one for Cynthia Watros. "Nina" is a bust. Watros deserves better.

  6. Great choice. I think she'll both knock it out of the park and maybe will be a bit less annoying.

  7. I remember her from GL and the Drew Carey Show--she's a good actress

  8. Good choice and I liked her on Lost. She was on something else that I can't remember. Maybe we can get a kinder,gentler Nina.

    1. Ck her out on IMDB. It lists everything she's done.


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